
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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Present: snyon LZ, CD, DK, DS, TC.
Past: bsnyond LZ, DK. bsnyon CD, DS, TC.
Future: bsnyon LZ, CD, DK, DS, TC.
Imperative: snyond LZ, DK. snyon DS, TC.
Voluntary: DS, TC.
Transitive: DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.](Hackett 2003).
Characteristic Example: tshig don sogs la LZ.
Meaning: To deny, disavow (dishonestly) CD. To make a false charge, accuse without basis DK. To make (someone) obey a command, using force DS. To make a false statement, to dissimulate, to contradict deceitfully TC.


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