snang ba yul gyi gnad gsum
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three essentials of objective appearance [IW]
three essentials of objective appearance [according to the path of all-surpassing realisation According to longcenpa, treasury of the supreme vehicle, vol 2, p 282, these are the essential which intensifies the appearance of awareness, pure as it is, by focusing on the outer object which is like the vanishing of clouds in the sky phyi'i yul nam mkha' sprin dengs la gtod pas rig pa rang sa sangs phyed la snang ba'i 'bel myur the essential which connects w the mother and offspring inner radiance by focusing on the inner object which is the light of the expanse nang gi yul dbyings kyi sgron ma la gtad pas 'od gsal ma bu 'brel and the essential which clarifies the primordially pure intention wherein all things have ceased, just as it is, by focusing on the secret object which is awareness just as it is gsangs ba'i yul rig pa rang sa la gtad pas ka dag chos zad kyi dgongs pa rang sa na gsal ba'i gnad [gd] [IW]