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Getse Jigme Ngotsar
dge rtse'i 'jigs med ngo mtshar
Jigme Ngotsar Gyatso
'jigs med ngo mtshar rgya mtsho

Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gyamtso

Short Biography

Getse Lama Jigme Ngotsar Gyatso (b.1788 - d.1851), the enlightened yogi who founded the Kilung Monastery in the 18th century. Jigme Ngotsar is important in the Nyingma Longchen Nyingtik lineage. He was one of the renowned Jigme Namzhi, "The Four Jigmes” who were the principal disciples and “Heart Sons” of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa, a most revered Nyingma teacher of the last 600 years.

Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa instructed Jigme Ngotsar to establish a monastery in his homeland of Dzachuka, East Tibet. With the patronage of the King of Derge, Jigme Ngotsar, as the royal family’s chief spiritual advisor and lama, raised a great monastery. This included a main temple (still standing), a thriving monastic college with several hundred monks, a separate center for long-term retreat, and a nearby nunnery.

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Other Reference Sources

  • The Treasury of Lives Link[1]

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