Nyak Jnanakumara: Difference between revisions

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(Redirecting to Lachen Yonten Zung)
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#REDIRECT[[Lachen Yonten Zung]]
<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[གཉག་ཛྙཱ་ན་ཀུ་མ་ར།]]</span></noinclude><br>
<noinclude>[[gnyag jna na ku ma ra]]</noinclude><br>
<noinclude>[[Yeshe Zhonnu]]</noinclude><br>
<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[ཡེ་ཤེས་གཞོན་ནུ།]]</span></noinclude><br>
<noinclude>[[ye shes gzhon nu]]</noinclude><br>
===Short biography===
'''Jñanakumara of Nyag''', was one of the early Tibetan monk and expert translator who received the [[Four Great Rivers of Transmission]] from [[Padmasambhava]], [[Vimalamitra]], Vairotsana and [[Yudra Nyingpo]]. He worked closely with Vimalamitra in translating tantras of [[Mahayoga]] and [[Ati Yoga]]. He is also known as [[Nyag Lotsawa]] and by his secret initiation name [[Drimey Dashar]], 'Flawless Moonlight.' His initiation flower, along with Trisong Deutsen's, fell on [[Chemchok Heruka]]. Subsequently, he received the transmission of [[Nectar Medicine]] from Padmasambhava. He practiced in the [[Crystal Cave of Yarlung]], where he drew water from solid rock; it is said this water still flows today.
Jnana Kumara means 'Youthful Wakefulness.'
* Among his later incarnations is [[Dabzang Rinpoche]], a 19th-century contemporary of [[Jamgön Kongtrül the First]]. 
===Literary Works===
===Main Teachers===
===Main Students===
===Main Lineages===
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*[[Bende Drimey Dashar]] ([[ban de dri med brda shar]])
*[[Drimey Dashar]]
*[[Jnana Kumara of Nyag]]
*[[Nyak Yeshe Zhonnu]] ([[gnyag ye shes gzhon nu]])
*[[Nyag Lotsawa]]
===Other Resources===
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
[[Category:Key Terms]][[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]][[Category:Dzogchen Masters]]
[[Category:25 Disciples of Padmasambhava]]

Revision as of 01:37, 12 February 2009

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