
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: sko TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Past: bskos TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Future: bsko TD, LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: skos TD, LZ, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Voluntary:TD, ND, DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive:DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.] (Hackett 2003).
Characteristic Example: dpon gyog sogs TD.las sne sogs LZ.rgyal sar ND.
Meaning: To select; to appoint, nominate, commission, charge CD. To appoint DK. For leaders or people to give responsibility to a person for a task DS. To appoint. 2. To be determined by the power of past deeds TC.
Note:(Uray 1972: 19) connects this verb with mkhos /khos /khod 'institution, administration, settlement of the state' along with the verbs, 'khod , and 'god.


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