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[[smin mtshams nas sprul pa'i dge slong a kar ma ti zhes bya bar sprul]] manifested a monk named Akarmati from between his eyebrows [RY]
envoys [JV]
magical creation, emanation, [nirmita]; phantom; divinely emanated artisan; apparitional, magically created appearance, apparition, manifestation, incarnation, emanated, incarnated, rebirth, miraculous, emanating, emanation disciples, incarnate, incarnated, created [magical forms] [RY]
magical emanation, incarnation; Syn [[dngos snang, rnam 'phrul, sgyu 'phrul, dngos byon, yang sprul, rol gar, rtsal snang, mi yi gzugs su byon pa]] [RY]
[magical] apparition[al], magically creat[ed appearance], manifest[ation], emanation[ed] [disciples], incarnation[ed][ate], phantom, rebirth, mirac[le][ulous], tulku, nirmanakaya [IW]
a nirmanakaya manifestation [RY]
apparition, emanation, cause illusions, make magic, create phantoms, appear to change, transform one's self, disembodied spirit, bardo ghost, miracle worker, activate apparitions, miraculous creation, incarnate, miraculous, specification, an incarnation, emanation, miraculous emanations [JV]
taken the form of x [[bya'i rgyal po ngang pa zhig tu sprul nas]] - had taken the form of a swan, the king of birds [RY]
transformed x [[sems lhag can yi ge hum du bsdus nas sprul pa la ngang pa bzhir sprul]] had turned Adhicitta into a syllable HUM and had then transformed himself into four swans [RY]
emanation x [[sangs rgyas kyi sprul pa zhig 'byung ngam gsungs]] �Does this presage to coming of an emanation of the Buddha?" he asked [RY]
emanation; phantom [RB]
incarnation [RY]
manifestation x [[gsang bdag gi sprul pa]] manifestation of the Lord of Secrets [RY]

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Revision as of 11:53, 28 December 2005

envoys [JV]