mkhas grub rgya mtsho
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Khedrup gyatso, (1838-1855), the 11th dalai lama [rab byung bcu bzhi pa'i sa khyi lor khams mgar thar du 'khrungs, chu stag lor gser bum dkrugs te t' la'i bla ma'i yang srid du ngos 'dzin gyis gser khri'i thog tu gdan 'dren zhus, shing yos lor 'jam dbyangs gong ma zhan phung gi bka' 'brel rgyal srid chos srid bzhes, lo de nyid du 'das, [IW]
Khedrup Gyatso [IW]
Khedrub Gyatso, [1838-1855], the 11th Dalai Lama [RY]
Khedrup Gyatso [1838-1855), 11th dalai lama [R] [IW]