spo ba gsum

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the three kinds of removal spro ba mthol bshags kyi phyir bcos byed tshul gsum gyi nang gses, spyod pa gzhan na gnas pa spo ba spyod pa la, lhag ltung 'chab med [not kept secret] ni dge slong gi mdun du bshags la dngos gzhi 'dag byed du mgu ba spyod la de dbyung chog cing, lhag ltung bcabs pa'i nyes pa dang ldan pa'i dge slong la, bcabs nyes 'dag ched bcabs pa'i zhag grangs dang mthun par dge 'dun gyi gyog byed pa'i chad las gsol bzhi'i las kyis sbyin par byed pa spo ba dang spo ba byed bzhin par rigs 'dra'i lhag ma gnyis pa byung na sngar ltar sbyin par byed pa gzhi nas spo ba dang, gsum pa byung na sngar ltar slar yang gzhi nas spo ba ste gsum mo, gal te bzhi pa byung na smad pa nan tur bya ba'o] [IW]