khoṭaka (5541)

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|bhs-entry=<k1>Kowaka<k2>Kowaka<br><b>khoṭaka</b>¦ (see also <b>kṣoḍaka</b>), <b>khoḍaka, (kholaka ?)</b>, m. (or nt.; perh. cf. AMg. khoḍa, <i>log of wood ?</i> JM. khoḍī, <i>box ?</i> or Deśī khoḍa(ga), <i>peg, nail?</i>), some part or append- age of a wall or rampart; acc. to pw 7.336 <i>coping</i> of a wall, a mg. said to be that of Skt. Lex. khoḍaka-śīrṣaka; in Mvy 5529 text erroneously koḍhakaḥ, but vv.ll. khoṭ°, khoḍ°, one of which must be read; Mironov khoṭakaḥ, v.l. khoḍh°; Tib. lcog, <i>turret</i>, or śiṅ thags skabs daṅ sbyar; the last three words seem to mean <i>fit for, adapted to</i> (Das, s.v. skabs), and siṅ thags = <i>wooden enclosure</i>; this cpd. is used for khoṭaka LV 193.6 in Tib.; khoṭaka occurs: LV 193.6 (vs) parikhā-khoṭaka-toraṇāś ca mahatā prākāra ucchrāpitā; Mv ii.193.14, read, aṭṭāla-khoṭaka-racite dṛḍha-prākāra-toraṇe (see Senart's note on iii.19.17, p 468); Gv 162.20 (mahānagaraṃ…aneka-)-ratna-kho- ṭaka-pratimaṇḍitaṃ, 21 sarve ca te ratnakhoṭakā…; 167.17 ratna-khoṭakāni; 202.26 sarva-ratna-khoṭaka-racita- prākāraṃ; khoḍaka, in Mv ii.484.16 = iii.19.17 (vs) ete udviddha- (ii.484.16 mss. oviddha)-prākārā aṭṭāṭṭālaka- khoḍakā (in iii.19.17 Senart °kholakā with 1 ms., the other quoted as °ṣodakā, doubtless misprint for °ṣoḍakā = °kho°); Divy 220.21, read (teṣu prākāreṣu caturvidhāḥ) khoḍakā (mss. ṣo°) māpitāḥ; AsP 486.1 (teṣāṃ…prākā- rāṇāṃ)…suvarṇasya khoḍaka-śīrṣāṇi (cf. the Skt. Lex. cpd. cited above) pramāṇavanty upodgatāni.For another case see <b>kṣoḍaka</b>.
<b>khoṭaka</b>¦ (see also <b>kṣoḍaka</b>), <b>khoḍaka, (kholaka ?)</b>, m. (or nt.; perh. cf. AMg. khoḍa, <i>log of wood ?</i> JM. khoḍī, <i>box ?</i> or Deśī khoḍa(ga), <i>peg, nail?</i>), some part or append- age of a wall or rampart; acc. to pw 7.336 <i>coping</i> of a wall, a mg. said to be that of Skt. Lex. khoḍaka-śīrṣaka; in Mvy 5529 text erroneously koḍhakaḥ, but vv.ll. khoṭ°, khoḍ°, one of which must be read; Mironov khoṭakaḥ, v.l. khoḍh°; Tib. lcog, <i>turret</i>, or śiṅ thags skabs daṅ sbyar; the last three words seem to mean <i>fit for, adapted to</i> (Das, s.v. skabs), and siṅ thags = <i>wooden enclosure</i>; this cpd. is used for khoṭaka LV 193.6 in Tib.; khoṭaka occurs: LV 193.6 (vs) parikhā-khoṭaka-toraṇāś ca mahatā prākāra ucchrāpitā; Mv ii.193.14, read, aṭṭāla-khoṭaka-racite dṛḍha-prākāra-toraṇe (see Senart's note on iii.19.17, p 468); Gv 162.20 (mahānagaraṃ…aneka-)-ratna-kho- ṭaka-pratimaṇḍitaṃ, 21 sarve ca te ratnakhoṭakā…; 167.17 ratna-khoṭakāni; 202.26 sarva-ratna-khoṭaka-racita- prākāraṃ; khoḍaka, in Mv ii.484.16 = iii.19.17 (vs) ete udviddha- (ii.484.16 mss. oviddha)-prākārā aṭṭāṭṭālaka- khoḍakā (in iii.19.17 Senart °kholakā with 1 ms., the other quoted as °ṣodakā, doubtless misprint for °ṣoḍakā = °kho°); Divy 220.21, read (teṣu prākāreṣu caturvidhāḥ) khoḍakā (mss. ṣo°) māpitāḥ; AsP 486.1 (teṣāṃ…prākā- rāṇāṃ)…suvarṇasya khoḍaka-śīrṣāṇi (cf. the Skt. Lex. cpd. cited above) pramāṇavanty upodgatāni.For another case see <b>kṣoḍaka</b>.
|dictionary=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

Revision as of 14:20, 3 September 2021

Entry 5541, Page 206, Col. 2
khoṭaka¦ (see also kṣoḍaka), khoḍaka, (kholaka ?), m. (or nt.; perh. cf. AMg. khoḍa, log of wood ? JM. khoḍī, box ? or Deśī khoḍa(ga), peg, nail?), some part or append- age of a wall or rampart; acc. to pw 7.336 coping of a wall, a mg. said to be that of Skt. Lex. khoḍaka-śīrṣaka; in Mvy 5529 text erroneously koḍhakaḥ, but vv.ll. khoṭ°, khoḍ°, one of which must be read; Mironov khoṭakaḥ, v.l. khoḍh°; Tib. lcog, turret, or śiṅ thags skabs daṅ sbyar; the last three words seem to mean fit for, adapted to (Das, s.v. skabs), and siṅ thags = wooden enclosure; this cpd. is used for khoṭaka LV 193.6 in Tib.; khoṭaka occurs: LV 193.6 (vs) parikhā-khoṭaka-toraṇāś ca mahatā prākāra ucchrāpitā; Mv ii.193.14, read, aṭṭāla-khoṭaka-racite dṛḍha-prākāra-toraṇe (see Senart's note on iii.19.17, p 468); Gv 162.20 (mahānagaraṃ…aneka-)-ratna-kho- ṭaka-pratimaṇḍitaṃ, 21 sarve ca te ratnakhoṭakā…; 167.17 ratna-khoṭakāni; 202.26 sarva-ratna-khoṭaka-racita- prākāraṃ; khoḍaka, in Mv ii.484.16 = iii.19.17 (vs) ete udviddha- (ii.484.16 mss. oviddha)-prākārā aṭṭāṭṭālaka- khoḍakā (in iii.19.17 Senart °kholakā with 1 ms., the other quoted as °ṣodakā, doubtless misprint for °ṣoḍakā = °kho°); Divy 220.21, read (teṣu prākāreṣu caturvidhāḥ) khoḍakā (mss. ṣo°) māpitāḥ; AsP 486.1 (teṣāṃ…prākā- rāṇāṃ)…suvarṇasya khoḍaka-śīrṣāṇi (cf. the Skt. Lex. cpd. cited above) pramāṇavanty upodgatāni.For another case see kṣoḍaka.


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