adhiṣṭhāna (462)

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|bhs-entry=<k1>aDizWAna<k2>aDizWAna<br><b>adhiṣṭhāna</b>¦, (regularly) nt. (= Pali adhiṭṭhāna; see 6 below for forms of other genders; from <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b>, q.v.), (<b>1</b>) <i>basis</i>, as in Skt. (BR s.v. 1); special usage, SP 405.8--9 (a Buddha of old preached the SP at length) Sarvasattvapriyadarśanaṃ bodhisattvaṃ…adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā, <i>making</i> (his disciple) <i>the Bodhisattva S. the basis</i>, i.e. with special regard to him, or for his special benefit; (<b>2</b>) (mental) <i>firm basis = determination, resolve, resolution, vow</i>, = Pali (cetaso) adhiṭṭhāna (see CPD); rare in BHS: (a Bodhisattva is about to burn his body to honor the SP and the Buddha who revealed it to him; having purified, adorned, and scented his body) svakam adhiṣṭhānam akarot SP 407.6, <i>he made his resolution, firm mental determination</i>; followed by svakam adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā svaṃ kāyaṃ prajvālayām āsa; buddhān bhagavataḥ sākṣiṇaḥ kṛtvā teṣāṃ purataḥ satyādhiṣṭhānaṃ (q.v.) karomi: yena satyena etc., SP 413.7--8,…<i>I make a truthful resolve…</i> and he proceeds with an ‘act of truth’, see <b>satyavacana</b>; (?) LV 423.5-6 akṣaṇasattvavinayādhiṣṭhānāpratyudāvar- tyacakraṃ (said of the dharmacakra; text °dhiṣṭhāna- praty°, but see s.v. <b>apratyudāvartya</b>), <i>wheel that cannot</i> <i>be turned back because of</i> (the Buddha's) <i>fixed determination</i> <i>to discipline creatures that are subject to bad births</i> (? or possibly <i>because of the Buddha's supernatural power to</i> <i>discipline</i> etc.; otherwise, implausibly, Foucaux); here perhaps also the ‘four adhisthāna’ (<i>firm resolves?</i>) of Mvy 1580--84 (satya-, tyāga-, upasama-, prajñā-) = Pali four [Page016-a+ 71] adhiṭṭhāna, DN iii.229.18 (paññā-, sacca-, cāga-, upasama-); (<b>3</b>) in Skt. (BR s.v. 2) <i>mastery, power</i>; in BHS <i>control</i>, e.g. of a monk's own robes (cf. <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> 1), MSV ii.91.12 tricīvarādhiṣṭhānena; oftener <i>supernatural, magic</i> <i>power</i>: puṇyavipākādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitās LV 48.21 (Apsa- rases) <i>empowered</i> (controlled) <i>by the power of the ripening of</i> <i>merit</i> (which enables them to disappear from their heavenly home and appear in Kapilavastu); -devatādhiṣṭhānāt LV 381.12, <i>by the magic power of the…deity</i> (the merchants' wagons were stopped and could not be moved); usually a Buddha's or Bodhisattva's; it may be his <i>supernatural</i> <i>control</i> over his own destiny, SP 64.13, where bodhisattvā- dhiṣṭhānena goes closely with tat paurvakaṃ caryāpraṇi- dhānam, see s.v. <b>saṃmantrita</b>; but it is usually <i>control</i> over another person, a Bodhisattva or disciple: Maitreyasya bodhisattvasyādhiṣṭhānabalena sarveṣu teṣu kūṭāgāreṣv abhyantarapraviṣṭam ātmānaṃ saṃjānīte sma, Gv 512.13- 14, <i>by the force of the supernatural power of Maitreya</i> (Sudhana) <i>fancied that he had entered into each one of those</i> <i>palaces</i>; buddhānāṃ…adhiṣṭhānena LV 163.9--10 (text adhisthān°; when the women were making music for the Bodhisattva) <i>by the supernatural power of the Buddhas</i> verses of exhortation to him came forth (in 163.14 <b>āveśa</b>, q.v., or v.l. ādeśa, replaces adhi°); similarly 182.3; adhi- ṣṭhānena buddhānām anubhāvād (another near-synonym) vikurvitaiḥ Samādh 22.19 (the body of the Buddha can be seen); other like cases Laṅk 2.10; LV 31.3, 6; 237.18; 368.12; in 415.16, the dharmacakra is sarvabuddhādhiṣ- ṭhānāvilopitam, <i>unbroken thru the supernatural power</i> (influence) <i>of all the Buddhas</i>; for Laṅk 100.6 and Mmk 56.24 see s.v. <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> (2); etaṃ…samādhiṃ samā- pannasyādhiṣṭhānam: lokadhātuvijñaptiṣu adhiṣṭhānam, etc., long series of locs. each with adhi° repeated, stating the spheres of the <i>mastery</i> obtained, Gv 98.15 ff.; mamā- dhiṣṭhānabalādhānam SP 316.1, <i>my assumption of the force</i> <i>of supernatural</i> (magic) <i>power</i> (here causes people to believe that the earthly life of Śākyamuni, which was unreal, is real); but the corresponding verse, 323.13, has adhiṣṭha- hāmi in the sense of <i>I make appear by magic</i> (see <b>adhitiṣ-</b> <b>ṭhati</b> 3), and possibly adhiṣṭhāna may be concrete here (and in sadādhiṣṭhānaṃ mama etad īdṛśaṃ SP 324.11, resuming the same subject), <i>exhibition of supernatural</i> (magic) <i>power = magical appearance</i> or <i>transformation</i>; this latter is certainly the meaning in LV 379.3, see <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> (3), and perhaps in Prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasya…etad adhiṣṭhānam abhūt SP 241.8, <i>this</i> <i>was the adhiṣṭhāna of the Tathāgata P</i>. (there follows a quotation of his words: <i>Let this stūpa of my remains appear</i> <i>whenever the SP is preached</i>). Does <i>this adhiṣṭhāna</i> mean <i>this exhibition of supernatural power</i>, viz, the making of the stūpa to appear? Or is it <i>this fixed determination, resolution</i> (2, above)? Near synonyms are <b>āveśa</b>, (Skt.) anubhāva, <b>adhimukti</b>; cf. also Laṅk 292.13 and 15, where one of the sources of abhijñā is ‘from adhiṣṭhāna’ (adhiṣṭhānān, so read in 13 for text °nāṃ, abl., before n-), which means <i>from the controlling power of the Buddhas</i> and is paraphrased in 15 by buddhaprasādataḥ, <i>from the grace of the Buddhas</i>. Suzuki, Transl. of Laṅk passim, renders <i>sustaining power</i>; I think rather <i>controlling power</i>. Even Bodhisattvas are at times dependent on Buddhas and need their control; (<b>4</b>) in architecture, Skt. (see Acharya, Dict. Hindu Arch. s.v.), <i>basement, foundation</i> of building or <i>base</i> of a pillar. Here in Mvy 5591 = Tib. lan kan gyi rten ma, <i>prop</i> (i.e. base) <i>of a railing</i>; so Chin. Whatever it means here is certainly meant also in Divy 221.9, 10 adhiṣṭhānam, and Mv i.195.1 ff.; iii.227.8 ff., adhiṣṭhānakam, where the context is the same as in Mvy 5591; see <b>sūcī, sūcikā;</b> <b>(5)</b> see <b>pādādhiṣṭhāna; (6)</b> m., n. of a (mythical) samādhi: Gv 451.26. In this curious passage, 451.25--452.6, the word adhiṣṭhāna is further used predicatively in a series of equational sentences, varying in gender like an adjective [Page016-b+ 71] with different subjects. Bhadrottamā says to Sudhana: ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ jānāmi deśayāmy, adhiṣṭhānaś ca me samādhiḥ pratilab- dho; na tatra samādhau kasyacid dharmasyā 'dhiṣṭhānam; adhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatācakṣuḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhā- naṃ sarvajñatāśrotram, adhiṣṭhānaṃ sarvajñatāghrāṇam, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatājihvā, 'dhiṣṭhānaḥ sarvajñatākāyo, 'dhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatāmanaḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatormir, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatāvidyud, adhiṣṭhānāḥ sarvajñatāvegāḥ pravartante jagadrocanāmaṇḍalāḥ; etam ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ jā- nāmi.(Punctuation introduced by me.) There is no further light from the context. I am not sure what meaning the author attributed to the word adhiṣṭhāna: presumably something like either <i>basis</i> or <i>controlling power</i>.
|bhs-entry=(aDizWAna, aDizWAna)<br><b>adhiṣṭhāna</b>¦, (regularly) nt. (= Pali adhiṭṭhāna; see 6 below for forms of other genders; from <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b>, q.v.), (<b>1</b>) <i>basis</i>, as in Skt. (BR s.v. 1); special usage, SP 405.8--9 (a Buddha of old preached the SP at length) Sarvasattvapriyadarśanaṃ bodhisattvaṃ…adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā, <i>making</i> (his disciple) <i>the Bodhisattva S. the basis</i>, i.e. with special regard to him, or for his special benefit; (<b>2</b>) (mental) <i>firm basis = determination, resolve, resolution, vow</i>, = Pali (cetaso) adhiṭṭhāna (see CPD); rare in BHS: (a Bodhisattva is about to burn his body to honor the SP and the Buddha who revealed it to him; having purified, adorned, and scented his body) svakam adhiṣṭhānam akarot SP 407.6, <i>he made his resolution, firm mental determination</i>; followed by svakam adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā svaṃ kāyaṃ prajvālayām āsa; buddhān bhagavataḥ sākṣiṇaḥ kṛtvā teṣāṃ purataḥ satyādhiṣṭhānaṃ (q.v.) karomi: yena satyena etc., SP 413.7--8,…<i>I make a truthful resolve…</i> and he proceeds with an ‘act of truth’, see <b>satyavacana</b>; (?) LV 423.5-6 akṣaṇasattvavinayādhiṣṭhānāpratyudāvar- tyacakraṃ (said of the dharmacakra; text °dhiṣṭhāna- praty°, but see s.v. <b>apratyudāvartya</b>), <i>wheel that cannot</i> <i>be turned back because of</i> (the Buddha's) <i>fixed determination</i> <i>to discipline creatures that are subject to bad births</i> (? or possibly <i>because of the Buddha's supernatural power to</i> <i>discipline</i> etc.; otherwise, implausibly, Foucaux); here perhaps also the ‘four adhisthāna’ (<i>firm resolves?</i>) of Mvy 1580--84 (satya-, tyāga-, upasama-, prajñā-) = Pali four [Page016-a+ 71] adhiṭṭhāna, DN iii.229.18 (paññā-, sacca-, cāga-, upasama-); (<b>3</b>) in Skt. (BR s.v. 2) <i>mastery, power</i>; in BHS <i>control</i>, e.g. of a monk's own robes (cf. <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> 1), MSV ii.91.12 tricīvarādhiṣṭhānena; oftener <i>supernatural, magic</i> <i>power</i>: puṇyavipākādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitās LV 48.21 (Apsa- rases) <i>empowered</i> (controlled) <i>by the power of the ripening of</i> <i>merit</i> (which enables them to disappear from their heavenly home and appear in Kapilavastu); -devatādhiṣṭhānāt LV 381.12, <i>by the magic power of the…deity</i> (the merchants' wagons were stopped and could not be moved); usually a Buddha's or Bodhisattva's; it may be his <i>supernatural</i> <i>control</i> over his own destiny, SP 64.13, where bodhisattvā- dhiṣṭhānena goes closely with tat paurvakaṃ caryāpraṇi- dhānam, see s.v. <b>saṃmantrita</b>; but it is usually <i>control</i> over another person, a Bodhisattva or disciple: Maitreyasya bodhisattvasyādhiṣṭhānabalena sarveṣu teṣu kūṭāgāreṣv abhyantarapraviṣṭam ātmānaṃ saṃjānīte sma, Gv 512.13- 14, <i>by the force of the supernatural power of Maitreya</i> (Sudhana) <i>fancied that he had entered into each one of those</i> <i>palaces</i>; buddhānāṃ…adhiṣṭhānena LV 163.9--10 (text adhisthān°; when the women were making music for the Bodhisattva) <i>by the supernatural power of the Buddhas</i> verses of exhortation to him came forth (in 163.14 <b>āveśa</b>, q.v., or v.l. ādeśa, replaces adhi°); similarly 182.3; adhi- ṣṭhānena buddhānām anubhāvād (another near-synonym) vikurvitaiḥ Samādh 22.19 (the body of the Buddha can be seen); other like cases Laṅk 2.10; LV 31.3, 6; 237.18; 368.12; in 415.16, the dharmacakra is sarvabuddhādhiṣ- ṭhānāvilopitam, <i>unbroken thru the supernatural power</i> (influence) <i>of all the Buddhas</i>; for Laṅk 100.6 and Mmk 56.24 see s.v. <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> (2); etaṃ…samādhiṃ samā- pannasyādhiṣṭhānam: lokadhātuvijñaptiṣu adhiṣṭhānam, etc., long series of locs. each with adhi° repeated, stating the spheres of the <i>mastery</i> obtained, Gv 98.15 ff.; mamā- dhiṣṭhānabalādhānam SP 316.1, <i>my assumption of the force</i> <i>of supernatural</i> (magic) <i>power</i> (here causes people to believe that the earthly life of Śākyamuni, which was unreal, is real); but the corresponding verse, 323.13, has adhiṣṭha- hāmi in the sense of <i>I make appear by magic</i> (see <b>adhitiṣ-</b> <b>ṭhati</b> 3), and possibly adhiṣṭhāna may be concrete here (and in sadādhiṣṭhānaṃ mama etad īdṛśaṃ SP 324.11, resuming the same subject), <i>exhibition of supernatural</i> (magic) <i>power = magical appearance</i> or <i>transformation</i>; this latter is certainly the meaning in LV 379.3, see <b>adhitiṣṭhati</b> (3), and perhaps in Prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasya…etad adhiṣṭhānam abhūt SP 241.8, <i>this</i> <i>was the adhiṣṭhāna of the Tathāgata P</i>. (there follows a quotation of his words: <i>Let this stūpa of my remains appear</i> <i>whenever the SP is preached</i>). Does <i>this adhiṣṭhāna</i> mean <i>this exhibition of supernatural power</i>, viz, the making of the stūpa to appear? Or is it <i>this fixed determination, resolution</i> (2, above)? Near synonyms are <b>āveśa</b>, (Skt.) anubhāva, <b>adhimukti</b>; cf. also Laṅk 292.13 and 15, where one of the sources of abhijñā is ‘from adhiṣṭhāna’ (adhiṣṭhānān, so read in 13 for text °nāṃ, abl., before n-), which means <i>from the controlling power of the Buddhas</i> and is paraphrased in 15 by buddhaprasādataḥ, <i>from the grace of the Buddhas</i>. Suzuki, Transl. of Laṅk passim, renders <i>sustaining power</i>; I think rather <i>controlling power</i>. Even Bodhisattvas are at times dependent on Buddhas and need their control; (<b>4</b>) in architecture, Skt. (see Acharya, Dict. Hindu Arch. s.v.), <i>basement, foundation</i> of building or <i>base</i> of a pillar. Here in Mvy 5591 = Tib. lan kan gyi rten ma, <i>prop</i> (i.e. base) <i>of a railing</i>; so Chin. Whatever it means here is certainly meant also in Divy 221.9, 10 adhiṣṭhānam, and Mv i.195.1 ff.; iii.227.8 ff., adhiṣṭhānakam, where the context is the same as in Mvy 5591; see <b>sūcī, sūcikā;</b> <b>(5)</b> see <b>pādādhiṣṭhāna; (6)</b> m., n. of a (mythical) samādhi: Gv 451.26. In this curious passage, 451.25--452.6, the word adhiṣṭhāna is further used predicatively in a series of equational sentences, varying in gender like an adjective [Page016-b+ 71] with different subjects. Bhadrottamā says to Sudhana: ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ jānāmi deśayāmy, adhiṣṭhānaś ca me samādhiḥ pratilab- dho; na tatra samādhau kasyacid dharmasyā 'dhiṣṭhānam; adhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatācakṣuḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhā- naṃ sarvajñatāśrotram, adhiṣṭhānaṃ sarvajñatāghrāṇam, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatājihvā, 'dhiṣṭhānaḥ sarvajñatākāyo, 'dhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatāmanaḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatormir, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatāvidyud, adhiṣṭhānāḥ sarvajñatāvegāḥ pravartante jagadrocanāmaṇḍalāḥ; etam ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ jā- nāmi.(Punctuation introduced by me.) There is no further light from the context. I am not sure what meaning the author attributed to the word adhiṣṭhāna: presumably something like either <i>basis</i> or <i>controlling power</i>.
|dictionary=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary
|dictionary=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

Latest revision as of 16:59, 15 September 2021

Entry 462, Page 15, Col. 2
(aDizWAna, aDizWAna)
adhiṣṭhāna¦, (regularly) nt. (= Pali adhiṭṭhāna; see 6 below for forms of other genders; from adhitiṣṭhati, q.v.), (1) basis, as in Skt. (BR s.v. 1); special usage, SP 405.8--9 (a Buddha of old preached the SP at length) Sarvasattvapriyadarśanaṃ bodhisattvaṃ…adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā, making (his disciple) the Bodhisattva S. the basis, i.e. with special regard to him, or for his special benefit; (2) (mental) firm basis = determination, resolve, resolution, vow, = Pali (cetaso) adhiṭṭhāna (see CPD); rare in BHS: (a Bodhisattva is about to burn his body to honor the SP and the Buddha who revealed it to him; having purified, adorned, and scented his body) svakam adhiṣṭhānam akarot SP 407.6, he made his resolution, firm mental determination; followed by svakam adhiṣṭhānaṃ kṛtvā svaṃ kāyaṃ prajvālayām āsa; buddhān bhagavataḥ sākṣiṇaḥ kṛtvā teṣāṃ purataḥ satyādhiṣṭhānaṃ (q.v.) karomi: yena satyena etc., SP 413.7--8,…I make a truthful resolve… and he proceeds with an ‘act of truth’, see satyavacana; (?) LV 423.5-6 akṣaṇasattvavinayādhiṣṭhānāpratyudāvar- tyacakraṃ (said of the dharmacakra; text °dhiṣṭhāna- praty°, but see s.v. apratyudāvartya), wheel that cannot be turned back because of (the Buddha's) fixed determination to discipline creatures that are subject to bad births (? or possibly because of the Buddha's supernatural power to discipline etc.; otherwise, implausibly, Foucaux); here perhaps also the ‘four adhisthāna’ (firm resolves?) of Mvy 1580--84 (satya-, tyāga-, upasama-, prajñā-) = Pali four [Page016-a+ 71] adhiṭṭhāna, DN iii.229.18 (paññā-, sacca-, cāga-, upasama-); (3) in Skt. (BR s.v. 2) mastery, power; in BHS control, e.g. of a monk's own robes (cf. adhitiṣṭhati 1), MSV ii.91.12 tricīvarādhiṣṭhānena; oftener supernatural, magic power: puṇyavipākādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitās LV 48.21 (Apsa- rases) empowered (controlled) by the power of the ripening of merit (which enables them to disappear from their heavenly home and appear in Kapilavastu); -devatādhiṣṭhānāt LV 381.12, by the magic power of the…deity (the merchants' wagons were stopped and could not be moved); usually a Buddha's or Bodhisattva's; it may be his supernatural control over his own destiny, SP 64.13, where bodhisattvā- dhiṣṭhānena goes closely with tat paurvakaṃ caryāpraṇi- dhānam, see s.v. saṃmantrita; but it is usually control over another person, a Bodhisattva or disciple: Maitreyasya bodhisattvasyādhiṣṭhānabalena sarveṣu teṣu kūṭāgāreṣv abhyantarapraviṣṭam ātmānaṃ saṃjānīte sma, Gv 512.13- 14, by the force of the supernatural power of Maitreya (Sudhana) fancied that he had entered into each one of those palaces; buddhānāṃ…adhiṣṭhānena LV 163.9--10 (text adhisthān°; when the women were making music for the Bodhisattva) by the supernatural power of the Buddhas verses of exhortation to him came forth (in 163.14 āveśa, q.v., or v.l. ādeśa, replaces adhi°); similarly 182.3; adhi- ṣṭhānena buddhānām anubhāvād (another near-synonym) vikurvitaiḥ Samādh 22.19 (the body of the Buddha can be seen); other like cases Laṅk 2.10; LV 31.3, 6; 237.18; 368.12; in 415.16, the dharmacakra is sarvabuddhādhiṣ- ṭhānāvilopitam, unbroken thru the supernatural power (influence) of all the Buddhas; for Laṅk 100.6 and Mmk 56.24 see s.v. adhitiṣṭhati (2); etaṃ…samādhiṃ samā- pannasyādhiṣṭhānam: lokadhātuvijñaptiṣu adhiṣṭhānam, etc., long series of locs. each with adhi° repeated, stating the spheres of the mastery obtained, Gv 98.15 ff.; mamā- dhiṣṭhānabalādhānam SP 316.1, my assumption of the force of supernatural (magic) power (here causes people to believe that the earthly life of Śākyamuni, which was unreal, is real); but the corresponding verse, 323.13, has adhiṣṭha- hāmi in the sense of I make appear by magic (see adhitiṣ- ṭhati 3), and possibly adhiṣṭhāna may be concrete here (and in sadādhiṣṭhānaṃ mama etad īdṛśaṃ SP 324.11, resuming the same subject), exhibition of supernatural (magic) power = magical appearance or transformation; this latter is certainly the meaning in LV 379.3, see adhitiṣṭhati (3), and perhaps in Prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasya…etad adhiṣṭhānam abhūt SP 241.8, this was the adhiṣṭhāna of the Tathāgata P. (there follows a quotation of his words: Let this stūpa of my remains appear whenever the SP is preached). Does this adhiṣṭhāna mean this exhibition of supernatural power, viz, the making of the stūpa to appear? Or is it this fixed determination, resolution (2, above)? Near synonyms are āveśa, (Skt.) anubhāva, adhimukti; cf. also Laṅk 292.13 and 15, where one of the sources of abhijñā is ‘from adhiṣṭhāna’ (adhiṣṭhānān, so read in 13 for text °nāṃ, abl., before n-), which means from the controlling power of the Buddhas and is paraphrased in 15 by buddhaprasādataḥ, from the grace of the Buddhas. Suzuki, Transl. of Laṅk passim, renders sustaining power; I think rather controlling power. Even Bodhisattvas are at times dependent on Buddhas and need their control; (4) in architecture, Skt. (see Acharya, Dict. Hindu Arch. s.v.), basement, foundation of building or base of a pillar. Here in Mvy 5591 = Tib. lan kan gyi rten ma, prop (i.e. base) of a railing; so Chin. Whatever it means here is certainly meant also in Divy 221.9, 10 adhiṣṭhānam, and Mv i.195.1 ff.; iii.227.8 ff., adhiṣṭhānakam, where the context is the same as in Mvy 5591; see sūcī, sūcikā; (5) see pādādhiṣṭhāna; (6) m., n. of a (mythical) samādhi: Gv 451.26. In this curious passage, 451.25--452.6, the word adhiṣṭhāna is further used predicatively in a series of equational sentences, varying in gender like an adjective [Page016-b+ 71] with different subjects. Bhadrottamā says to Sudhana: ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ jānāmi deśayāmy, adhiṣṭhānaś ca me samādhiḥ pratilab- dho; na tatra samādhau kasyacid dharmasyā 'dhiṣṭhānam; adhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatācakṣuḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhā- naṃ sarvajñatāśrotram, adhiṣṭhānaṃ sarvajñatāghrāṇam, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatājihvā, 'dhiṣṭhānaḥ sarvajñatākāyo, 'dhiṣṭhānaṃ tatra sarvajñatāmanaḥ pravartate, 'dhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatormir, adhiṣṭhānā sarvajñatāvidyud, adhiṣṭhānāḥ sarvajñatāvegāḥ pravartante jagadrocanāmaṇḍalāḥ; etam ahaṃ kulaputrā 'nālayamaṇḍalaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ jā- nāmi.(Punctuation introduced by me.) There is no further light from the context. I am not sure what meaning the author attributed to the word adhiṣṭhāna: presumably something like either basis or controlling power.


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