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[[lhun grub kyi sgo]] - 8 gates of spontaneous presence (manifesting as compassion, lights, kayas, wisdom, nonduality, freedom from extremes, impure gate of samsara, and pure gate of wisdom) [JV]
[[lhun grub kyi sgo]] - 8 gates of spontaneous presence (manifesting as compassion, lights, kayas, wisdom, nonduality, freedom from extremes, impure gate of samsara, and pure gate of wisdom) [JV]

[[lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad]] - eight gates of spontaneous presence: the gate of manifesting as [[compassion]], as lights, as [[kayas]], as [[wisdom]], as [[non-duality]], as freedom from extremes, as the impure gate of [[samsara]] and as the pure gate of [[wisdom]]. 1) {[[thugs rje]]}. 2) {[['od]]} 3) {[[sku]]} 4) {[[ye shes]]} 5) {[[gnyis med]]} 6) {[[mtha' grol]]} 7) {[[ma dag pa 'khor ba'i sgo]]} 8) {[[dag pa ye shes kyi sgo]]} [RY]
[[lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad]] - eight gates of spontaneous presence: the gate of manifesting as [[compassion]], as lights, as [[kaya]]s, as [[wisdom]], as [[non-duality]], as freedom from extremes, as the impure gate of [[samsara]] and as the pure gate of [[wisdom]]. 1) {[[thugs rje]]}. 2) {[['od]]} 3) {[[sku]]} 4) {[[ye shes]]} 5) {[[gnyis med]]} 6) {[[mtha' grol]]} 7) {[[ma dag pa 'khor ba'i sgo]]} 8) {[[dag pa ye shes kyi sgo]]} [RY]

[[lhun grub sku gsum]] - spontaneous presence that is/ as the [[three kayas]] [RB]
[[lhun grub sku gsum]] - spontaneous presence that is/ as the [[three kayas]] [RB]

Revision as of 16:18, 19 March 2006

sku dang ye shes - the kayas and timeless awareness [RB]

sku dang ye shes - kayas and wisdoms. The four kayas and five wisdoms [RY]

sku dang ye shes - kayas and wisdoms, dimension & primal awareness, dimension & wisdom (the self-perfected state manifests through sku which represents the dimension of the primordial state, and ye shes which represents the energy of original wisdom) [JV]

sku dang ye shes kyi chos nyid - the nature of kayas and wisdoms [RY]

sku dang ye shes kyi snang ba - the display of the kayas and wisdoms [RY]

sku dang ye shes thams cad - the totality of the kayas and timeless awareness [RB]

sku dang ye shes 'du bral med pa - indivisible kayas and wisdoms [RY]

sku dang ye shes 'du 'bral med pa - inseparable kayas and wisdoms [RY]

sku dbye ba - classification of the kayas [RY]

sku bzhi - Four kayas. The three kayas plus svabhavikakaya [RY]

sku bzhi - four bodies/kayas [See entry under four buddha-bodies[gd] four buddha-bodies The body of reality {chos sku} or dharmaka^ya, the body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku} or sambhogaka^ya, the emanational body {sprul pa'i sku} or nirma^naka^ya, and the body of their essentiality {ngo bo nyid kyi sku} or svabha^vikaka^ya{Gd mk} chn sangs rgyas kyi ngo bo nyid sku, ye shes chos sku, longs sku, sprul sku ste bzhi,Zung 'jug sku bzhi'i go 'phang thob par mdzod] [IW]

sku bzhi - four bodies/kayas [IW]

sku bzhi - four kayas [RY]

sku bzhir thugs gsung sku dang ye shes kyi dbye ba bcu drug - the 16-fold classification of Body, Speech, Mind and Wisdom for each of the four kayas [RY]

sku gsum - three buddha bodies, three kayas trikaya [IW]

sku gsum - three buddha bodies, three kayas trikaya [The body of reality {chos sku} or dharmaka^ya, the body of perfect rapture {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku} or sambhogaka^ya, and the emanational body {sprul pa'i sku} or nirma^naka^ya [gd] [IW]

sku gsum - three kayas [RB]

sku gsum - three kayas. {chos sku}. dharmakaya, {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku}. or sambhogakaya, and {sprul pa'i sku}. nirmanakaya. trikaya, the three bodies of the buddha [RY]

sku gsum - trikaya, 3 bodies, 3 dimensions of existence, focal points of authentic existence, patterns or norms in which the aspirant becomes aware of himself, 3 existential value-experience which are principles of interpretation and not metaphysical principles, SA chos sku, longs sku, sprul sku, three kayas (chos sku, longs sku, sprul sku), Three Bodies of the Buddha [JV]

sku gsum - Three kayas. Dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya. The three kayas as ground are 'essence, nature, and capacity'; as path they are 'bliss, clarity and nonthought,' and as fruition they are the 'three kayas of buddhahood.' The three kayas of buddhahood are the dharmakaya, which is free from elaborate constructs and endowed with the 'twenty-one sets of enlightened qualities;' the sambhogakaya, which is of the nature of light and endowed with the perfect major and minor marks perceptible only to bodhisattvas; and the nirmanakaya, which manifests in forms perceptible to both pure and impure beings [RY]

sku gsum kun 'dus - embodiment of the three kayas. [the root guru] [RY]

sku gsum kyi bzhugs stangs - the postures of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum kyi gzigs stangs - the gazes of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum gyi btsan sa - royal throne of the three kayas. Same as complete buddhahood [RY]

sku gsum dgu phrug - the ninefold aspects of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum thug phrad - 1) Meeting the three kayas; 2) A dzogchen text by garab dorje [IW]

sku gsum nor bu'i lugs - Style of the Trikaya Jewel. The manner of visualization in which the root guru is regarded as the embodiment of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum po - the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum bla ma - the guru who is the three kayas [IW]

sku gsum bla ma - the guru who is the three kayas. Trikaya Guru. Literally, the master of the three bodies; the master who is the embodiment of dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. In the context Lamey Tukdrub Barchey Künsel, it can also refer to the gurus of the three kayas, i.e. Amitabha as the dharmakaya, Avalokiteshvara as the sambhogakaya, and Padmakara as the nirmanakaya [RY]

sku gsum dbyer med - indivisible three kayas [RY]

sku gsum dbyer med kyi bdag nyid - the nature in which the three kayas are indivisible [RY]

sku gsum dbyer med pa - indivisibility of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum zhing khams rgya mtsho - ocean-like realms of the three kayas [RY]

sku gsum rigs 'dus zab tig - 1) The profound essence embodiment of the families of the three kayas; 2) A pure vision teaching of chokgyur lingpa's pure land revealed by jamyang khyentse wangpo [IW]

skun gsum las 'da' ba - depart from the three kayas [RY]

sku'i 'phrin las - actions/ conduct buddha activity of body [h]/the kayas [IW]

'gro 'dul sprul sku - nirmanakaya that tames / trains beings, nirmanakayas who tame beings [RY]

rgyal ba sku lnga - 1) the five buddha families, five buddhas. 2) the five kayas of the victorious ones [RY]

ngo bo nyid kyi sku - essence kaya; Skt. svabhavikakaya. The 'essence body,' sometimes counted as the fourth kaya, and constituting the unity of the three kayas. Jamgön Kongtrül defines it as the aspect of dharmakaya which is 'the nature of all phenomena, emptiness devoid of all constructs and endowed with the characteristic of natural purity.' [RY]

ngo bo nyid kyi sku - Essence kaya; Skt. svabhavikakaya. The 'essence body.' Sometimes counted as the fourth kaya, the unity of the three kayas [RY]

ngo bo nyid sku gnyis - the two essence kayas/ svabhavikakayas [rang bzhin rnam dag gi sku dang, glo bur rnam dag gi char gyur pa'i sku gnyis [IW]

ngo bo nyid sku gnyis - the two essence kayas/ svabhavikakayas [IW]

ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje - essence, nature, and capacity. The three aspects of the sugata-garbha according to the Dzogchen system. Essence is the primordially pure wisdom of emptiness. The nature is the spontaneously present wisdom of cognizance. The capacity is the all-pervasive wisdom of indivisibility. This is, ultimately, the identity of the Three Roots, the Three Jewels and the three kayas [RY]

mngon par byang chub pa'i sku - abhisambodhikaya. The fifth of the five kayas of buddhahood, defined by Jamgön Kongtrül in his Treasury of Knowledge as 'manifold manifestation in accordance with the karma of those to be influenced, without departing from dharmakaya, that (appears) because the (other four kayas are) spontaneously complete within awareness wisdom.' [RY]

mngon par byang chub pa'i sku - abhisambodhikaya, body of manifest enlightenment, truly awakened kaya; the kayas of true perfected purity [RY]

chos nyid kyi sku - the kayas of dharmata [IW]

'chi med sku gsum - the immortal three kayas [RY]

'ja' lus - rainbow body [liberation of the skandhas into kayas of light 'od skur] [IW]

'ja' lus - rainbow body. [liberation of the skandhas into kayas of light 'od skur] [IW]

'jug - enter [actual usage of a term, collection, engager (p {zhugs} go into, enter, participate, follow, get involved in, steadily pursue, put in, stuff in, put into, go into, insert, let, allow, permit, make, force, put under, bring under control bring into, practice, enjoin, permit, make, cause, enable, establish, initiate, perceive, be occupied with, pervade, permeate, express (through the three kayas etc), proceed, function, act, start working, entertain, engage, apply involvement, action, functioning, perception, manifestation, incarnation, continuity (of cause and effect), {'du shes 'jug - entertain the idea that {rab 'jug - completely permeates -about compassion-, {byed 'jug pa - make, cause, enable, {byed du 'jug pa - make, cause, enable {rnam shes yul la 'jug - the consciousness engaged in an object] [IW]

'jug - infuse, insert; actual usage of a term, collection engage. p. {zhugs} 1) to go into, enter, participate. 2) follow [the path, doctrine], to get oneself involved, engaged in, occupied with, steady pursuance. 3) put, fill in, stuff, to put into, to go into, put in, insert. 4) to let, allow, permit. 5) to make, force. 6) to put under, bring under [power, control] stuff, bring into, practice, enjoin, permit, to make, cause, enable, establish, initiate, in, perceive, occupied with, pervade, permeate, express [through the three kayas etc], proceed, function, act, start working, entertain, engagement, application, involvement, action, functioning, 'perception', manifestation, incarnation, continuity [of cause and effect], {'du shes 'jug} to entertain the idea that.]. {rab 'jug} completely permeates about compassion-], {byed 'jug pa} to make, cause, enable, {byed du 'jug pa} to make, cause, enable]. {rnam shes yul la 'jug} the consciousness engaged in an object]; induce [RY]

thams cad sku gsum las 'da' ba med pa - nothing departs from the three kayas [RY]

dag pa'i sgyu lus - pure illusory body [way of meditating in the perfecting stage rdzogs rim meditation symbolized by the 12 analogies of illusion {sgyu ma'i dpe bcu gnyis} on the mandala of wisdom w the supported kayas] [IW]

dam pa sku gnyis - the holy/authentic two kayas [IW]

gdod nas sku gsum dbyer med chen po - great primordial indivisibility of the three kayas [RY]

bde stong 'od gsal gyi lha sku 'grub - establish the divine kayas of luminous bliss and emptiness [IW]

bde ba chen po'i sku - Great bliss kaya; Skt. mahasukhakaya). Among the five kayas, the uncompounded quality of changelessness [RY]

bde ba chen po'i sku - Mahasukhakaya. Of the five kayas, the 'body of great bliss.' [RY]

bde gsal mi rtog pa - bliss, clarity, and nonthought. Three temporary meditation experiences. Fixation on them plants the seeds for rebirth in the three realms of samsara. Without fixation, they are adornments of the three kayas [RY]

rdo rje gsum - 3 vajras (OM AH HUM), three vajra, pure intrinsic aspects of the primordial dimension of the body, voice and mind, (essence, nature, energy; 3 kayas; body, speech, mind) [JV]

rdo rje'i sku - Vajrakaya. The unchanging quality of the buddha nature. Sometimes counted among the five kayas of buddhahood [RY]

sna tshogs sprul sku - Variegated nirmanakayas. Emanations of the buddhas in indefinite forms and manners, even as material objects, to benefit whoever needs, in whichever way is necessary [RY]

dpal kun tu bzang po'i go phang - level of Shri Samantabhadra [buddhahood, nyingma la depending on the rgyun mtha'i unobstructed path, by empowerment in the fruition of the 'dod chags chen po'i lam snang gsum 'pho ba'i bag chags phra ba sbyangs, as the union of no more learning, the 25 dharmas of fruition dbyer med self-existing nature, having the nature of the four kayas and five wisdoms] [IW]

dpal gyi chas bcu - {dpal chas bcu} ten glorious ornaments of a wrathful deity: The fresh elephant skin to show the meaning of the supreme vehicle; The 'basis for prosperity' human skin to show that samsara needs not be abandoned; The garland of black vipers to show that anger has been defeated; The leopard skirt to show that the four activities are spontaneously accomplished; The grease smears to show the extracted essence of samsara; The rakta spots to show that desire has been mastered; The triple skull garlands to show that the three kayas are spontaneously present; And, as well: The vajra armor to show being totally indestructible; The wisdom flames to show that the darkness of ignorance is burned away; And, to replenish or clarify: The attire of flaming and subjugating wings. These were the ten. [RY]

dpal chas bcu - ten glorious ornaments, dpal gyi chas bcu [TRS 147-2]. The ten glorious ornaments of a wrathful deity are described in the Sadhana Framework for the Eight Sacred Teachings (bka' brgyad sgrub khog): The fresh elephant skin to show the meaning of the supreme vehicle; The 'basis for prosperity' human skin to show that samsara needs not be abandoned; The garland of black vipers to show that anger has been defeated; The leopard skirt to show that the four activities are spontaneously accomplished; The grease smears to show the extracted essence of samsara; The rakta spots to show that desire has been mastered; The triple skull garlands to show that the three kayas are spontaneously present; The vajra armor to show being totally indestructible; The wisdom flames to show that the darkness of is burned away; The attire of flaming and subjugating wings. Syn. {dpal gyi chas bcu} [RY]

sprul sku - Nirmanakaya. 'Emanation body,' 'form of magical apparition.' The third of the three kayas. The aspect of enlightenment that can be perceived by ordinary beings [RY]

sprul sku gsum - the three kinds of nirmanakayas [IW]

sprul sku gsum - the three kinds of nirmnakayas [bzo bo sprul sku, skye ba sprul sku, mchog gi sprul sku] [IW]

bral smin - free[dom] and mature[ation], ripening and freeing, separating [Free from kleshas, ripened kayas and wisdoms] [IW]

bla ma sku bzhi'i gangs ri la - {bla ma sku bzhi'i gangs ri la, mos gus kyi nyi ma ma shar na, byin rlabs kyi chu rgyun mi 'bebs pas, sems mos gus 'di la nan tan mdzod} Unless the sun of devotion shines / On the snow peak of the teacher's four kayas, / The stream of his blessings will never flow. / So earnestly arouse devotion in your mind! [RY]

dbang - 1) thob thang, power, force, might, control, potency, influence, authority; 2) (CH) gna' dus go gnas shig; 3) (aabhishinytsa) scatter, pour [having scattered obscurations cleanse the continuum, and into that clean vessel pour the power of wisdom, depending on the cho ga rnam par dag pa. skandhas, dhatus and ayatanas are the special seed of the fruition the four kayas by planting it one's continuum ripens]; 4) empowerment, initiation, abhisheka; 5) senses, faculty, sense [organ], mental faculty, ability, magnetizing, capacity (6) ruler, lord, king, sovereignty (7) [rite of] subjugation/ dominion (8) be subject to/ ruled/ governed by/ under the control of {rang dbang},-{gzhan dbang} [one of the {phrin las rnam bzhi: the four karmas] magnetizing [IW]

dbyings kyi sku gsum - the three kayas of (basic) space. Syn {ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje} [RY]

'bras chos nyer lnga - 25 attributes of fruition. The five kayas, fivefold speech, five wisdoms, five qualities, and five activities. Also called the 'continuity adorned with inexhaustible body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities.' [RY]

'bras bu sku dang phrin las - the fruition of kayas and activities [RY]

'bras bu sku dang ye shes - the fruition of the kayas and wisdoms [RY]

'bras bu dbu ma sku gnyis zung 'jug - The unity of the two kayas (that is) the resultant Madhyamika [RY]

'bras bu rdzogs pa chen po - the fruition the great perfection. [nying ma'i mantra tradition situation in which in which insight-wisdom is free of self-obscuring stains together with their habitual patterns. Since that is the basis of arising of all the kayas and wisdoms, it is complete and perfect and, since its essence is primordially pure, renunciation is perfect and from its luminous nature the powers and so forth, all the qualities of a Victorious one are spontaneous, realization is perfect and, from the union of these two the spontaneous appearances of interdependent arising, arising as the glory of sentient beings are the perfection of buddha activity. since it has the nature of renunciation, realization, and buddha activity, it is "great."] [IW]

'bras bu gsang sngags kyi bstan pa - the fruition is the teaching of secret mantra [the profound dharma of the quick path to attaining the kayas of the Victorious 1 at the time of fruition.] [IW]

'bras bu'i skabs kyi sku lnga - Five kayas of fruition [RY]

'bras bu'i sku gsum - Three kayas of fruition. The dharmakaya is free from elaborate constructs and endowed with the '21 sets of enlightened qualities.' Sambhogakaya is of the nature of light and endowed with the perfect major and minor marks perceptible only to bodhisattvas on the bhumis. The nirmanakaya manifests in forms perceptible to both pure and impure beings [RY]

'bras bu'i rgyud - the continuum of fruition. [from that same intrinsic cause being without all incidental stains, it is transformed as the kayas possessing the two purities, one's continuum is completely perfectly enlightened.] [IW]

'bras bu'i rgyud - the continuum of fruition. [from that same intrinsic cause being w/oall incidental stains, it is transformed as the kayas possessing the two purities, one's continuum is completely perfectly enlightened.] [IW]

'bras bu'i chos - 1) fruition dharma; 2) dharmas of the fruition; 3) the dharma fruition; 4) the power of fruition; 5) empowerment of the fruition)/ [nirvana with remainders of the skandhas and with no remainder and also the four kayas and omniscience. the symbol abhisheka which makes unsurpassable enlightenment, the ultimate fruition of the great light rays empowerment, the empowerment of the fruition of supreme attainment]. [IW]

'bras bu'i gzugs sku gnyis - the two bodily forms / form kayas of fruition: sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya [RY]

dmigs pa'i 'bras bu skye ba'i sa - level of arising of the fruition of perceiving the [7th] bhumi [in Nyingma Mantra, in the case of the rnal 'byor bzhi attaining sa bdun pa, meaning of union in the path of meditation de la dmigs shing goms pas the fruition is the union of the kayas of no more learning] [IW]

smin grol - Ripening and liberation. Ripened and freed. Two vital parts of Vajrayana practice: the empowerments which ripen one's being with the capacity to realize the four kayas and the liberating oral instructions enabling one to actually apply the insight introduced through the empowerments [RY]

smin byed kyi dbang - Ripening empowerments. The Vajrayana empowerments which ripen one's being with the capacity to realize the four kayas [RY]

rtsa sum kun 'dus - he is the union of the three kayas [RY]

tshogs zhing - Field of Accumulation. The Three Jewels and Three Roots and the three kayas [RY]

gzhan stong - Shentong. An aspect of the Madhyamika School in Tibet focusing on emptiness indivisible from luminosity, asserting that the kayas and wisdoms of buddhahood are naturally present within the sugata essence [RY]

gzhan don gzugs sku - the Rupakayas that benefit others [RY]

gzhan don gzugs sku - rupakayas that benefit others [IW]

gzhan snang gi gzugs sku - the form kayas experienced by others [RY]

gzhan snang gi gzugs sku - the form kayas experienced by the other/ as other [IW]

gzhi'i sku gsum - the three kayas of the ground [the ground of ordnay birth nirmanakaya, dharmakaya, the ground of ordinary death, the ground of the ordinary bardon sambhogakaya] [IW]

gzhi'i sku gsum - the three kayas of the ground [R] [IW]

gzhon nu bum sku - the youthful vase body [extraordinary rdzogs pa chen po tradition, phyir gsal gyi shes pa nang du log nas, nang gsal gdod ma'i gzhi dbyings chen po rang ngor snang ba, gzhi las 'phags pa, bye brag phyed pa, phyed thog tu grol ba, gzhan las ma byung ba, rang sar gnas pa ste having six khyad chos having the nature of the the ocean of kayas and wisdoms, the realization of Samantabhadra] [IW]

zag bcas kyi dge ba - conditioned virtue. Spiritual practice in which a dualistic point of reference is used. Includes the preliminaries, seven branches and so forth. Unconditioned virtue is the recognition of buddha nature, often called 'threefold purity.' These two aspects of virtue gather the two accumulations, remove the two obscurations, manifest the twofold knowledge, and actualize the two kayas [RY]

zung 'jug sku bzhi - four kayas of union [RY]

gzugs sku - Form kayas. The sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya that have perceptible form as opposed to the formless dharmakaya [RY]

gzugs sku gnyis - Two rupakayas. Sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya [RY]

gzugs sku gnyis - the two rupakayas/ kayas of form: sambhogak ya longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku and nirma ak ya sprul sku [IW]

gzugs sku lhun grub kyi 'od gsal - Spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas. The display during the bardo of dharmata [RY]

yang gsang sku gsum gyi man da la - innermost mandala of the three kayas [RY]

ye shes kyi snang ba - pure appearance of kayas and buddha fields etc. [IW]

ye shes gsum ldan - endowed with the three wisdom aspects; means with essence, nature and capacity (ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rje)which are the threefold wisdoms of the three kayas. [RY]

yon tan brgya phrag bcu gnyis - Twelve times one hundred qualities. At the level of the first bodhisattva bhumi one is able to simultaneously manifest one hundred nirmanakayas for the benefit of beings. There are eleven other such sets of one hundred abilities. See the Abhisamayalamkara by Maitreya [RY]

rang snang gi sku gsum - the three kayas of self-display/ experienced by 1self/ of personal experience [IW]

rang snang gi sku gsum - the three kayas of personal experience, the three kayas of self-display, the three kayas experienced by oneself, The self-visible sambhogakaya [RY]

rang bzhin sprul sku - natural nirmanakayas; Natural nirmanakaya [RY]

rig pa'i sku lnga - five kayas of rigpa [JV]

longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku - Sambhogakaya. The 'body of perfect enjoyment.' In the context of the 'five kayas of fruition,' sambhogakaya is the semi-manifest form of the buddhas endowed with the 'five perfections' of perfect teacher, retinue, place, teaching and time which is perceptible only to bodhisattvas on the ten levels [RY]

sangs rgyas sku - buddha kayas, for the body of a Buddha [RY]

sangs rgyas sku gsum - Three kayas of buddhahood. The dharmakaya is free from elaborate constructs and endowed with the '21 sets of enlightened qualities.' Sambhogakaya is of the nature of light and endowed with the perfect major and minor marks perceptible only to bodhisattvas on the bhumis. The nirmanakaya manifests in forms perceptible to both pure and impure beings [RY]

lhun gyis grub pa'i rig 'dzin - Vidyadhara level of spontaneous perfection. The fourth of the four vidyadhara levels. Corresponds to buddhahood, the path beyond training. The final fruition and state of a vajra holder endowed with the spontaneously perfected five kayas: dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, nirmanakaya, vajrakaya, and abhisambodhikaya [RY]

lhun grub kyi sgo - 8 gates of spontaneous presence (manifesting as compassion, lights, kayas, wisdom, nonduality, freedom from extremes, impure gate of samsara, and pure gate of wisdom) [JV]

lhun grub kyi sgo brgyad - eight gates of spontaneous presence: the gate of manifesting as compassion, as lights, as kayas, as wisdom, as non-duality, as freedom from extremes, as the impure gate of samsara and as the pure gate of wisdom. 1) {thugs rje}. 2) {'od} 3) {sku} 4) {ye shes} 5) {gnyis med} 6) {mtha' grol} 7) {ma dag pa 'khor ba'i sgo} 8) {dag pa ye shes kyi sgo} [RY]

lhun grub sku gsum - spontaneous presence that is/ as the three kayas [RB]

lhun grub gzugs sku'i 'od gsal - spontaneously present luminosity of the rupakayas [RY]

lhun grub longs spyod rdzogs pa - sambhogakayas of spontaneous presence [RY]