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[[mchog gling rin po che]] - [[Chokling Rinpoche]], there are two incarnation lineages. [[Kela]] (or [[Tsikey]]) [[Tsikey Chokling|Chokling]] and [[Neten Chokling]], named after the two main monasteries of [[Chokgyur Lingpa]]. The second [[Kela Chokling]] was named [[Konchok Tenpey Gyaltsen]]. After his passing a Tulku was born who died at the early age of thirteen. This Tulku had two incarnations. One is the second son of [[Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche]], ''[[Mingyur Dewey Dorje]]'', who came to Nepal with his father. The other Tulku stays in Derge/Eastern Tibet. The second Neten Chokling´s name was [[Ngedon Drubpe Dorje]]. He was followed by ''[[Chokling Pema Gyurme]]'' who passed away in India. The present [[Neten Chokling]] is named [[Neten Chokling Gyurme Dorje|Gyurme Dorje]] and was born in Bhutan. [tsd]
== Author ==
* [[Sachen Kunga Nyingpo]] ([[sa chen kun dga' snying po]])

Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje was present amongst a large group of incarnate masters, ordained and lay persons in 1978 for an empowerment and transmission offered by His Holiness [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]], of the entire termas of [[Chokgyur Lingpa]] at [[Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery]] in Boudhanath, Nepal.  During this proceeding, His Holiness also included explanatory instructions on [[Jamgon Kongtrul]]'s [[The Light of Wisdom]] (ISBN 9627341371), which is published by Rangjung Yeshe Publications.
== References ==
* [[Sakya Five Superiors Collected Works]], volume kha 2: 12-13
*[http://www.tbrc.org/cgi-bin/tbrcdatx?resource=W12882 TBRC Listing]

[[Category:Sakya Literature]]
*[http://www.rangjung.com/authors/Tsikey_Chokling_4th_Gyurmey_Dewey_Dorje.htm more details]
*[[Lotus Ocean]], translated by [[Erik Pema Kunsang]]
===Long Life Supplication===
Supplication for the Long Life of H.E. Chokling Rinpoche<br>
Om soti<br>
Gyalkün rigkyi chöpen ö-ta ye<br>
Zhingdir chimey rigdzin zhönnü tsül<br>
Rangjung tsoley kyepey gyalwa dey<br>
Jinchen shipey metog chardu pob<br>
Family crown of all victorious ones, Amitabha,<br>
Manifest in this realm as the Youthful Vidyadhara of Immortality,<br>
May this self-existing Lotus Buddha<br>
Shower down auspicious flowers of great resplendence!<br>
Drenchok nga-yab lingpey gyaltsab chey<br>
Mijik desum senge ngaro yi<br>
Tamen ridak tsoknam pakong wa<br>
Gyurmey ngag-gi wangchuk zhabten sol<br>
Great regent of the supreme (Chok) guide Ngayab Lingpa (Ling),<br>
Your fearless (Mi) lion’s roar of the Three Sections<br>
Subdues the hordes of beast-like inferior views.<br>
Unchanging (gyur) lord of speech, may your life be long!<br>
Dechen yeshe chag-gyey gyugar gyi<br>
Rang-gi düljar drelwey kalsang tsok<br>
Zungjuk dorjey sala ug-jin pa<br>
Drubpey depön chok-gi zhabten sol<br>
With your magical dance, the wisdom forms of great bliss (De),<br>
You connect (wey) with disciples who have excellent fortune, <br>
Assuring them of the state of vajra (Dorje) union;<br>
Steerman of siddhas, may your life be long!<br>
Labchen trinley ö-nang bumdel wey<br>
Chernyik dükyi münrum tarjey tey<br>
Lamey ngotsar pendey gatön pal<br>
Chokdü künkyab trozhin zhabten sol<br>
The all-pervasive brilliance of your immense activity (Trinley)<br>
Abolishes the darkness of this degenerate age.<br>
Emanating a splendorous feast of benefit and happiness, wonderful and unexcelled,<br>
Pervading all (Künkyab) times and directions, may your life be long!<br>
Drodül kyebü zhabpey kalgyar ten<br>
Zabsang chö-nga sasum kyabpar drok<br>
Nga-gyur ringluk yargyi tsotar gye<br>
Gelek chokley namgyal tashi shog<br>
May the life of this great tamer of beings last for one hundred aeons!<br>
May the Dharma drum of the Profound Secret resound to fill the three worlds!<br>
May the tradition of the Early Translations swell like a lake in summer!<br>
And may auspicious goodness triumph in all directions!<br>
This was composed with wishes for the long life of the fourth in the incarnation line of Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje on the auspicious Victorious [thirteenth] day of the Ripening [ninth] month in the year that is Delightful-to-All [Wood Tiger]. Siddhi rastu. May it be accomplished!<br>
Chokling Rinpoche’s full name is Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje Trinley Künkyab — Supreme Sanctuary, All-Pervading Activity of the Unchanging Blissful Vajra.<br>
[[Category:Tibetan Buddhist Masters]]

Latest revision as of 03:02, 19 June 2006