rgyal dbang
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powerful Victorious One [RY]
victorious lord [JV]
1) title used for the highest Lamas of Tibet, hierarch of a school [especially the Kagy� lineage], literally, king of the jinas / victorious ones, the King of the Victorious Ones; Karmapa [RY]
gyalwang, king of the victorious ones [title for the highest Lamas, hierarch of a school [especially the kagyu" lineage), literally king of the jinas/ victorious ones, the king of the victorious ones; karmapa chief of buddhas who have conquered the maras, bla ma che khag re gnyis kyi mtshan bstod la'ang de ltar brjod srol yod [IW]
gyalwang, king of the victorious 1s [r] [IW]
Gyalwang. 'King of Victorious Ones.' The title of H.H. Karmapa [RY]
victorious lord, Dalai Lama [JV]
Victorious Master [Erick Tsiknopoulos]