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[[rgyal ba 'od dpag med]] - Buddha Amitabha [RY]
[[kun gyi mchog]] - name of the past life of Shakyamuni in which he practiced the paramita of generosity [RY]

[[chos sku rin po che]] - Chöku Rinpoche; a precious white statue of Buddha Amitabha. It is one of the five image- emanations of Avalokiteshvara that originated miraculously from the milk lake of the Dakini Land of Kharsha ([[gar shwa]], Lahoul, in northern India). The monastery also housed the white conch and the cauldron of Naropa. These three relics were hidden when the monastery was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, and reinstalled in the new monastery rebuilt since 1981. [MR] [RY]
[[dka' ba'i sbyin pa]] - 1) difficult generosity. 2) One of {bsdu ba'i dngos po bzhi} [RY]

[[mnyam bzhag gi phyag rgya]] - Mudra of equanimity. The hands placed in the gesture of meditation just as Buddha Amitabha [RY]
[[skyabs kyi sbyin pa]] - the generosity of giving protection. Same as {mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa}. one of the {sbyin pa rnam gsum}. three types of generosity [RY]

[[rta mgrin]] - Hayagriva. Tantric deity shown with a horse's head within his flaming hair; wrathful aspect of Buddha Amitabha. Here identical with Padma Heruka, Lotus Speech, among the Eight Sadhana Teachings [RY]
[[skyabs kyi sbyin pa]] - the generosity of giving protection [IW]

[[bde ba can]] - Blissful Realm, Sukhavati. The pure land of Buddha Amitabha in which a practitioner can take rebirth during the [[Bardo]] of becoming through a combination of pure faith, sufficient merit, and one-pointed determination [RY]
[['khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa]] - 3-fold non-conceptual purity [all dharmas are free from fixating thoughts of things and of actor, action, and object. For example there is the prajna that knows that no nature exists for the three partialities: the 1 who gives the gift, the wealth to be given, and the receiver, the object of the generosity] [IW]

[[snang ba mtha' yas]] - Amitabha; Buddha Amitabha, Limitless Illumination Boundless Light [RY]
[[dge ba gsum]] - the three virtues [generosity, discipline, and meditation] [IW]
[[dge rtsa]] - virtuous roots [root(s) of virtue, good roots good action/karma or virtue producing causes like generosity, reverence etc.] [IW]
[[dgongs yang]] - vast thinking/ intention/ realization, magnanimity, generosity, leniency [IW]
[[bsgoms byung bsod nams - merit arising from meditation [generosity, discipline, samadhi bsgoms pa las byung ba'i merit: [meditating on the 1st two rather than doing them or what?] having the bliss/happiness of longs spyod, bde ba, and mental shin sbyangs] [IW]]]
[[sngon sbyin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa la goms pa'i bag chags]] - the habitual tendency of having formerly trained in transcendent generosity / the perfection of giving [RY]
[[chos kyi sbyin pa]] - the generosity of Dharma [teaching] [RY]
[[mchog sbyin]] - perfect generosity; boon-granting, varada [RY]
[[mchog sbyin]] - perfect generosity [RB]
[[mchog sbyin gyi phyag rgya]] - the mudra of supreme generosity [RY]
[[mchod sbyin]] - performing sacrifices, religious service where sacrifices of small figures are made offering gift, generosity, 1 of rig byed bzhi, make offerings [JV]
[[mchod sbyin]] - (ritual of) worship/ puja; generosity, offering and giving, offering to deities; offering gift, offerings and donations [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]]

Revision as of 05:07, 26 January 2006

kun gyi mchog - name of the past life of Shakyamuni in which he practiced the paramita of generosity [RY]

dka' ba'i sbyin pa - 1) difficult generosity. 2) One of {bsdu ba'i dngos po bzhi} [RY]

skyabs kyi sbyin pa - the generosity of giving protection. Same as {mi 'jigs pa sbyin pa}. one of the {sbyin pa rnam gsum}. three types of generosity [RY]

skyabs kyi sbyin pa - the generosity of giving protection [IW]

'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa - 3-fold non-conceptual purity [all dharmas are free from fixating thoughts of things and of actor, action, and object. For example there is the prajna that knows that no nature exists for the three partialities: the 1 who gives the gift, the wealth to be given, and the receiver, the object of the generosity] [IW]

dge ba gsum - the three virtues [generosity, discipline, and meditation] [IW]

dge rtsa - virtuous roots [root(s) of virtue, good roots good action/karma or virtue producing causes like generosity, reverence etc.] [IW]

dgongs yang - vast thinking/ intention/ realization, magnanimity, generosity, leniency [IW]

[[bsgoms byung bsod nams - merit arising from meditation [generosity, discipline, samadhi bsgoms pa las byung ba'i merit: [meditating on the 1st two rather than doing them or what?] having the bliss/happiness of longs spyod, bde ba, and mental shin sbyangs] [IW]]]

sngon sbyin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa la goms pa'i bag chags - the habitual tendency of having formerly trained in transcendent generosity / the perfection of giving [RY]

chos kyi sbyin pa - the generosity of Dharma [teaching] [RY]

mchog sbyin - perfect generosity; boon-granting, varada [RY]

mchog sbyin - perfect generosity [RB]

mchog sbyin gyi phyag rgya - the mudra of supreme generosity [RY]

mchod sbyin - performing sacrifices, religious service where sacrifices of small figures are made offering gift, generosity, 1 of rig byed bzhi, make offerings [JV]

mchod sbyin - (ritual of) worship/ puja; generosity, offering and giving, offering to deities; offering gift, offerings and donations [RY]