vajra yogini: Difference between revisions

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===Main teachers===
===Main teachers===

HH [[Sakya Trizen]], HH [[Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche]], [[Chogyal Namkhai Norbu]], [[Kunzang Dechen Lingpa]]
HH [[Sakya Trizen]], HH [[Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche]], HE [[Jestun Kusho Chime Luding]], [[Chogyal Namkhai Norbu]], [[Kunzang Dechen Lingpa]]

===Study Background===
===Study Background===

Revision as of 16:07, 17 November 2008

Short description

Loppon Malcolm Smith [Kunga Namdrol]

Main teachers

HH Sakya Trizen, HH Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche, HE Jestun Kusho Chime Luding, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, Kunzang Dechen Lingpa

Study Background

bka' bzhi pa degree: Sakya Institute of Buddhist Studies

Granted the title "slob dpon" by Lama Migmar Tseten

Published Works

Short translations of the Experiential Songs of Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen in the Visions Series, Also published in Treasures of the Sakya Lineage, 2008

Active Projects


Unpublished Works (completed)

rgyud sde spyi rnams -- Loppon Sonam Tsemo
thub pa'i dgong gsal-=- Sakya Pandita
lta ba shan byed -- Gorampa

Other Projects

Working on translations of the four medical tantras as part of four year course in Tibetan medicine under Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo at Shang Shung Instute in America.

Internal Links

External Links

Can your oral/written translation skills be engaged?
