rdzogs chen dgon pa
This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site http://rywiki.tsadra.org/, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use within the GoldenDict application. If you are using GoldenDict, please either download and import the rydic2003 file from DigitalTibetan (WayBack Machine version as the site was shut down in November 2021).
Or go directly to http://rywiki.tsadra.org/ for more upcoming features.
khams rdzogs chen dgon pa ao rgyan bsam gtan chos gling [IW]
khams rdzogs chen dgon pa ao rgyan bsam gtan chos gling [rnying ma'i dgon pa skad grags can de khams sde dge'i sa char rab byung bcu gcig pa'i shing mo glang gi lor grub dbang padma rig 'dzin gyis phyag btab, rdzogs chen shr'i sengha zhes par gzhung chen bcu gsum rgya gzhung thog nas 'chad nyan mdzad pa'i bshad grva'i rgyun btsugs te mdo sngags rig gnas bcas shin tu dar, 'ju mi pham dang, dpal sprul sogs mkhas grub kyi skyes bu mang du byon [IW]