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rdo rje sems dpa'



1| , [vajra-being], state of commitment to what is indestructible [phyag gyas rdo rje snying khar gsor zhing, gyon pas dril bu dku la brten pa, zhabs gnyis skyil mo krung gis bzhugs pa, sku mdog dkar gsal zla ba'i mdog can gyi yi dam rigs brgya'i khyab bdag TSE. IW

2| ; [expl. of outer, inner and innermost levels of practice, Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 70 & 163]. RY

3| . A sambhogakaya buddha who embodies all of the five or hundred buddha families. He is also a support for purification practices. RY

4| , vajra being, vajra master, adibuddha for bka' rgyud pa, SA sku rdo rje rnal 'byor, ye shes rdo rje rnal 'byor, gsung rdo rje rnal 'byor, (state of commitment to what is indestructible), eternal & unchangeable being, 1 of snga 'gyur lnga, commitment to that which is indestructible. JV

5| , [vajra-being]. state of commitment to what is indestructible. courageous vajra mind. RY

6| - (rdo rje sems dpa') - (rdor sems). A sambhogakaya buddha who embodies all of the five or hundred buddha families. He is also a support for purification practices.