vajra yogini: Difference between revisions

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==Short description==
#redirect [[Vajrayogini]]
Loppon Malcolm Smith [Kunga Namdrol]
===Main teachers===
HH [[Sakya Trizen]], HH [[Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche]], HE [[Jestun Kusho Chime Luding]], Lama Migmar Tseten
===Study Background===
[[bka' bzhi pa degree]]: [[Sakya Institute of Buddhist Studies]]
Granted the title "slob dpon" by [[Lama Migmar Tseten]]
Finished three year retreat 1993-1997
===Published Works===
Short translations of the [[Experiential Songs of Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen]] in the Visions Series, Also published in Treasures of the Sakya Lineage, 2008
===Active Projects===
*[[rgyud sde spyi rnams]] -- [[Loppon Sonam Tsemo]]<br>
*[[thub pa'i dgong gsal]]-=- [[Sakya Pandita]]<br>
*[[lta ba shan byed]] -- [[Gorampa]]<br>
*[[rin po che ljon shing]] -- [[Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen]]<br>
===Unpublished Works (completed)===
[[rgyud sde spyi rnams]] -- [[Loppon Sonam Tsemo]]<br>
thub pa'i dgong gsal-=- Sakya Pandita<br>
lta ba shan byed -- Gorampa<br>

Latest revision as of 12:48, 14 February 2006

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