theg pa rnam pa gnyis
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the two vehicles/ yanas [IW]
1) mtshan nyid rgyu yi theg pa. 2) 'bras bu rdo rje theg pa [RY]
the two vehicles [1) mtshan nyid rgyu yi theg pa. 2) 'bras bu rdo rje theg pa [IW]
The Twofold Vehicle, the two types of vehicles. 'The Onefold Vehicle'. Those of the śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas. The fact that the bodhisattva vehicle is not included here in these terms, frequently employed and originally found in the Lotus Sūtra, implies that the true nature of the bodhisattvayāna is indeed the ekayāna. In other words, the One Vehicle is the true Mahāyāna vehicle. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]