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transcendent [[wisdom]], ultimate transcendent knowledge, [[Prajnaparamita]] [IW]  
alayavijnana, all-ground consciousness [IW]

[[Prajnaparamita]], the Perfection of Insight [RY]  
all-ground consciousness. Def. [[thun mong]] [[spyi'i mtshan nyid]] [[ni]] / [[ma bsgribs]] [[la lung]] [[du ma]] [[bstan pa'i]] [[gtso bo'i rnam shes]] [[gang zhig]] [[bag chags kyi bgo bzhir]] [[gyur pa]] [[rnam smin]] [[dang]] [[sa bon]] [[thams cad]] [[ji ltar rigs pa]] [[bsten]] [[zhing]] [[don gyi ngo bo rig pa]]; alaya-vijnana [RY]
''Transcendent Knowledge'', prajnaparamita. Intelligence which transcends conceptual thinking. 'Transcendent' literally means 'gone to the other shore' in the sense of having departed from 'this shore' of dualistic concepts, ie.,conceptualization in general. The [[Mahayana]] teachings on insight into [[Emptiness]], transcending the fixation/attachment on subject, object and action. Associated with the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma [RY]  
prajnaparamita ([[yab]] is [[rdo rje 'chang]]) [JV]
perfection of [[wisdom]]; transcendent wisdom, ''transcendent knowledge'', "the innate wisdom revealed upon 'reaching' the other shore", transcending intelligence, knowledge, the perfection of wisdom, def. [['khor gsum mi rtog pa]]s-[[chos kyi rang bzhin]]-[[ba]]-[[rtogs pa]]-[[ni]] ultimate transcendent knowledge [RY]
See more at: [[Absolute truth]], [[Relative truth]], [[Suchness]], [[The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines (RiBa)]]  
[[Category: Key Terms]]

Revision as of 03:02, 24 January 2006