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'''Gateway to Knowledge'''
Enlightened Living - Back Cover
===Publication Data===
Title: Gateway to Knowledge, The treatise entitled The Gate for Entering the Way of a Pandita.
Tibetan title: [[mkhas pa’i tshul la jug pa'i sgo zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos]] bzhugs so.
*[[Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche]], [[Gateway to Knowledge, Volume I]]; ISBN 962-7341-29-0
*Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche, [[Gateway to Knowledge, Volume II]]; ISBN 962-7341-42-8
*Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche, [[Gateway to Knowledge, Volume III]]; ISBN 962-7341-46-0
*Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche, Gateway to Knowledge, Volume IV;
Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche ([[mi pham 'jam dbyangs rnam rgyal rgya mtsho]] 1846-1912). Translated from the Tibetan by [[Erik Pema Kunsang]] (Erik Hein Schmidt). Edited by [[Kathy Morris]].
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
P.O. Box 1200
Kathmandu, Nepal
Vol. I<br>
1. The Aggregates<br>
2. The Elements<br>
3. The Sense-sources<br>
4. Interdependence<br>
5. The Correct and the Incorrect<br>
6. The Faculties<br>
7. Time<br>
Vol. II<br>
8. The Truth of Suffering <br>
9. The Truth of Origin: Karma <br>
10. The Truth of Origin: Disturbing Emotions <br>
11. The Truth of Cessation <br>
12. The Truth of Path: The Five Paths <br>
13. The Truth of Path: Additional Points <br>
14. The Two Truths <br>
Vol. III<br>
15. The Mundane Vehicles.<br>
16. Hinayana.<br>
17. The Superiority of Mahayana.<br>
18. The Mahayana Path.<br>
19. Buddha-nature.<br>
20. The Journey of Mahayana.<br>
21. Buddhahood.<br>
22. The Conditioned and the Unconditioned.<br>
Vol. IV<br>
The Four Seals of the Dharma:<br>
23. All Conditioned Things are Impermanent.<br>
24. Everything Defiling is Suffering.<br>
25. Nirvana is Peace.<br>
26. All Phenomena are Empty and Devoid of Self-entity.<br>
The Four Right Discriminations:<br>
27. Right Discrimination of Meaning and Dharma.<br>
28. Right Discrimination of Defini¬tive words.<br>
Right Discrimination of Ready Speech:<br>
29. The Four Reasonings.<br>
30. The Four Reliances.<br>
Teachers consulted for transmission and clarifications of the Gateway to Knowledge series:<br>
[[Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche]]<br>
[[Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche|Tulku Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche]]<br>
[[Khenpo Tsültrim Gyatso Rinpoche]]<br>
[[Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche]]<br>
[[Khenpo Ngedon|Khenpo Ngedön]]<br>
[[Khenpo Chökyi Gocha]]<br>
[[Khenpo Konchok Mönlam]]<br>
[[Khenpo Chodrak Tenpel]]<br>
[[Khenpo Pema Gyaltsen]]<br>
[[Acharya Yeshe Trinley]]<br>
Assistant translators and editors: [[Shenpen Lhamo]], with suggestions from [[Marcia Binder Schmidt]], [[Adam Pearcey]] and [[Thomas Doctor]]. Thanks to [[Joanne Larson]] and [[Matthew Zalichin]] for proof-reading. The present translation is due to Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s constant guidance, encouragement and prodding; to the compassion and wisdom of the teachers mentioned above; to the generous sponsorship of [[George MacDonald]]; and to the kindness of all my Dharma friends who helped at various stages of this project. Special thanks to [[Phinjo Sherpa]] for typing the Tibetan text and to [[Khenpo Pema Gyaltsen]] for proof-reading it.<br>
Since this edition is meant for classroom use, the original Tibetan text is included. The words within square brackets are primarily from ''[[Lekshey Nangwey Ozer]]'', the chendrel (filling-in) commentary written down by Mipham Rinpoche’s student, [[Khenpo Nüden]]. The numbering of ‘chapter-and-verse’ and pages are a continuation of Volume I & II. Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to Kyabje [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] who, in the early days after leaving Tibet, personally sponsored the woodblocks that were the source of our Tibetan manuscript.<br>
<br>[[Erik Pema Kunsang]]

Revision as of 10:46, 6 January 2006

Enlightened Living - Back Cover