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[[skye mched kyi lha]] - ayatana-deities. Concerning the ayatana-deities, the [[Sarma]] tradition says: In the eyes is the lady of Vajra Dullness; in the ears is the lady of Vajra Anger, in the nose is the lady of Vajra Greed; in the mouth is the lady of Vajra Passion; in the body is the lady of Vajra Envy, in the mind is the Non-Ego Yogini. And, at the crown of the head is the lady of Vajra Body, at the throat is the lady of Vajra Speech, and at the heart is the lady of Vajra Mind. According to the Nyingma tradition, in the eyes Kshitigarbha; in the ears is Vajrapani; in the nose is Akashagarbha; on the tongue is Avalokiteshvara; in the body is the four wrathful [gate-keepers]; and in the five places you visualize the five families. [RY]
see also: [['bras bu]]

[[rdo rje 'chang]] - [[Vajradhara]]. 'Vajra-holder.' The dharmakaya buddha of the Sarma Schools. Can also refer to one's personal teacher of Vajrayana or to the all-embracing buddha nature [RY]
Something brought about by a '''[[cause]]''' or agent; a result.  
The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence.

[[rdo rje phag mo]] - [[Vajra Varahi]]. A [[sambhogakaya]] manifestation of the female buddha [[Samantabhadri]]. She is also one of the chief [[yidam]] deities of the [[Sarma Schools]], as well as a [[wisdom dakini]] [RY]
A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon.
Advantage; avail.  

[[spyod pa]] - {spyod pa, spyad pa, spyad pa, spyod} trans. v.; 1) to engage in; enjoy; behave, carry out, conduct oneself; practice, act, enact, participate in, engage in, be involved with; to use; treat, deal with, to use, employ, apply, utilize; experience, undergo, enjoy, partake of; do, enjoy, experience, accomplish, perform, commit, 2) Skt Charya; conduct, behavior, action, activity, course, deeds,. 3) a practitioner; 4) application, practice, 5) lifestyle, 6) Syn {spyod pa'i rgyud} Charya. The second of the four sections of tantras according to the Sarma schools [RY]
The condition of being in full force or execution.

[[phyag rgya chen po]] - [[Mahamudra]]. Literally, the 'great seal,' the most direct practice for realizing one's buddha nature. A system of teachings which is the basic view of Vajrayana practice according to the Sarma or 'new' schools of Kagyü, Gelug, and Sakya [RY]
Something which produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention.

[[phyi 'gyur]] - Later Translation Schools. Same as Sarma, the New Schools [RY]
A particular impression.  

[[gsar rnying]] - New and Old Schools, the Sarma and Nyingma Schools [RY]
Production of a desired impression.
The basic or general meaning; import.
To bring into existence.<br>
To produce as a result. <br>
To bring about.

[[gsar snying]] - [[Sarma]] and [[Nyingma]], new and old schools rspv. [RY]
Synonyms: ''effect, consequence, result, outcome, upshot, sequel'' - These nouns denote an occurrence, situation, or condition which is caused by an antecedent:

[[gsar ma]] - [[Sarma Schools]]. [['New Schools]].' The New Schools are [[Kagyü]], [[Sakya]], and [[Gelug]] as well as [[Shijey]] and [[Chö]], [[Jordruk]], [[Shangpa Kagyü]], and [[Nyendrub]] (the [[Kalachakra system]]) [RY]
An ''effect'' is produced by the action of an agent or a cause and follows it in time.

[[gsar ma pa]] - Sarmapa, the [[New Tantra]] schools, the [[Newer Schools]]; new tradition [RY]
A ''consequence'' has a less sharply definable relationship to its cause.

[[gsar ma pa]] - follower of a new school of buddhism in tibet, Sarmapa, new tantra schools, newer schools [JV]
A ''result'' is viewed as anything which is an end product of some operation of a cause.

[[lha gnas gsum]] - [TRS 138-2] acc. to [[Nyingma]] / Sarma; Three Divine Realms. The pure abodes, the ordinary form realms and the realms of the six species of Kama divinities. 1) {[['og min]]}. 2) {[[dga' ldan]]} 3) {[[sum cu rtsa gsum]]} [RY]
An ''outcome'' more strongly implies finality and may suggest the operation of a cause over a relatively long period.

An ''upshot'' is a decisive result, often of the nature of a climax.

A ''sequel'' is a consequence that ensues after a lapse of time.

[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Tantra]]
Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.<br>
The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence. <br>
A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon.<br>
The condition of being in full force or execution.<br>
Something which produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention.
v. ef·fect·ed, ef·fect·ing, ef·fects <br>
To bring into existence.<br>
To produce as a result.<br>
To bring about.
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Latest revision as of 13:18, 8 April 2006

see also: 'bras bu

Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence.

A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon.

Advantage; avail.

The condition of being in full force or execution.

Something which produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention.

A particular impression.

Production of a desired impression.

The basic or general meaning; import.

To bring into existence.
To produce as a result.
To bring about.

Synonyms: effect, consequence, result, outcome, upshot, sequel - These nouns denote an occurrence, situation, or condition which is caused by an antecedent:

An effect is produced by the action of an agent or a cause and follows it in time.

A consequence has a less sharply definable relationship to its cause.

A result is viewed as anything which is an end product of some operation of a cause.

An outcome more strongly implies finality and may suggest the operation of a cause over a relatively long period.

An upshot is a decisive result, often of the nature of a climax.

A sequel is a consequence that ensues after a lapse of time.

Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.
The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence.
A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon.
The condition of being in full force or execution.
Something which produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention.

v. ef·fect·ed, ef·fect·ing, ef·fects
To bring into existence.
To produce as a result.
To bring about.