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scriptural authority [RY]
scriptural authority [RY]

Revision as of 18:39, 3 November 2009


scriptural authority [RY]

1) Scriptural transmission. Reading transmission. The transmission of authorization to study a scripture by listening to it being read aloud. 2 )Scripture, statement (mdo). a scripture belonging to the category of Anu Yoga or Ati Yoga. 3) citation, quotation, the sayings of, statement, passage [RY]

shastra, stamp, handle, tradition, precepts, (-, reading) transmission, instruction, permission, scripture, sacred story, epic, text, prophecy, scriptural (tradition, authority), behest, authorization from hearing text, read aloud, holder, carrying sling, bent handle, strap of a vessel, basket, injunction, spiritual exhortation, admonition, esoteric teachings, texts in which experiences of the masters are expressed with regard to the teachings, texts extracted from rgyud, sacred authority, agama, scriptural authorization, quotations [JV]

rope [RY]

Lung, at Nyanang, in Lat� [RY]

[authoritative] text, epic, [reading] transmission, scriptural authority, scripture, reading strap, quotation, very hidden pramana shin tu lkog gyur gyi tshad ma GD valley, text, the tradition [of scriptures], sacred story, tale, prophecy, textual authorization, precepts TSE holder, sling, words spoken by respected persons [IW]

[authoritative] text, epic, [reading] transmission, textual authorization, scriptural authority, reading strap, quotation, very hidden pramana * GD valley, [the tradition of] scripture, sacred story, tale, prophecy, textual authorization, commentary/ instruction/ precepts TSE holder, sling, words spoken by respected persons [IW]

(explanatory) scripture; (scriptural/ oral) transmission; isc. spiritual teachings [RB]

1) agama, statements; scriptural authorization; sacred precept, authorization; scripture; scriptural; scriptural transmission; scriptures; transmission, authoritative texts, epic, reading transmission, text, scriptural authority, scriptures, reading transmission, the scriptures, quotation, scriptural citation, tradition, scriptural authority, tradition of scriptures, scriptural authority, sacred story, tale, prophecy, transmission, textual authorization, precepts. 2) valley, land; 3) handle; strap [RY]

shastra, stamp, handle, tradition, precepts, (-, reading) transmission, instruction, permission, scripture, sacred story, epic, text, prophecy, scriptural (tradition, authority), behest, authorization from hearing text, read aloud, holder, carrying sling, bent handle, strap of a vessel, basket, injunction, spiritual exhortation, admonition, esoteric teachings, texts in which experiences of the masters are expressed with regard to the teachings, texts extracted from rgyud, sacred authority, agama, scriptural authorization, quotations, Lung scriptures [JV]