Five Superiors of the Sakya Tradition: Difference between revisions

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([[gangs pa rmug sang]]), also ([[gangs pa rmug seng]]); student and lineage holder of [[Machik Labdrön]] ([[ma gcig lab sgron]]).
[[Category:Sakya Masters]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Chod Masters]]
[[Five Superiors of the Sakya Tradition]], five [[Sakya Masters]]:
*[[Sachen Kunga Nyingpo]] ([[sa chen kun dga' snying po]]), (1092 - 1158)
*[[Sonam Tsemo]] ([[bsod nams rtse mo]]), (1142 - 1182)
*[[Jetsun Drakpa Gyeltsen]] ([[rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan]]), (1147 - 1216)
*[[Sakya Pandita]] ([[sa skya pan di ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan]]), (1182 - 1251)
*[[Chogyal Pakpa]] ([[chos rgyal phags pa]]), (1235 - 1280)
*[[Sakya Five Superiors Collected Works]]
Also: [[Five Sakya Forefathers]] ([[gong ma lnga]])

Latest revision as of 11:49, 5 January 2006