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Unfailing interdependence of cause and effect ([[bslu med rgyu 'bras kyi rten 'brel]]). The law of [[relative truth]]. [RY]
[[Ignorance]] ([[ma rig pa]]): An erroneous way to conceive of beings and things, which consist in attributing to them an existence which is real, independent, solid, and intrinsic. [MR]

[[Relative truth]] ([[kun rdzob bden pa]]): lit. "all-concealing truth". This refers to phenomena in the ordinary sense, which, on the level of ordinary experience, are perceived as real and separate from the mind and which thus conceal their true nature. [MR] <br>
[[kun tu btags pa'i ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance [RY]
[[kun rdzob kyi bden par]] - in ''relative truth'' [IW]<br>
[[kun rdzob bden pa]] - ''relative truth'' [one of the two truths {[[bden pa gnyis]]} 1) the vaibhashikas {[[bye brag smra ba]]} gang zhig bcom pa'am blos cha shas so sor bsal ba na rang 'dzin gyi blo 'dor rung ba'i chos su dmigs pa gzung 'dzin rags pa rnams dang 2) the Sautrantikas {[[mdo sde pa]]} rtog pas btags pa tsam du grub pa'i chos spyi mtshan rnams dang, 3) the mind only school {[[sems tsam pa]]} tha snyad dpyod pa'i rig shes kyis rnyed don kun btags dang gzhan dbang gi chos, 4) [[Madhyamaka]] {dbu ma} rang mngon sum du rtogs pa'i mngon sum tshad mas rang nyid gnyis snang dang bcas pa'i tshul gyi rtogs par bya ba rten 'brel snang ba'i chos. conventional truth, truth for a concealer, superficial truth, deceptive truth, narratives of former births, 1 of the {[[gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis]]} twelve divisions of the teachings), ''relative truth'' [one of the {[[bden pa gnyis]]} two truths] [IW]<br>
[[kun rdzob bden pa]] - relative/ conventional/ superficial truth; conventional truth apparent reality, deceptive truth; ''relative truth''. one of the {[[bden pa gnyis]]}. two truths, superficial truth, truth for a concealer; Relative Truth, [Skt.] samvrittika satya [RY]<br>
[[kun rdzob bden pa gnyis]] - the two kinds of ''relative truth'' [false and true] [IW]<br>
[[kun rdzob gsum]] - the three kinds of ''relative truth'' kun rdzob kyi kun rdzob dang, yang dag pa ma yin pa'i kun rdzob dang, [[yang dag pa'i kun rdzob]] [IW]<br>
[[gcig pa]] - 1) corresponding, similar, [the] same, not different, [a] single, same, uniform, unitary, the 1, uniformly; 2) non-separate/ individual dharmas, [in ''relative truth'' tha dad du mi 'char ba eg a pillar] [IW]<br>
[['jig rten kun rdzob bden pa]] - mundane ''relative truth'' [RY]<br>
[[btags pa'i kun rdzob bden pa]] - designative ''relative truth'' [IW]<br>
[[rtag rtogs]] - pramana that correctly realizes something to be eternal [true knowledge ascertaining space etc dharmas of non-things to be eternal from the viewpoint of abhidharma/ ''relative truth''] [IW]<br>
[[bltos bcas gyi bden don]] - ''relative truth'' [IW]<br>
[[don dam pa'i bden pa]] - Ultimate truth. The [[absolute]] nature of ''relative truth''; that all phenomena are beyond arising, dwelling and ceasing [RY]<br>
[[drang don du]] - according to the provisional [''relative truth''] [RY]<br>
[[bden pa gnyis]] - two truths [''relative truth'' {[[kun rdzob kyi bden pa]]} or samvrtisatya and ultimate truth {don dam bden pa} or param rthasatya] [IW]<br>
[[yang dag kun rdzob]] - actual relative truth; correct relative truth. {[[snang]]-[[la]]-[[don byed nus pa]]} correct conventional / ''relative truth'' / actual or real truth, conventionally real truth [RY]<br>
[[yang dag kun rdzob]] - correct conventional/''relative truth''/ actual or real truth, conventionally real truth [IW]<br>
[[yang dag pa'i kun rdzob bden pa]] - correct ''relative truth'' [RY]<br>
[[log pa'i kun rdzob]] - false relative [truth]. the wrong relative. false conventional truth, erroneous / fictitious ''relative truth'', def. {snang srid snod bcud blo bkod pa'i chos so cog dang bcad pa yul 'khrul snang blo rdzun pa'i ngo bo la snang ba yin pa'i phyir} [RY]<br>
[[log pa'i kun rdzob bden pa]] - wrong ''relative truth''. unreal conventional truth; unreal conventional truth. [RY]<br>
[[srid pa'i rim pa gsum]] - three stages of existence. The objects to be purified in the development stage are defined as the 'three stages of existence' with five aspects of involvement through the way they ripen. That is to say: Since all things, inside or outside, that have substantial existence, are self-existing awareness and emptiness, therefore, the existence of dying, as the first stage, is ultimate truth; the existence of taking rebirth, as the next stage, is conventional truth; and the existence of rebirth, as the last stage, involving childhood, youth and maturity, is the nondual two truths. "The branches of involvement are defined as five." These are: the dying state of existence as the ultimate truth, the intermediate state of existence as the ''relative truth'', and the reborn state of existence, which has three progressive stages. These three are the stage from taking birth to childhood, the stage of youth and prime of life, and the stage from adulthood to old age. In this way there are five stages.  [RY]<br>
[[bslu med rgyu 'bras kyi rten 'brel]] - Unfailing interdependence of cause and effect. The law of ''relative truth'' [RY]

[[lhag pa'i kun rdzob]] - superior ''relative truth'' [JV]
[[kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance, discriminating ignorance, imputing unawareness; "nonrecognition of [[intrinsic awareness]] resulting in [[conceptual imputation]]"; the ignorance of the imaginary [RY]

[[kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa]] - the ignorance of imputation; imputed ignorance [IW]

[[kun tu rmongs]] - all-stunning, all-obscuring, darkness of mind, ignorance, totally ignorant [JV]

[[Category: Key Terms]][[Category: Mahayana]][[Category:Vajrayana]][[Category: Teachings]]
[[kun tu rmongs]] - ignorance [RY]
[[kun tu rmongs pa]] - all-obscuring ignorance, darkness of mind [IW]
[[kun btags kyi ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance, the ignorance of imputation. imputed ignorance, mis-knowledge [RY]
[[kun btags pa'i ma rig]] - the ignorance of imputation, imputed ignorance [IW]
[[kun btags ma rig]] - imputed ignorance. Syn {[[kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa]]} [RY] 
[[kun rtog ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance. See {[[kun brtags]] [[ma rig]]} / {[[kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa]]} [RY]
[[kun rtog ma rig pa]] - the ignorance of conceptualization [IW]
[[kun brtag ma rig pa]] - the ignorance which conceptualizes everything [JV]
[[kun brtags kyi ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance [RY]
[[kun brtags kyi ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance. In[[ Vajrayana]], conceptual ignorance is the mind apprehending itself as subject and object; conceptual thinking. In the [[Sutra system]], conceptual ignorance means superimposed or 'learned' wrong views; gross general beliefs which obscure the nature of things [RY]
[[kun brtags kyi ma rig pa]] - intellectual mis-knowledge; conceptual ignorance [RY]
[[kun brtags kyi ma rig ma]] - imputed ignorance. [intellectual misunderstanding]. see {[[kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa]]} [RY]
[[kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa]] - the ignorance of the imaginary/ false conceptions [IW]
[[kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa]] - the ignorance of the imaginary, imputing unawareness. See {[[kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa]]} [RY]
[[kun brtags ma rig pa]] - conceptual ignorance; ignorance which conceptualizes everything; "nonrecognition of intrinsic awareness resulting in conceptual imputation" [RY]
[[kun nas rmongs pa]] - all-consuming delusion/ ignorance/ bewilderment [RB]
[[kun nas rmongs pa]] - deeply ingrained delusion; all-consuming delusion / ignorance / bewilderment [RY]
[[kun rmongs]] - error, delusion. bewilderment; abbr. of {[[kun tu rmongs pa]]}. delusion, ignorance, stupidity [RY]
[[kun rmongs]] - delusion, [[ignorance]], stupidity, bewilderment which is all-obscuring [IW]
[[kun gzhi ma rig pa'i cha]] - ignorant [[all-ground]] / ignorant aspect of the [[all-ground]]. Synonymous with coemergent ignorance [RY]
[[kun gzhi lung ma bstan gyi ma rig pa'i cha]] - ignorance of the undetermined [[all-ground]] [RY]
[[kun gzhi lung ma bstan gyi ma rig pa'i cha]] - ignorance of the undetermined [[all-ground]]/ neutral [[alaya]] [IW]
[[kun slong chen po]] - passion, aggression and ignorance [IW]
[[rkyen bzhi'i 'khrul pa]] - four conditions of bewilderment [the causal condition] 1) ([[rgyu'i rkyen]]) which is the three interrelated aspects of ignorance the referential condition; 2) ([[dmigs pa'i skyen]]) which is the appearances, the possessive condition; 3) ([[bdag pa'i rkyen]]) which is the ego and the immediate condition 4) ([[lta da'i rkyen]]) which is their present conjunction] [IW]
[[skyed byed rgyu]] - creative cause, ignorance [JV]
[['khor ba]] - [[Samsara]]. '[[Cyclic existence]],' 'vicious circle' or 'round' of birth and death and rebirth within the [[six realms of existence]], characterized by [[suffering]], [[impermanence]], and [[ignorance]]. The state of ordinary [[sentient beings]] fettered by [[ignorance]] and [[dualistic perception]], [[karma]] and [[disturbing emotions]]. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma [RY]
[['khor ba'i rtsa ba drug]] - the [[six roots of samsara]] [desire, vindictiveness, pride, ignorance, a view having the kleshas, doubt  [IW]
[['khor ba'i rtsa ba ma rig pa]] - ignorance, the root-cause of samsara [RY]
[['khor ba'i lam]] - the path of samsara: 1) ignorance and so forth the 12 nidanas [[rten 'brel bcu gnyis]] 2) path turning in a circle; 3) unwholesome actions; 4) detour; 5) female genitals] [IW]
[[go ma]] - ignorance [RY]
[[glo bur ma rig lhan skyes]] - momentary coemergent ignorance [JV]
[[glo bur ma rig lhan skyes kyi dri ma]] - defilements of momentary coemergent ignorance [RY]
[[glos pa]] - stupidity, ignorance [JV]
[['gog bden gyi spang bya bdun]] - the seven things here in the desire realm to be abandoned by seeing the truth of cessation are: ignorance, passion, aggression, pride, doubt, wrong views, holding a view to be paramount. [IW]
[['gro kun ma rig mun pa bsal]] - clear away the dark ignorance of all beings [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Tantra]]
[[Category: Tantric Deities]] [[Category: Teachings]]

Latest revision as of 15:31, 4 February 2006

Ignorance (ma rig pa): An erroneous way to conceive of beings and things, which consist in attributing to them an existence which is real, independent, solid, and intrinsic. [MR]

kun tu btags pa'i ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance [RY]

kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance, discriminating ignorance, imputing unawareness; "nonrecognition of intrinsic awareness resulting in conceptual imputation"; the ignorance of the imaginary [RY]

kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa - the ignorance of imputation; imputed ignorance [IW]

kun tu rmongs - all-stunning, all-obscuring, darkness of mind, ignorance, totally ignorant [JV]

kun tu rmongs - ignorance [RY]

kun tu rmongs pa - all-obscuring ignorance, darkness of mind [IW]

kun btags kyi ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance, the ignorance of imputation. imputed ignorance, mis-knowledge [RY]

kun btags pa'i ma rig - the ignorance of imputation, imputed ignorance [IW]

kun btags ma rig - imputed ignorance. Syn {kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa} [RY]

kun rtog ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance. See {kun brtags ma rig} / {kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa} [RY]

kun rtog ma rig pa - the ignorance of conceptualization [IW]

kun brtag ma rig pa - the ignorance which conceptualizes everything [JV]

kun brtags kyi ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance [RY]

kun brtags kyi ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance. InVajrayana, conceptual ignorance is the mind apprehending itself as subject and object; conceptual thinking. In the Sutra system, conceptual ignorance means superimposed or 'learned' wrong views; gross general beliefs which obscure the nature of things [RY]

kun brtags kyi ma rig pa - intellectual mis-knowledge; conceptual ignorance [RY]

kun brtags kyi ma rig ma - imputed ignorance. [intellectual misunderstanding]. see {kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa} [RY]

kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa - the ignorance of the imaginary/ false conceptions [IW]

kun brtags pa'i ma rig pa - the ignorance of the imaginary, imputing unawareness. See {kun tu brtags pa'i ma rig pa} [RY]

kun brtags ma rig pa - conceptual ignorance; ignorance which conceptualizes everything; "nonrecognition of intrinsic awareness resulting in conceptual imputation" [RY]

kun nas rmongs pa - all-consuming delusion/ ignorance/ bewilderment [RB]

kun nas rmongs pa - deeply ingrained delusion; all-consuming delusion / ignorance / bewilderment [RY]

kun rmongs - error, delusion. bewilderment; abbr. of {kun tu rmongs pa}. delusion, ignorance, stupidity [RY]

kun rmongs - delusion, ignorance, stupidity, bewilderment which is all-obscuring [IW]

kun gzhi ma rig pa'i cha - ignorant all-ground / ignorant aspect of the all-ground. Synonymous with coemergent ignorance [RY]

kun gzhi lung ma bstan gyi ma rig pa'i cha - ignorance of the undetermined all-ground [RY]

kun gzhi lung ma bstan gyi ma rig pa'i cha - ignorance of the undetermined all-ground/ neutral alaya [IW]

kun slong chen po - passion, aggression and ignorance [IW]

rkyen bzhi'i 'khrul pa - four conditions of bewilderment [the causal condition] 1) (rgyu'i rkyen) which is the three interrelated aspects of ignorance the referential condition; 2) (dmigs pa'i skyen) which is the appearances, the possessive condition; 3) (bdag pa'i rkyen) which is the ego and the immediate condition 4) (lta da'i rkyen) which is their present conjunction] [IW]

skyed byed rgyu - creative cause, ignorance [JV]

'khor ba - Samsara. 'Cyclic existence,' 'vicious circle' or 'round' of birth and death and rebirth within the six realms of existence, characterized by suffering, impermanence, and ignorance. The state of ordinary sentient beings fettered by ignorance and dualistic perception, karma and disturbing emotions. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma [RY]

'khor ba'i rtsa ba drug - the six roots of samsara [desire, vindictiveness, pride, ignorance, a view having the kleshas, doubt [IW]

'khor ba'i rtsa ba ma rig pa - ignorance, the root-cause of samsara [RY]

'khor ba'i lam - the path of samsara: 1) ignorance and so forth the 12 nidanas rten 'brel bcu gnyis 2) path turning in a circle; 3) unwholesome actions; 4) detour; 5) female genitals] [IW]

go ma - ignorance [RY]

glo bur ma rig lhan skyes - momentary coemergent ignorance [JV]

glo bur ma rig lhan skyes kyi dri ma - defilements of momentary coemergent ignorance [RY]

glos pa - stupidity, ignorance [JV]

'gog bden gyi spang bya bdun - the seven things here in the desire realm to be abandoned by seeing the truth of cessation are: ignorance, passion, aggression, pride, doubt, wrong views, holding a view to be paramount. [IW]

'gro kun ma rig mun pa bsal - clear away the dark ignorance of all beings [RY]