thos bsam sgom gsum
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hearing contemplating and meditating; 1) thos pas sgro 'dogs bcad pa. 2) bsam pas rnam par nges pa 3) sgom pas gtan la dbab pa. learing, contemplating and meditationg, study, examination and mediation. . [tserig]. gzhan las nyan pa dang thos pa las shes par byed pa ni thos pa dang, thos pa'i don de rang gis lung dang rid pas tshul bzhin du bsams te rang stobs kyis nges par byed pa ni bsam pa dang, de ltar thos bsam gyis nges par byas te the tsom dang bral ba na yang dang yang du 'dris par byed pa ni sgom pa bcas gsum mo [IW]
learning, reflection and meditation. 'Learning' means receiving oral teachings and studying scriptures in order to clear away ignorance and wrong views. 'Reflection' is to eradicate uncertainty and misunderstanding through carefully thinking over the subject. 'Meditation' means to gain direct insight through applying the teachings in one's personal experience [RY]
hearing/ learning/ study, contemplating/ examination, and meditating [IW]
learning, reflection and meditation, study, reflection & meditation [JV]
hearing/ learning/ study, contemplating/ examination, and meditating [1) thos pas sgro 'dogs bcad pa. 2) bsam pas rnam par nges pa.; 3) sgom pas gtan la dbab pa. [tse]. gzhan las nyan pa dang thos pa las shes par byed pa ni thos pa dang, thos pa'i don de rang gis lung dang rid pas tshul bzhin du bsams te rang stobs kyis nges par byed pa ni bsam pa dang, de ltar thos bsam gyis nges par byas te the tsom dang bral ba na yang dang yang du 'dris par byed pa ni sgom pa bcas gsum mo] [IW]
Learning, reflection and meditation. 'Learning' means receiving oral teachings and studying scriptures in order to clear away ignorance and wrong views. 'Reflection' is to eradicate uncertainty and misunderstanding through carefully thinking over the subject. 'Meditation' means to gain direct insight through applying the teachings in one's personal experience [RY]
1) thos pas sgro 'dogs bcad pa. 2) bsam pas rnam par nges pa 3) sgom pas gtan la dbab pa learning, contemplating and meditation, study, examination and mediation [RY]