mtsho byang
This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use within the GoldenDict application. If you are using GoldenDict, please either download and import the rydic2003 file from DigitalTibetan (WayBack Machine version as the site was shut down in November 2021).
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region [bod rigs rang skyong khul - mtsho sngon zhing chen khongs kyi mtsho sngon po'i byang phyogs su yod pas ming de ltar btags, 1953 lo'i zla ba 12 tshes 31 nyin rang skyong sa khongs btsugs shing, 1955 lor rang skyong khul du bsgyur, de'i khongs su ha'e yan dang, rkang tsha, chi len, mong yon hu'e rigs rang skyong rdzong bcas rdzong bzhi yod, rang skyong khul mi dmangs srid gzhung de mong yon hu'e rigs rang skyong rdzong khongs kyi ha'o mon kren du yod,... [IW]
mtsho byang region [IW]