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[[skabs gsum]] - 1) the three times, past, present and future. 2) name of a sutra in honor of the [[Buddha Shakyamuni]]. 3) deities [in general] 4) name of a class of 33 deities residing on Mt. Meru [RY]
#redirect [[Mipham]]
[[skabs gsum gnas]] - heavens; Mt. Meru. lit. "abode of the gods." [RY]
[[khyung skyug]] - "vomited by [[Garuda]]" a bind / short of stone found in Tibet, a kind of gem said to have been brought from Mt. Meru by [[garuda]] and vomited by him is used as jewelry in [[Kham]]s [RY]
[[rgya mtsho chen po bzhi]] - the four great oceans [around Mt. Meru] [RY]
[[rgyal chen ris bzhi pa'i lha]] - the gods in the first of {[['dod lha rigs drug]]} live mostly on {[[lhun po]]'i [[bang rim]]} the [four] terraces of Mt. Sumeru. 1) {[[gzhong thogs]]} n. of a yaksha class who resides on the seashore at the foot of Mt. Sumeru (see entry), 2) {[[phreng thogs]]} Garland-holder (see entry),3) {[[rtag myos]]} the 'ever-intoxicated' class of deities, abode of desire gods on the neck of Mt. Meru, {[[ri rab kyi bang rim]] [[gsum pa]]} (see entry), 4) {[[rgyal chen bzhi]]} the domains of the Four Great Kings [situated on top of Mt. Sumeru] (see entry), also {[[rgyal po bzhi'i ris]]} [RY]
[[lcags ri mu khyud]] - the ring of iron mountains [which surrounds Mt. Meru and the four continents.] [RY]
[[rtag myos]] - the 'ever-intoxicated' class of deities, abode of desire gods on the neck of Mt. Meru, {[[ri rab kyi bang rim]] [[gsum pa]], [[rgyal chen ris bzhi]]}; abode of desire gods, {[[rgyal chen ris bzhi]]} [RY]
[[brtan pa snod kyi 'jig rten]] - the inanimate is the world, the vessel, [the external material world, with Mt. Meru and the four continents etc] [IW]
[[dus 'khor lugs kyi rol mtsho bdun]] - the 7 lakes surrounding Mt. Meru [Kalachakra] [IW]
[['dun sa chos bzang]] - good dharma of the meeting place [if 1 looks at the summit of Mt. Meru, outside the pleasant city at the SW edge is a place where the 33 gods gather.] [IW]
[[phreng thogs]] - Garland-holder, [the second terrace of Mt. Meru, abode of {[[rgyal chen]]} [RY]
[[ba tshwa can gyi rgya mtsho]] - the salt-water ocean; the Salty Ocean, [Syn {ba tshva'i rgya mtsho}. the ocean between the four continents and the surrounding iron wall in the traditional Buddhist layout of the universe with Mt. Meru etc [RY]
[[mtsho bdun]] - The seven encircling lakes around Mt. Meru [RY]
[[ri]] - mountain [Mt. Meru]; mountain, hill [RY]
[[ri rgyal]] - Mt. Meru [IW]
[[ri bo mchog rab]] - Mount Meru; Mt. Meru [RY]
[[ri bo yi rgyal po mchog rab]] - excellent Mt. Meru [RY]
[[ri rab]] - Mt. Meru, Mount Sumeru, Mount Supreme, the Universal Mountain. Syn {[[ri rab lhun po]]}; Mount Meru. [RY]
[[ri rab kyi bang rim dang po]] - abode of gods on the neck of Mt. Meru under {[[rtag myos]]} and {[[phreng thogs]]} [RY]
[[ri rab tsam]] - large as Mt. Meru [RY]
[[sum cu rtsa gsum pa]] - Trayastrimsa (Realm of the 33 Gods); Heaven / Abode / Land of the Thirty-three Gods [the principal gods on Mt. Meru], one of the 28 classes of gods in the {[['dod khams]]} desire realm, the gods of the 33 [RY]
[[lha'i gnas]] - 1) sky; 2) Mt. Meru; 3) realm of the gods [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Sacred Sites]]

Revision as of 21:14, 25 April 2006

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