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[[ji srid 'tsho'i mtha' can dge ba la zhugs pa]] 'Vow' means [to pledge] to engage in virtue for as long as one is alive. [RY]
dge mi dge gang rung ngo [RY]
rite, discipline, commitment, restraint, control, obligations, self-control, tie up, bind up, tie, fasten, vow, precepts, bind, stanch, stop, cause to cease, make morally firm, confirm, add together, cash up, sum up, engagement, duty, sum [JV]
[[bsdam pa]] to control/ restrain; to restrict/ confine [RB]
vow/ precept/ ordination [RB]
vow[s]/ precept/ ordination; vow, oath, promise, vows. commitment, to bind, to fetter, to bind to ties fast, to pinion, to bind up, to add, sum, total, to dress, to control/ restrain; to restrict/ confine, to control, to make agree, to bring to an agreement, to reconcile, to conciliate, virtuous vow; unified; self-control/ restraint. restrictions, vows that restrict; something that limits or restricts: limitations, restraints, constraints, circumscriptions, strictures; limitations, confinements, constrainments. Notes: The five to be renounced for laymen [[dge bsnyen]] or upasaka. are killing, stealing, falsehood, sexual misconduct, and alcohol, the eight to be renounced by observers of the purificatory fast [[bsnyen gnas]] or upavasa. are those five with the addition of afternoon food, singing and the wearing of ornaments, the ten to be renounced by novices [[dge tshul]] or shramanera. are the above eight with the addition of precious gems and high thrones. or beds, and all things which are to be renounced by monks [[dge slong]] or bhikshu. are the two hundred and fifty-three vows described in the Analysis of the Vows of a Monk Bhikshu Vibhanga, T. 3) and in the other transmissions of the Vinaya [RY]
vow, promise, oath, commitment, control, make agree, reconcile, conciliate * [I] (Tha dad pa bsdams pa, bsdam pa, sdoms,, 1) tie, bind, fetter; 2) not transgress/ go beyond * [II] Bsdoms pa, bsdom pa, sdoms,; 3) combine, add; 4) abandon harming others w the basis and restrain/ eliminate impure discipline [IW]
Vows. The individual pledge to observe the precepts prescribed in one or all of the three vehicles [RY]
control, refrain from; x [[sa phyogs spyod lam sdom pa dang]] put the place in order and control your behavior [RY]

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Revision as of 11:15, 28 December 2005

dge mi dge gang rung ngo [RY]