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[[chos kyi bdag med]] - [[egolessness]] of phenomena [one of the {[[bdag med gnyis]]} no nature is established for all the dharmas included in subject and object/ grasping and fixation [[rang bzhin gyis ma grub pa]]; 1 of the {[[bdag med gnyis]]}, two selflessness) selflessness of phenomena, unreality of intrinsic phenomena, phenomenal non-self, lack of a self in things, non-self of dharmas, objective selflessness, selflessness of dharmas, the non-self existence of all phenomena, the lack of reality in cognizable objects, (Dharmanair tmya] [IW]
#REDIRECT:[[Chokling of Tsikey]]
[['ja' lus]] - [[Rainbow body]]. At the time of death of a practitioner who has reached the exhaustion of all grasping and fixation through the [[Dzogchen]] practice of [[Tögal]], the five gross elements which form the physical body, dissolve back into their essences, five-colored light. Sometimes only the hair and the nails are left behind. Passing away in a mass of rainbow light and leaving no corpse behind [RY]
[[rtog pa dang bcas pa]] - w discursive thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation, w analysis [IW]
[[rtog pa med pa]] - w/o discursive thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation, no reconsideration [IW]
[[thag chig thog tu chod pa]] - decide on 1 thing/ resolve all at once [way of practice in ka dag khregs chod [objects are not transformed, and not defiled by grasping and fixation, w/o abandoning and antidotes, awareness/ insight lets things be as they are = not going beyond dharmakaya and its natural wisadom] [IW]
[[bdag med gsum]] - the three kinds/ aspects of [[egolessness]] [the three aspects of [[Sugata Essence]], 1) [[gang zag gi bdag med]] [[dang]], of individuals 2) [[chos kun]] [[gzung 'dzin]] [[dang]] [[rdzas gzhan gyis stong pa]] the emptiness of all dharmas of [[gzung 'dzin]] [subject and object, grasping and fixation] 3) [[chos]] [[bden grub kyis stong pa]] the emptiness of all dharmas of true existence OR 1) {[[gzhi dus]] [[kyi]] [[rang bzhin rnam dag]]}, the natural purity at the time of the ground 2) {[[lam dus]] [[kyi]] [[dag]] [[la ma]] [[dag]]}, the partial purity at the time of the path 3) {[['bras dus]] [[kyi]] [[glo bur]] [[bral]] [[dag]]}, the purity of freedom from momentary (stains) at the time of fruition] [IW]
[[bde gshegs snying po'i chos drug gzung 'dzin la sogs pa'i rtog pa med pa]] - the [[six dharmas of sugatagarbha]] 1) without conceptualizations/ discursive thoughts of subject and object/grasping and fixation and so forth. 2) without the appearance of discursive/conceptualized thoughts {[[rnam par mi rtog pa'i]] [[snang ba med pa]]}. 3) without the form of atoms {[[rdul phra rab]] [[kyi]] [[gzugs med pa]]}. 4) without the motion of characteristics {[[mtshan ma]]'i [[gyo]] [[ba]] [[med pa]]}, the emptiness of these 5) transcending non-affirming negation by its luminous nature, having the characteristic of 6) individual and personal knowledge of its own nature {[[rang gi ngo bo]] [[so so rang gis]] [[rig pa]]} [IW]
[[bde gshegs snying po'i chos drug gzung 'dzin la sogs pa'i rtog pa med pa]] - the six dharmas of sugatagarbha w/o conceptualizations/ discursive thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation and so forth [IW]
[[ma rig gzung 'dzin]] - ignorant subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[['dzin pa dang gzung ba]] - 1) holder/ grasper and held/ grasped; 2) grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung ba dang 'dzin pa dang bral ba]] - free from grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung ba dang 'dzin pa'i chos su brtags pa]] - examine the dharmas of grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin]] - object and subject duality, graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, apprehendable and the apprehender [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin]] - perceiver and perceived, subject object duality; subject and object; graspable object and grasping subject, grasping and fixation, dualistic fixation, the grasper and the grasped, perceiver and the perceived, the apprehendable and the apprehender. Syn {[[bzung rtog dang 'dzin rtog]]}. Syn {[[bdag rnam gnyis]]}; dualistic perception of/ grasping at object and subject, object-subject dualism [RY]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi rtog tshogs]] - thoughts of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi snang ba]] - experience of perceiver and perceived/ subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi bag chags]] - habitual patterns of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gyi rdzas tha dad kyis stong pa nyid]] - emptiness of subject-object substantial dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin grangs mnyam pa'i sems tsam rnam bden pa]] - true aspectarian mind only school of equal # of perceivers and perceived/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin chos rnams]] - the dharmas of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gnyis]] - grasper and grasped, grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gnyis stong]] - emptiness of duality of subject and object/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gnyis stong gi rnam shes]] - consciousness devoid of grasper and grasped/ subject and object */ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gnyis snang gi bag chags]] - habitual patterns of the dualistic appearance of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin gnyis su med pa]] - w/o duality of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin rtog pa]] - ego-grasping of dharmas and individuals or conception attached to true existence of object and perceiver/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin bdud bgegs]] - the maras and obstructing spirits of grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin rnam rtog]] - concepts/ thoughts of grasping and fixation/ subject and object [IW]
[[gzung 'dzin rdzas tha dad]] - substantial subject-object dichotomy/ grasping and fixation [IW]
[[bzung 'dzin]] - subject and object, grasping and fixation [JV]
[[bzung 'dzin]] - apprehended, apprehender, subject-object fixation, subject and object, grasping and fixation [IW]
[[gsang ba'i bar chad]] - Secret or innermost obstacles. The habitual tendency for grasping and fixation [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 03:13, 12 March 2006

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