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[[pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin]] ''Potala Palace'' 1) the Buddhafield of [[Avalokitesvara]]. 2) The Potala of Lhasa; said to be an earthly version of the celestial Potala Palace [RY]

== .1 ==
Potala Palace [RY]
They are expressed in writing by putting one below the other, in which case several change their original figure.<BR><BR><BR>
'''Subjoined consonants.'''

== .2 ==
[[Category: Key Terms]]
The letter ''[[:Category:ya|ya]]'' subjoined to another is represented by the figure [[character omitted]], and occurs in connection with the three guttarals and labials, and with ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'', thus ''kya, khya, gya, pya, phya, bya + mya''. The former three have preserved, in most cases, their original pronunciation ''kya'', ''khya'', ''gya'' (the latter in [[Abbreviations|ET]]: ''ghya'' [[Abbreviations|s.]] [[2. Remarks#.6|2.6]]). In the Mongol pronunciation of Tibetan words, however, they have been corrupted into ''c'', ''ch'', ''j'' respectively, a well known instance of which is the common pronunciation ''Kanjur'' [[Abbreviations|i.o.]] ''kangyur'', or eleg. ''ka-gyur'' (''bka' 'gyur''). ''pya, phya, bya'' are almost everywhere spoken without any difference from ''[[:Category:ca|ca]]'', ''[[:Category:cha|cha]]'', ''[[:Category:ja|ja]]'' (except in Western dialect before ''e'' and ''i'', where the ''y'' is dropped and ''[[:Category:pa|pa]]'', ''[[:Category:pha|pha]]'', ''[[:Category:ba|ba]]'' along are pronounced.). mya is spoken ny = ''[[:Category:nya|nya]]''.
== .3 ==
r occurs at the foot of the gutterals, dentals, labials, of ''[[:Category:na|na]]'', ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'', ''[[:Category:sa|sa]]'', and ''[[:Category:ha|ha]]'', in the shape of [[character omitted]]. In some parts of the country, as in Purig, these combinations are prnounced literally, like ''kra, khra'' etc., but by far the most general custom is to sound them like the Indian cerebals, viz. ''kra, dra, pra'' indescrimintely = [[character omitted]] [[character omitted]]; ''khra, thra, phra'' = [[character omitted]] [[character omitted]]; ''gra, dra, bra'' = [[character omitted]] [[character omitted]] (in [[Abbreviations|CT]]: [[character omitted]]); only in the case of ''bra'' the literal pronounciation ''br'' is not uncommon. In ''nra'' and ''mra'' both letters are distinctly heard; ''hra'' sounds like ''shr'' in ''shrub'', and so does ''sra'' generally. In U this r is dropped nearly in all cases: thus, phra pha, sra sa etc.
== .4 ==
Six letters are often found with a ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'' beneath: ''kla, gla, bla, zla, rla, sla''; in these the ''[[:Category:ma|ma]]'' alone is pronounced, except in ''zla'', which sounds ''[[:Category:da|da]]''.
== .5 ==
The figure [[character omitted]], sometimes used at the foot of a letter, is used in [[Sanscrit]] words to express the subjoined [[character omitted]], as in ''swa'a h'a'' ([[Abbreviations|cf.]] [[9. Word; Accent; Quantity#.6|9.6]]) for [[character omitted]]; and is now pronounced by Tibetans = ''o'': ''soha''; in words originally Tibetan it now exists merely as an orthographical mark, to distinguish homonymes in writing, as ''[[:Category:tsha|tsha]]'' ,hot' and ''tshwa'' ,salt'; but, as it is spoken, in some words at least, in Balti ([[Abbreviations|e.g.]] ''rtswa'' ,grass', it must be supposed that, in the primitive form of the language, it was generally heard. -Note.
of such compounds. indeed, as phywa ,lot' it is difficult to understand, how they can have been pronounced literally, if the w was not, perhaps, pronounced before the y.<BR><BR><BR>
'''Superadded consonants.'''
== .6 ==

Latest revision as of 02:48, 24 January 2006

pho brang ri bo gru 'dzin Potala Palace 1) the Buddhafield of Avalokitesvara. 2) The Potala of Lhasa; said to be an earthly version of the celestial Potala Palace [RY]

Potala Palace [RY]