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'''Twenty-five disciples of Padmasambhava'''
'''Pond of White Lotus Flowers''' by [[Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal]]. 527 pages. A major historical work on the [[Eight Chariots of the Practice Lineage]] with predominant emphasis on the [[Nyingma School]]. Tibetan title: ([[snga 'gyur rdo rje'i theg pa gtso bor gyur pa'i sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad kyi byung ba brjod pa'i gtam rdor bsdus legs bshad pad-ma dkar po'i rdzing bu]]). Published by His Holiness [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]], New Delhi, India.

The twenty-five main disciples of Padmasambhava ([[rje 'bangs nyer lnga]]) appear in various lists.
[[category:Tibetan Literature]]
===Main List===
[[King Trisong Deutsen]]<br>
[[Denma Tsemang]]<br>
[[Dorje Dudjom of Nanam]]<br>
[[Drogben Khyechung Lotsawa]]<br>
[[Gyalwa Changchub of Lasum]]<br>
[[Gyalwa Choyang]]<br>
[[Gyalwe Lodro of Dré]]<br>
[[Jnanakumara of Nyak]]<br>
[[Kawa Paltsek]]<br>
[[Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal]], the [[Princess of Karchen]]<br>
[[Könchog Jungney of Langdro]]<br>
[[Lhapal the Sokpo]]<br>
[[Namkhai Nyingpo]]<br>
[[Nanam Zhang Yeshe De]]<br>
[[Palgyi Dorje of Lhalung]]<br>
[[Palgyi Senge]]<br>
[[Palgyi Wangchuk]]<br>
[[Palgyi Wangchuk of Odren]]<br>
[[Palgyi Yeshe]]<br>
[[Rinchen Chok of Ma]]<br>
[[Sangye Yeshe of Nub]]<br>
[[Palgyi Senge of Shubu ]]<br>
[[Vairotsana]], the great translator<br>
[[Yeshe Yang]]<br>
[[Yudra Nyingpo of Gyalmo]]<br>
===Additional disciples at the time===
*[[Arye Sale]], [[Acharya Salee]]
*[[Nyangben Tingdzin Zangpo]]
*[[Chokro Luyi Gyaltsen]]
*[[Prince Damdzin]], [[Yeshe Rolpa Tsal ]]
*[[Prince Mutri Tsenpo]]
*[[Princess Pema Sal]]
===Tibetan List===
[[rje 'bangs nyer lnga]] - the [[King and the twenty-five Disciples]]; [[25 disciples of Padmasambhava]]. As listed in the ''[[Ma-ong Lungten from Lama Gongdü]]'', page 7: rje mnga' bdag nyid, glang dpal gyi seng ge, pa gor bE ro tsa na, rgyal mo g.yu sgra snying po, gnubs nam mkha'i snying po, gnyag dz-nya na ku ma ra, ngan lam rgyal ba mchog dbyangs, sna nam rdo rje bdud 'joms, sba ye shes dbyangs, sog po lha dpal gyi ye shes, zhang sna nam ye shes sde, mkhar chen dpal gyi dbang phyug, lde(n) ma rtse mangs, mchan bu ka ba dpal brtsegs, shu bu dpal gyi seng ge, 'dre rgyal ba blo gros, lo khye'u chung ba, dran pa nam mkha', 'o dran dpal gyi dbang phyug, rma rin chen mchog, gnubs sangs rgyas ye shes, lha lung dpal gyi rdo rje dbang phyug, lang gro dkon mchog 'byung gnas, la sum rgyal ba byang chub, mkhar chen bza' mtsho rgyal [RY]
Twenty-five Main Disciples of Padmasambhava (rje 'bangs nyer lnga)- in various lists these include Vairotsana; Mandarava; Ye shes mTsho rgyal; rGyal ba mchog dbyangs; Nam mkha'i snying po;dPal gyi seng ge; ye shes dbyangs; Ye shes sde; dPal gyi rdo rje; Khri srong lde'u btsan; mKhar chen dpal gyi *dbang phyug; gYu sgra snying po; dPal gyi seng ge; rMa rin chen mchog; Sangs rgyas ye shes; rdo rje bdud 'joms; rGyal ba blo gros; lDan ma rtse mang; sKa ba dPal brtsegs; 'O bran dbang phyug; Jnanakumaravajra; Sog po lHa dpal gzhon nu; Lang gro dKon mchog 'byung gnas; rGal ba byang chub; Dran pa nam mkha' dbang phyug; Khye'u chung mKha' lding; Cog ru Klu'i rgyal mtshan; Ting nge 'dzin bzang po.
[http://www.rangjung.com/gl/25_disciples-incarnations.htm detailed descriptions with pictures]
*Please expand, using [[Sample Buddhist Teacher Info & Instructions]]
[[Category:Buddhist Masters]]
[[Category:Nyingma Masters]]
[[Category:25 Disciples of Padmasambhava]]

Latest revision as of 21:51, 15 January 2006

Pond of White Lotus Flowers by Shechen Gyaltsab Pema Namgyal. 527 pages. A major historical work on the Eight Chariots of the Practice Lineage with predominant emphasis on the Nyingma School. Tibetan title: (snga 'gyur rdo rje'i theg pa gtso bor gyur pa'i sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad kyi byung ba brjod pa'i gtam rdor bsdus legs bshad pad-ma dkar po'i rdzing bu). Published by His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, New Delhi, India.