prajñapti (9892)

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|bhs-entry=<k1>prajYapti<k2>prajYapti<br><b>prajñapti</b>¦, f. (in Skt. recorded once, Bhāg. P., in mg. 1, BR; in general used much like Pali paññatti, cf. <b>prajñapayati</b> and relatives; see also <b>prajñāpti</b>), (<b>1</b>) <i>making known, declaration</i>: agra-°tiṣu Bbh 291.12, see prajñapayati 1; (<b>2</b>) śabda-pra°, <i>manifestation in words</i> (cf. Pali sadda-paññatti, Compendium of Philosophy 4), <i>verbal expression</i>: Samādh 8.11 yāvatī ca tatra lokadhātau śabdaprajñaptiḥ, <i>every…in this world</i> (took on the same sound, when the Buddha became enlightened); (<b>3</b>) <i>state-</i> <i>ment, manifesto</i>: icchāmi ekāṃ prajñaptiṃ (<i>I wish</i>, sc. <i>to</i> <i>make, a statement</i>) brāhmaṇapariṣā yadi pramāṇaṃ ti Mv i.311.5; the brahmans reply, jalpa yā te vijñapti, <i>say what your statement (? request?) is</i>; (<b>4</b>) <i>désignation</i> acc. to LaV-P. AbhidhK. ii.214, where °ti-dharma is contrasted with dravya-dharma, <i>chose en soi; notation</i>, Lévi on Sūtrāl. xix.43 (Tib. brtags, <i>signe, symbole</i>; Chin. kia, <i>faux, simulé</i>); ‘le mot désigne la notion comme purement verbale, comme moyen de se faire entendre;’ lokānuvartanāṃ buddhā anuvartanti laukikīṃ, prajñaptim anuvartanti yathā lokottarām api Mv i.168.8-9 (vss), <i>…Buddhas imitate</i> (or <i>follow</i>) <i>the conventions</i> (<i>which pass current in the world</i>; i.e. they <i>seem</i> to carry on worldly activities) <i>as if</i> (all this were) <i>super-worldly</i> (esoterically real); bahubhir abhilā- paiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ (<i>access</i>) kriyante Bbh 44.14, and repeatedly in sequel, esp. in cpd. °ti-vāda; (rūpādi- saṃjñake) vastuni yā rūpam ity evam-ādyāḥ prajñaptayaḥ tāḥ saṃvṛtaya (see <b>saṃvṛti</b>) ity ucyante Bbh 49.4; nāma-saṃketa-°tiḥ 50.10; (nāmadheyamātraṃ saṃketa- mātraṃ saṃvṛtimātraṃ) prajñaptimātraṃ Śikṣ 257.8 (said of the 5 saṃskāra; note samvṛti again, virtually = prajñapti); wrong actions are of two sorts, some like adultery <i>wrong by nature</i> (prakṛti-duṣṭa-tvād), others like remaining in the householder's life <i>blameworthy by con-</i> <i>vention</i> (prajñapti-sāvadya-tvād) Śikṣ 192.13; Buddhas are prajñapti-samatikrāntā(ḥ) Mv i.176.18, <i>passed beyond</i> <i>convention (exoteric things)</i>; in Laṅk 153.10 (vs) an ātman exists prajñapti-satyato, <i>by (exoteric) verbal convention</i>, it is not dravya-sat, <i>real in itself</i> (cf. AbhidhK, above), and so in line 11, skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvat prajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ, <i>…by conventional designation, not in</i> <i>reality</i>; (<b>5</b>) <i>arrangement, provision</i> (of a seat; n. act. to prajñapayati 2, prajñapta 1): śatasāhasrikā āsana-prajñaptī kriyati Mv ii.273.12, <i>a seat-provision worth 100,000 was</i> <i>made</i>, i.e. a seat worth that was provided; similarly, āsanaprajñaptī ca me na tādṛśī bhaviṣyati 274.9.
|bhs-entry=(prajYapti, prajYapti)<br><b>prajñapti</b>¦, f. (in Skt. recorded once, Bhāg. P., in mg. 1, BR; in general used much like Pali paññatti, cf. <b>prajñapayati</b> and relatives; see also <b>prajñāpti</b>), (<b>1</b>) <i>making known, declaration</i>: agra-°tiṣu Bbh 291.12, see prajñapayati 1; (<b>2</b>) śabda-pra°, <i>manifestation in words</i> (cf. Pali sadda-paññatti, Compendium of Philosophy 4), <i>verbal expression</i>: Samādh 8.11 yāvatī ca tatra lokadhātau śabdaprajñaptiḥ, <i>every…in this world</i> (took on the same sound, when the Buddha became enlightened); (<b>3</b>) <i>state-</i> <i>ment, manifesto</i>: icchāmi ekāṃ prajñaptiṃ (<i>I wish</i>, sc. <i>to</i> <i>make, a statement</i>) brāhmaṇapariṣā yadi pramāṇaṃ ti Mv i.311.5; the brahmans reply, jalpa yā te vijñapti, <i>say what your statement (? request?) is</i>; (<b>4</b>) <i>désignation</i> acc. to LaV-P. AbhidhK. ii.214, where °ti-dharma is contrasted with dravya-dharma, <i>chose en soi; notation</i>, Lévi on Sūtrāl. xix.43 (Tib. brtags, <i>signe, symbole</i>; Chin. kia, <i>faux, simulé</i>); ‘le mot désigne la notion comme purement verbale, comme moyen de se faire entendre;’ lokānuvartanāṃ buddhā anuvartanti laukikīṃ, prajñaptim anuvartanti yathā lokottarām api Mv i.168.8-9 (vss), <i>…Buddhas imitate</i> (or <i>follow</i>) <i>the conventions</i> (<i>which pass current in the world</i>; i.e. they <i>seem</i> to carry on worldly activities) <i>as if</i> (all this were) <i>super-worldly</i> (esoterically real); bahubhir abhilā- paiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ (<i>access</i>) kriyante Bbh 44.14, and repeatedly in sequel, esp. in cpd. °ti-vāda; (rūpādi- saṃjñake) vastuni yā rūpam ity evam-ādyāḥ prajñaptayaḥ tāḥ saṃvṛtaya (see <b>saṃvṛti</b>) ity ucyante Bbh 49.4; nāma-saṃketa-°tiḥ 50.10; (nāmadheyamātraṃ saṃketa- mātraṃ saṃvṛtimātraṃ) prajñaptimātraṃ Śikṣ 257.8 (said of the 5 saṃskāra; note samvṛti again, virtually = prajñapti); wrong actions are of two sorts, some like adultery <i>wrong by nature</i> (prakṛti-duṣṭa-tvād), others like remaining in the householder's life <i>blameworthy by con-</i> <i>vention</i> (prajñapti-sāvadya-tvād) Śikṣ 192.13; Buddhas are prajñapti-samatikrāntā(ḥ) Mv i.176.18, <i>passed beyond</i> <i>convention (exoteric things)</i>; in Laṅk 153.10 (vs) an ātman exists prajñapti-satyato, <i>by (exoteric) verbal convention</i>, it is not dravya-sat, <i>real in itself</i> (cf. AbhidhK, above), and so in line 11, skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvat prajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ, <i>…by conventional designation, not in</i> <i>reality</i>; (<b>5</b>) <i>arrangement, provision</i> (of a seat; n. act. to prajñapayati 2, prajñapta 1): śatasāhasrikā āsana-prajñaptī kriyati Mv ii.273.12, <i>a seat-provision worth 100,000 was</i> <i>made</i>, i.e. a seat worth that was provided; similarly, āsanaprajñaptī ca me na tādṛśī bhaviṣyati 274.9.
|dictionary=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary
|dictionary=Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

Latest revision as of 17:49, 15 September 2021

Entry 9892, Page 358, Col. 2
(prajYapti, prajYapti)
prajñapti¦, f. (in Skt. recorded once, Bhāg. P., in mg. 1, BR; in general used much like Pali paññatti, cf. prajñapayati and relatives; see also prajñāpti), (1) making known, declaration: agra-°tiṣu Bbh 291.12, see prajñapayati 1; (2) śabda-pra°, manifestation in words (cf. Pali sadda-paññatti, Compendium of Philosophy 4), verbal expression: Samādh 8.11 yāvatī ca tatra lokadhātau śabdaprajñaptiḥ, every…in this world (took on the same sound, when the Buddha became enlightened); (3) state- ment, manifesto: icchāmi ekāṃ prajñaptiṃ (I wish, sc. to make, a statement) brāhmaṇapariṣā yadi pramāṇaṃ ti Mv i.311.5; the brahmans reply, jalpa yā te vijñapti, say what your statement (? request?) is; (4) désignation acc. to LaV-P. AbhidhK. ii.214, where °ti-dharma is contrasted with dravya-dharma, chose en soi; notation, Lévi on Sūtrāl. xix.43 (Tib. brtags, signe, symbole; Chin. kia, faux, simulé); ‘le mot désigne la notion comme purement verbale, comme moyen de se faire entendre;’ lokānuvartanāṃ buddhā anuvartanti laukikīṃ, prajñaptim anuvartanti yathā lokottarām api Mv i.168.8-9 (vss), …Buddhas imitate (or follow) the conventions (which pass current in the world; i.e. they seem to carry on worldly activities) as if (all this were) super-worldly (esoterically real); bahubhir abhilā- paiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ (access) kriyante Bbh 44.14, and repeatedly in sequel, esp. in cpd. °ti-vāda; (rūpādi- saṃjñake) vastuni yā rūpam ity evam-ādyāḥ prajñaptayaḥ tāḥ saṃvṛtaya (see saṃvṛti) ity ucyante Bbh 49.4; nāma-saṃketa-°tiḥ 50.10; (nāmadheyamātraṃ saṃketa- mātraṃ saṃvṛtimātraṃ) prajñaptimātraṃ Śikṣ 257.8 (said of the 5 saṃskāra; note samvṛti again, virtually = prajñapti); wrong actions are of two sorts, some like adultery wrong by nature (prakṛti-duṣṭa-tvād), others like remaining in the householder's life blameworthy by con- vention (prajñapti-sāvadya-tvād) Śikṣ 192.13; Buddhas are prajñapti-samatikrāntā(ḥ) Mv i.176.18, passed beyond convention (exoteric things); in Laṅk 153.10 (vs) an ātman exists prajñapti-satyato, by (exoteric) verbal convention, it is not dravya-sat, real in itself (cf. AbhidhK, above), and so in line 11, skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvat prajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ, …by conventional designation, not in reality; (5) arrangement, provision (of a seat; n. act. to prajñapayati 2, prajñapta 1): śatasāhasrikā āsana-prajñaptī kriyati Mv ii.273.12, a seat-provision worth 100,000 was made, i.e. a seat worth that was provided; similarly, āsanaprajñaptī ca me na tādṛśī bhaviṣyati 274.9.


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