bdud rtsi spro
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moon [JV]
1) emitting amrita; 2) moon; 3) [for a] month[ly] [R zla thog lo bzhag lo khar zla mthud]; 3) a count of not more than a month; 4) semen [R] [IW]
1) emitting amrita; 2) moon; 3) [for a] month[ly]; 3) a count of not more than a month; 4) semen [IW]
emitting amrita [met) 1) moon 2) month [the waxing and waning period of the month of 15 days each make up a month, conventionally said to be 30 days = tshes zla, vs solar month nyin zla and siderial khyim zla, which are slightly different] //monthly, for a month,// zla thog lo bzhag lo khar zla mthud,//3) the moon as one of the planets 4) (met) a count of not more than a month 5) semen [syn: bde 'byung gtsug rgyan, nam mkha'i rna ba, pad ma'i dgra, mun 'joms, dbang phyug gtsug rgyan, tshes bdag mtshan mo'i bdag po, mtshan mo'i nor bu, mtshan mor byed, 'od dkar can, ri dvags mtshan ma, ri bong can, ri bong 'dzin, shar gyi thig le, bsil byed, bsil sbyin mkhan, bsil zer can] [IW]