dam bca' lhag bcas kyi sgra

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tshig previously vowed snga ma dam bcas pa de'i gsal byed dam, sgrub byed du tshig phyi ma clarifying or practicing later words 'dren pa'i lhag bcas ??? kyi sgra 'di'i nang la divisions: [dbye ba 'dren pa, gtan tshigs 'dren pa, nges tshig 'dren pa, rgyas bshad 'dren pa] 'Phags pa'i bden pa bzhi [sdug bsngal ba dang, kun 'byung ba, 'gog pa dang, lam gyi bden pa] Dka' tshegs gang yin kyang sel thub ste, hur brtson chen po byed pa'i phyir,...buddha, awakening from the sleep of ignorance &, expanding blo gros of knowables Rgyal sras kyi spyod pa: the six or 10 paramitas [IW]