Three Roots

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bla sgrub - Guru Practices, guru sadhana. A development stage practice focusing on the guru aspect of the Three Roots [RY]

rtsa ba gsum - Three Roots. guru {bla ma} meditational deity {yi dam} or devata. and dakini {mkha 'gro ma}. Three Roots [RY]

rtsa ba gsum - Three Roots [RB]

rtsa ba gsum - Three Roots; [detailed expl., The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 2, page 64] [RY]

rtsa ba gsum - Three Roots. Guru, Yidam and Dakini. The Guru is the root of blessings, the Yidam of accomplishment, and the Dakini of activity [RY]

rtsa gsum bka' 'dus kyi sgrub lugs - sadhana style embodying the teachings of the Three Roots [RY]

rtsa gsum sgril sgrub - Tsasum Drildrub, the Combined Sadhana of the Three Roots; yangter by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo [RY]

rtsa gsum gtor ma - Three Roots Torma [RY]