ang yig
This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use within the GoldenDict application. If you are using GoldenDict, please either download and import the rydic2003 file from DigitalTibetan (WayBack Machine version as the site was shut down in November 2021).
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request, exhortation, admonition [RY]
1) count/ # of something; 2) prefix/ suffix consonant etc., w original not written but a # substituted [IW]
1) the count of something; 2) prefix or suffix letters etc consonant, where the origial is not written but a number substituted)/ [one two three four five six 7 8 ka kha ga nga ca cha ja nya 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ta tha da na pa pha ba ma 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 tsa tsa dza wa zha za ' ya 25 26 27 28 29 30 ra la sha sa ha a (28(1324i:spyi, (18o.3.28:Tsogs, (25i.4: Ring, (26u.3.28:Lugs] [IW]
numeral figure [JV]
O, # [IW]