Tantra of the Union of Sun and Moon: Difference between revisions

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[[byang chub kyi chos sum bcu rtsa bdun]] - thirty-seven factors of enlightenment. the four essential recollections. four correct renunciations. four stages of miraculous ability, five faculties, five powers, seven branches of enlightenment, and eightfold path [RY]
Tantra of the Union of Sun and Moon ([[nyi zla kha sbyor gyi rgyud]]) - This tantra shows which experience a person undergoes in the intermediate state, the bardo, after passing away. It teaches how to resolve one's master's oral instructions during the bardo of this life, how to stabilize awareness during the bardo of dying, how to attain enlightenment through recognizing awareness during the bardo of dharmata, and, if necessary, how to be assured a rebirth in a natural nirmanakaya realm during the bardo of becoming and there attain buddhahood without further rebirths [RY]

[[byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos so bdun]] - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RB]

[[byang chub phyogs kyi chos sum cu rtsa bdun]] - the thirty-seven factors of enlightenment {dran pa nyer bzhag bzhi}, {yang dag spong ba bzhi}, {rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi}, {dbang po lnga}, {stobs lnga}, {byang chub kyi yan lag bdun}, {'phags lam gyi yan lag brgyad}; [IW]

[[byang phyogs kyi chos so bdun]] - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RY]
[[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Tantric Deities]]
[[byang phyogs so bdun]] - {byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos so} bdun thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment [RB]
[[byang phyogs so bdun]] - thirty-seven factors conducive to enlightenment; the 37 bodhi-factors, [abbr. of ([[byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa'i chos sum cu rtsa bdun]]) [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 20:47, 26 February 2006

Tantra of the Union of Sun and Moon (nyi zla kha sbyor gyi rgyud) - This tantra shows which experience a person undergoes in the intermediate state, the bardo, after passing away. It teaches how to resolve one's master's oral instructions during the bardo of this life, how to stabilize awareness during the bardo of dying, how to attain enlightenment through recognizing awareness during the bardo of dharmata, and, if necessary, how to be assured a rebirth in a natural nirmanakaya realm during the bardo of becoming and there attain buddhahood without further rebirths [RY]