characteristics of a disciple
The Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo root text says:
...Of the disciple who has faith, renunciation, and compassion,
And who has sharp faculties, intelligence, and discipline.
To what kind of disciple should a qualified master...give the instructions? It is said:
Impart to one with faith, diligence, and discipline.
The Guhyagarbha Tantra instructs:
Teach the worthy one of excellent character.
Give to the one who can surrender body and possessions. LW1, pg. 91-92
"A worthy recipient is someone who respects their master with great faith, takes delight in Dharma practice with great diligence, has sharp mental faculties with great intelligence, and is able to keep the secrecy of the samayas. The teachings should be given to a person whose temper is steady, like the flow of a river, whose character is precise like spiritual practice, whose intentions are excellent like gold, whose mind is stable like a mountain, and who is able to surrender their body and possessions to the Dharma and one's master." (note #211, LW1, pg. 257. (JOKYAB) (RY)