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log men ([[log men]])
#redirect [[Khenchen Pema Tsewang]]
*According to elemental divination, the years of the sexagenary cycle may be calculated according to a "standard" ([[dkyus ma]]) method of consecutive numbering, starting from the wood mouse and continuing through the wood ox, fire tiger and so forth, down to the water pig year; or alternatively, there is an "inverse" ([[ldog]]) method of calculation used for determining the so-called log men aspect. A male subject determines his log men aspect by identifying whichever of the five elements forms a son-relationship with his destiny element, and counting forwards from the tiger until reaching his current age. A female subject determines her log men aspect by identifying whichever of the five elements forms a mother-relationship with her destiny element, and counting backwards from the monkey until reaching her current age. The log men aspect of a given subject will therefore change from one year to the next.
*There are diverse portents associated with the log men year. Among them, in the case of males, the log men dog is the "heavenly gate" ([[gnam sgo]]), and log men pig is the "earthly gate" ([[sa sgo]]); whereas for females the log men dragon is the "heavenly gate" and log men snake is the "earthly gate". Furthermore, the five log men ox and sheep years are harbingers of the corresponding inauspicious "five calamities" ([[phung gyod lnga]]), the five log men bird and monkey years are harbingers of the corresponding inauspicious "five separations" ([[bye bral lnga]]), the five log men mouse and horse years are harbingers of the corresponding inauspicious "five lineage interruptions" ([[rus chod lnga]]), while the five log men tiger and hare years are harbingers of the corresponding auspicious "five acquisitions" ([['byor pa lnga]]).
*In addition, if one counts backwards from the log men for five year-signs, one arrives at the "heavenly lifeline" aspect ([[gnam gyi 'ju thag]]) through which the vitality elemental aspect of the log men is secured. If one counts forward from the log men for five year-signs, one arrives at the "earthly peg" aspect ([[sa yi rten phur]]) through which the body elemental aspect of the log men is secured. If one counts backwards from the log men for eight year-signs, one arrives at the "heavenly extension" aspect ([[gnam brgyangs]]), through which the destiny elemental aspect of the log men is secured; and if one counts forwards from the log men for eight year-signs, one arrives at the "earthly extension" aspect ([[sa brgyangs]]), through which the luck elemental aspect of the log men is secured. Finally the log men also determines the negative influences known as the "cutting influence of demons" ([[bdud chad]]) and the "roaming of the life-spirit" ([[bla 'khyams]]). [[GD]] (from the Glossary to [[Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings]])
[[Category:Astrology and Divination]]

Revision as of 15:56, 31 October 2006