khyad par gzhan spong gi sgra

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phrase's excluding what is other and different [expresing sgra gang zhig rang gis zin par brjod pa'i sgras brjod bya'i khyad chos gzhan rnams rang gi brjod byar spangs pa'i sgo nas ston pa ste, khyad chos ston pa'i sgra, eg "sgra'i mi rtag pa" zhes pa lta bu sgra'i khyad par du [[khyad par gzhan mi spong ba'i sgra - phrase not abandoning what is other and different [[khyad par gzhan [rjod byed kyi sgra gang zhig rang gis zin par brjod pa'i sgras brjod bya'i khyad chos gzha nrnams rang gi brjod byar ma spangs pa'i sgo nas ston pa ste khyad gzhi ston pa'i sgra, eg "sgra mi rtag pa" sgra rang nyid mi rtag pa yin par ston pa las khyad par gzhan mi spong ba'o one doesn't necessarily abandon permanent etc] [IW]

phrase's excluding what is other and different [IW]