- stor
Present: stor DK,DS, TC.
Past: bstord DK. bstar DS, TC.
Future: bstor DK. bstar DS, TC.
Imperative: stord DK.stor DS, TC.
Voluntary: DS, TC, (Hoshi 2003).
Transitive: DS, TC.
Syntax: [Erg. Abs.](Hackett 2003).
Causative of: 'thor (Duff).
Meaning: To destroy, crush DK. To join together with rope or twine and bring together DS. 1. To break, scatter, disperse. 2. To clean TC.
Note: perhaps not to be divided from star.Present: stor CD, ND, DS, TC.
Past: stord ND. stor [DS], TC.
Future: stor ND, [DS], TC.
Imperative: stord ND. - ND, TC.
Voluntary: ND. Involuntary: ND, TC.
Transitive: DS. Intransitive: TC.
Characteristic Example: bor ba'i ND.
Meaning: To go astray, to be lost CD. To leave behind DS. To leave behind, loose TC.
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