
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: skyil LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Past: bskyild LZ. ND, DK.bskyil CD, DS, TC.
Future: bskyil LZ, CD, ND, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: skyild LZ, ND, DK. skyil DS, TC.
Voluntary: ND, DS, TC.
Transitive:DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.] (Hackett 2003).
Causative of: 'khyil (Chang 1971: v.3) (Gyurme 1992: 259), (Beyer 1992: 116).
Characteristic Example: mtsho dnag chu sogs LZ.chu sogs ND.
Meaning: 1. To pen up, shut up; to dam up a river. 2. (Ja) to bend, especially the legs when sitting on the ground after the oriental fashion. To bend in another's leg by a kick from behind; to bend the bow CD. To dam; to store DK. 1. To dam up, to pen up, contain. 2. To keep TC.


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