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8 logos deities, 8 principal mahayoga yidams ('jam dpal gshin rje shed, pad ma gsung or rta mgrin, yang dag heruka, bdud rtsi yon tan, rdo rje phur ba or ma mo rbod gtong, 'jig rten dregs pa, dregs sngags dmod pa, che mchog heruka combines the first five; rig 'dzin bla ma and spyil dril snying po are mentioned sometimes sadhanas of 8 great mandalas (yamantaka, hayagriva, vajraheruka, bdud rtsi che mchog, rdo rje phur ba, ma mo rbod gtong, 'jigs rten mchod bstod, dmod pa drag sngags), 8 great orders of mandalas, Sadhana practices of the Eight Herukas. [JV]

Eight Sadhana Teachings. Eight chief yidam deities of Mahayoga and their corresponding tantras and sadhanas: Manjushri Body, Lotus Speech, Vishuddha Mind, Nectar Quality, Kilaya Activity, Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities, Maledictory Fierce Mantra, and Mundane Worship. Often the name refers to a single practice involving complex mandalas with numerous deities [RY]

Eight heruka sadhanas; 'jam dpal gshin rje shed; pad ma gsung; yang dag thugs; rdo rje phur ba; bdud rtsi yon tan; ma mo rbod gtong; 'jig rten mchod bstod; and dmod pa drag sngags. RY

8 heruka sadhanas, 8 great orders of mandalas, the 8 logos sadhanas/ heruka practices [Ultimate yidams of the Nyingma tradition. 1) 'jam dpal sku 2) pad ma gsung 3) yang dag thugs 4) bdud rtsi yon tan 5) rdo rje phur ba 6) dmod pa drag sngags 7) ma mo rbod gtong 8) 'jig rten mchod bstod. IW

8 heruka sadhanas, 8 great orders of mandalas, the 8 logos sadhanas/ heruka practices [IW]

(deities of) Eight Commands of Sadhana Practice Cycle. [RB]

Eight Sadhana Teachings; the sadhana practices of the Eight Herukas; Eight heruka sadhanas, eight great orders of Mandalas, the Eight Logos Sadhanas / Heruka Practices. Ultimate yidams of the Nyingma tradition. 1) 'jam dpal sku. 2) pad ma gsung 3) yang dag thugs 4) bdud rtsi yon tan 5) rdo rje phur ba 6) dmod pa drag sngags 7) ma mo rbod gtong 8) 'jig rten mchod bstod; Eight Great Orders of Mandalas; (deities of) Eight Commands of Sadhana Practice Cycle. [RY]

eight classes of Herukas [RY]