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<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[བྱ་བྲལ་ཀུན་དགའ་དཔལ་ལྡན།]]</span></noinclude><br>
#REDIRECT[[ye shes kyi dkyil 'khor]]
<noinclude>[[bya bral kun dga' dpal ldan]]</noinclude><br>
===Short Biography===
'''Chadrel Kunga Palden''' (b.1878), was the 'Heart Son' of both [[Orgyen Tenzin Norbu|Onpo Tenzin Norbu]] and [[Dzogchen Khenchen Konchok Drakpa]]. Born in the Earth Tiger year of the 15th Rabjyung, in the capital of Derge, Dokham. As a youth he lived with his father and uncle who worked together and were both comfortably adept businessmen doing all sorts of worldly dealing, like commerce and agriculture. 
But because of the things he had witnessed, he came to recognize the true nature of cyclic existence and thus developed true revolution for samsaraic life. So one day he vowed to overturn the depths of samsara and to achieve perfect enlightenment within the life time and body he already had.
Thus he traveled to [[Dzogchen Monastery]] to receive the teaching and monks vows from the Mahapandita [[Orgyen Tenzin Norbu]]. From [[Orgyen Tenzin Norbu|Onpo Tenzin Norbu]] he received all of the outer and inner preliminaries as well as the main practices of the Dzogchen Nyingthik and personal guidance  in the paths of Trekcho and Thogel. From these teaching he experienced a direct perception of one's own natural state, where all of the stages and paths are primordially perfect and complete.
From Masters such as [[Dzogchen Khenchen Konchok Drakpa|Dzogchen Khenchen Losel Tenkyong]], [[Khenpo Shenga|Khenchen Shenga Rinpoche]], and other renowned guides he simultaneously received the detailed teachings and pith instructions for the “[[mdzod bdun|Seven Treasures]]” and the “[[Ngalso Korsum Index|Trilogy of Comfort and Ease]]”. Along with all the multitudes of scriptures by the two Omniscient Father and Son, [[Longchenpa|Drime Ozer]] and [[Jigme Lingpa|Khyentse Ozer]], he received  the older and newer; higher and lower; and the supporting and enhancing practice of the Nyingthik.
From the time he entered into the path, he maintained the conduct of a true yogi, a simple renunciate staying in mountain retreats, place like [[Tsering Jong|Rudam Tsering Jong]], the hermitage of [[Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa]], which became his permanent residence. In the Wood-bird year without the slightest sign of sickness, seated with crossed leg and wearing his three sets of robes, Chadrelwa entered into meditative equipoise, resting in the peaceful luminous nature it was as if he just fell asleep.[[Bj Lhundrup|[BL]]]
<center><noinclude><span class=TibUni16>ཡང་ཟབ་སྦས་པའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་ཚེ་མཐར་ཕྱིན། །</span></noinclude></center>
<center>The supreme profound, hidden yogi, who accomplished his life,</center>
<center><noinclude><span class=TibUni16>སྙིང་པོའི་དོན་མཐོང་གཟུངས་འཛིན་འཁྲུལ་པ་ཞིགས། །</span></noinclude></center>
<center>Who destroyed the illusion of subject and object by realizing the essential meaning,</center>
<center><noinclude><span class=TibUni16>རྡོས་བཅས་ལུས་ལ་ཆོས་སྐུའི་སྙིང་པོ་བརྙེས། །</span></noinclude></center>
<center>Who achieved the essence of Dharmakaya within this ordinary body,</center>
<center><noinclude><span class=TibUni16>བྱ་བྲལ་ཀུན་དགའ་དཔལ་ལྡན་ལ་གསོལ་བ་འདེབས།། །།</span></noinclude></center>
<center>And is free of worldly actions, Kunga Palden, to you I pray!</center>
===Primary Teachers===
*[[Orgyen Tenzin Norbu]]<br>
*[[Mura Rinpoche Pema Dechen Zangpo]]
===Primary Students===
*[[Khenpo Lhagyal]]<br>
===Primary Lineage===
*[[Longchen Nyingtik]]<br>
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*Chatang Kunga Palden<br>
===Other Reference Sources===
*From the [[snga 'gyur rdzogs chen chos 'byung chen mo]], [[bya bral kun dga' dpal ldan gyi rnam thar bsdus pa]]
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
*[http://www.tbrc.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq;jsessionid=6F52B68E4F960D20DDB373E329B412A2?RID=P6963 TBRC link here]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Dzogchen Masters]][[Category:Longchen Nyingthig Masters]]

Latest revision as of 02:23, 18 July 2008