ye shes

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ye shes

Tsadra Research Library Glossaries

    {{#arraymap:A Chariot to Freedom;Knowing Illusion - Vol. 1 (The Yakherds 2021);Knowing Illusion - Vol. 2 (The Yakherds 2021);Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing;Les Systèmes Philosophiques Bouddhistes (Charrier 2020);Illumination of the Hidden Meaning Part 2;Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā (Callahan);Perfect or Perfected? Rongtön on Buddha-Nature;A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle;Illumination of the Hidden Meaning Part 1;A Gathering of Brilliant Moons;The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 15 to 17 Vol. 2 |; |@@@ | | }}

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84000 Glossary

  1. 'brog mi shAkya ye shes
  2. 'chi ba'i 'du shes
    Perception of death
  3. 'da' ka ye shes
    Wisdom of the hour of death
  4. 'das pa dang ma 'ongs pa dang da ltar byung ba'i las rnams dang las yang dag par len pa rnams kyi rnam par smin pa gnas kyi sgo dang rgyu'i sgo nas yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du rab tu shes pa
    Definitive knowledge, through possibilities and causes, of the maturation of past, future, and present actions, and of those who undertake such actions
  5. 'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs par 'jug go
    Engage in the perception of pristine cognition which is unobstructed and unimpeded with respect to the past
  6. 'du shes
    Clear understanding, Identification, Intellect, Notions, Perception, Perceptions
  7. 'du shes 'jug
    Maintain notions
  8. 'du shes bzhi
    Four perceptions
  9. 'du shes dang tshor ba 'gog pa bsgrubs te gnas pa
    One achieves and abides in the cessation of all perceptions and feelings
  10. 'du shes dgu
    Nine contemplations of impurity
  11. 'du shes drug
    Six aspects of perception
  12. 'du shes kyi phung po
    Aggregate of perceptions
  13. 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched
    Sphere of neither perception nor non-perception
  14. 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched bsgrubs te gnas pa
    One achieves and abides in the sense field of neither perception nor non-perception
  15. 'du shes med min gyi skye mched
    Sense field of neither perception nor non-perception
  16. 'du shes med min gyi snyoms 'jug
    Meditative absorption of neither perception nor non-perception
  17. 'du shes tha dad pa nyid med pa
    Non-differentiation of perception
  18. 'gog pa shes pa
    Knowledge of the cessation of suffering
  19. 'jig rten kyi khams du ma pa khams sna tshogs pa yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du rab tu shes pa
    Definitive knowledge of multiple world systems and diverse dispositions
  20. 'jig rten thams cad la mngon par mi dga' ba'i 'du shes
    Perception of disinterest in all mundane things
  21. 'od kyis rnam par rtse ba mngon par shes pa
    Sublime Knowledge Displayed with Luminosity
  22. 'phags pa shes rab
    Phakpa Sherab
  23. ban de ye shes sde
    Bandé Yeshé Dé, Bhande Yeshe De, Yeshé Dé
  24. bdag med pa'i sdug bsngal gyi 'du shes
    Perception of non-self
  25. bdag tu 'du shes
    Notion of self
  26. bde ba'i 'du shes
    Notion that there is happiness
  27. bsod nams dang ye shes kyi tshogs
    Stores of merit and wisdom
  28. bya ba grub pa'i ye shes
    Action-accomplishing wisdom, All-accomplishing wisdom
  29. bya ba shes pa mngon sum du bya ba shes pa'i mngon par shes pa
    Extrasensory power realizing knowledge of [miraculous] activities
  30. cang shes kauN+Di n+ya
  31. cang shes pa
  32. chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes
    Wisdom of the sphere of phenomena
  33. chos shes pa
    Knowledge of phenomena
  34. da ltar byung ba'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs par 'jug go
    Engage in the perception of pristine cognition which is unobstructed and unimpeded with respect to the present
  35. dbang po dang stobs dang byang chub kyi yan lag dang rnam par thar pa dang bsam gtan dang ting nge 'dzin dang snyoms par 'jug pa'i kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dang ldang pa shes pa yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du rab tu shes pa
    Definitive knowledge of all the afflicted and purified mental states and their emergence, with respect to the faculties, powers, branches of enlightenment, aspects of liberation, meditative concentrations, meditative stabilities, and formless absorption
  36. de bzhin gshegs pa'i thams cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi ye shes
    Pristine cognition of omniscience
  37. dka' ba'i 'du shes
    Perception of hardship
  38. dmigs pa med pa'i shes rab
    Non-referential wisdom
  39. gang zag la bdag med par phyogs gcig shes pa
    Partial understanding of selflessness with respect to personal identity
  40. glang po che cang shes
    Thoroughbred elephant
  41. gnas la yang gnas su yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du rab tu shes pa
    Definitive knowledge that things which are possible are indeed possible
  42. gnas ma yin pa la yang gnas ma yin par yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du rab tu shes pa
    Definitive knowledge that things which are impossible are indeed impossible
  43. ji lta ba bzhin shes pa
    Knowledge that is definitive
  44. kun 'byung ba shes pa
    Knowledge of the origin of suffering
  45. kun rdzob shes pa
    Knowledge of relative appearances
  46. kun shes kau N+Di nya
  47. kun shes kauN Di nya
  48. kun shes kauN+Din+ya
  49. kun shes kauNDi nya
  50. kun shes pa dang ldan pa'i dbang po
    Faculties endowed with the knowledge of all things... further results

English Glossaries

Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dharma Dictionary 3.0 <br> by Erik Pema Kunsang (2003)

No direct match.

466 total match(es)
Hopkins Glossary 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at:

pristine wisdom; exalted wisdom; wisdom

670 total match(es)
Hopkins Definitions 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at:

No direct match.

23 total match(es)
Hopkins Divisions 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at:

No direct match.

15 total match(es)
Hopkins Others' English 2015 The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Version: June 2015) <br> Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor. <br> Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor. <br> Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee, Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston, Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi <br> A PDF version of this dictionary is available for download at:

cognition; knowledge

181 total match(es)
Hopkins Synonyms 1992 note No direct match. 1 total match(es)
Tsepak Rigdzin note No direct match. 20 total match(es)
Richard Barron's glossary Richard Barron's glossary. <br> © Copyright 2002 by Turquoise Dragon Media Services. <br> Source: Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dharma Dictionary 3.0 (2003)

timeless awareness [in mahayana, vajrayana and Dzogchen contexts] pristine awareness [in shravaka and pratyekabuddha contexts]

150 total match(es)

Tibetan-Tibetan dictionary

བོད་རྒྱ་ཚིག་མཛོད་ཆེན་མོ། Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo <br> 1985, Mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, Beijing.
ye shes

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Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary

Negi (Tibetan-Sanskrit) Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary <br> J.S. Negi <br> Dictionary Unit, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath (January 1993)
ye shes
  • saṃ.
  1. jñānam i. tattvajñānam — sogs pa'i mtshan nyid ni rnam par shes pa'o/ /bri ba'i mtshan nyid ni ye shes so// upacayalakṣaṇaṃ vijñānam, apacayalakṣaṇaṃ jñānam la.a.117kha/64; 'dir sems can thams cad kyi snying gi nang na gnas pa ni ye shes so// de yang gzhom du med pa'i sgra ste rtag tu nA da'i mtshan nyid do// iha sarvasattvānāṃ hṛdayāntargataṃ jñānam, taccānāhatadhvaniḥ sadā nādalakṣaṇaḥ vi.pra.127ka/3.54; de phyir de yi bsgrub bya ru/ /gyur pa'i ye shes rnam dpyad bya'i/ /'di yis srin bu'i grangs mkhyen pa/ /nged la 'gar yang nyer mkho med// tasmādanuṣṭheyagataṃ jñānamasya vicāryatām kīṭasaṃkhyāparijñānaṃ tasya naḥ kvopayujyate pra.vā.108kha/1.33; rnam par smin pa de las bzlog/ /bde ba'i ye shes za ba nyid// vipākaṃ tadviparyāsaṃ sukhajñānasya bhuñjanam he.ta.17ka/54; sangs rgyas pa rnams kyi ye shes ni sems can thams cad la snying rje'i bdag nyid can zhi ba'i las ston par byed pa'o// śāntakarmadeśakaṃ bauddhānāṃ jñānaṃ sarvasattvakaruṇātmakam vi.pra.273kha/2.98; rnam par bcad pa zla ba phyed pa'i rnam pa'o// thig le zlum po'o// ye shes rtse mo'i rnam pa'o// visargo arddhacandrākāro bindurvṛtto jñānaṃ śikhākāram vi.pra.157ka/1.5; bhagaḥ — b+ha gaM ye shes skye gnas 'dod// śrī.ko.173ka ii. = stong pa śūnyam — ye shes gzugs las so zhes pa stong pa'i gzugs las so// jñānabimbācchūnyabimbāditi vi.pra.67ka/4.119 iii. = rdo rje kuliśam — nam mkha'i khams ni pad ma la/ /b+ha ga zhes bya ye shes brjod// khadhātāviti padmeṣu jñānaṃ bhagamiti smṛtam he.ta.9kha/28; jñānaṃ kuliśam yo.ra.125 iv. = 'dod pa kāmaḥ — kun rdzob kyis ye shes 'dod pa ste de'i me ni 'dod pa'i me'o// 'dod pa'i me des rab tu rgyas par gyur pa na saṃvṛtyā jñānaṃ kāmastasya tejaḥ kāmāgnistena kāmāgninā prabuddhā satī vi.pra.63ka/4.110
  2. vijñānam — de la de 'dra'i ye shes ni/ /rim gyis gtso bo las byung 'gyur// tatra tādṛśi vijñāne krameṇa bhavati prabhoḥ; de thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes 'di la thams cad du dad pas rjes su 'brang zhing chos nyid tshad mar bgyis te 'di ltar mos pa zhes bgyi 'o// so'tra sarvatra śraddhānusārī sarvajñajñāne dharmatāṃ pramāṇīkṛtya evamadhimukta iti a.sā.8ka/5; cetaḥ — spyi de rnal 'byor ye shes des/ /'dzin par mdzad pa ma yin no// sāmānyaṃ tasya naitena grahaṇaṃ yogicetasā; de nyid rtog pa'i ye shes kyis rnam par gcod par byed pa'i phyir tasyaiva ca parāmarśacetasā vyavacchedaḥ kriyate;
  • pā. jñānam
  1. ādarśādayaḥ — sangs rgyas rnams kyi ye shes ni rnam pa bzhi ste/ me long lta bu'i ye shes dang mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes dang so sor rtog pa'i ye shes dang bya ba grub pa'i ye shes so// caturvidhaṃ buddhānāṃ jñānam — ādarśajñānaṃ samatājñānaṃ pratyavekṣājñānaṃ kṛtyānuṣṭhānajñānaṃ ca sū.vyā.160ka/48
  2. pāramitābhedaḥ — sbyin dang tshul khrims bzod brtson 'grus/ /bsam gtan dang ni shes rab thabs/ /smon lam stobs dang ye shes dang/ /'di dag pha rol phyin pa bcu// dānaṃ śīlaṃ kṣamā vīryaṃ dhyānaṃ prajñā upāyatā praṇidhānaṃ balaṃ jñānametāḥ pāramitā daśa; dra. ye shes kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/
  3. tattvāvabodhaḥ — ye shes chags bral dbang phyug ni/ /mi zad bcu dang ldan pa can/ /bde byed ces ni gang grags pa/ /de yang bdag bsam pa yis shes// jñānaṃ vairāgyamaiśvaryamiti yo'pi daśāvyayaḥ śaṅkaraḥ śrūyate so'pi jñānavānātmavittayā;

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(Related) Verb Forms

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wisdom [IW]

Pristine Cognition [GD]

timeless awareness [in Mahayana, Vajrayana and Dzogchen contexts] pristine awareness [in shravaka and pratyekabuddha contexts] [RB]

jnana, (exalted, primordial) wisdom, (primal, transcending, original, unitary, authentic, pure, absolute, a priori, genuine, spiritual, ever-fresh, pristine) awareness, wakefulness, pristine cognition, mystic illumination, gnosis, understanding by peak experience, (intuitive, transcending, comprehensive, true) knowledge, SA mched pa'i ye shes, mnyam nyid ye shes, me long ye shes, chos dbyings ye shes, bya sgrub ye shes, sor rtog ye shes, perfect absolute divine wisdom, pristine wisdom, primordial awareness, timeless awareness [JV]

wisdom, original wakefulness. Basic cognizance independent of intellectual constructs. There are also the five wisdoms, aspects of how the cognitive quality of buddha nature functions: the dharmadhatu wisdom, mirror-like wisdom, wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom and all-accomplishing wisdom [RY]

knowledge, original wakefulness, gnosis, cognition, wisdom, primal awareness, pristine awareness, Primordial Awareness, [ [[jnana] ]]; pristine cognition. Innate wakefulness, intelligence, self-born awareness, primal awareness, wisdom, one of the phar phyin bcu the ten paramitas, pristine awareness, ever-fresh awareness, exalted wisdom / body, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana. Syn ye gnas kyi shes pa; 'wisdom', [primordial knowing, original cognition, wakefulness, awareness]. Innate wakefulness, Jnana, cognition, knowledge, divine wisdom, ever-fresh awareness, pristine awareness, exalted wisdom / body, primordial wisdom, intelligence, intuition [intuitive wisdom], gnosis, wisdom mind, primal knowledge, jnana, pristine cognition / awareness. pristine wisdom, [or wisdom if otherwise qualified. i.e. mirror-like wisdom]. one of the phar phyin bcu the ten paramitas. primordial wisdom/wakefulness, Wisdom/Pristine wisdom [RY]

Wisdom ([ shes rab ], [ ye shes ]): 1) the ability to discern correctly, the understanding of emptiness and 2) the primordial and non-dual knowing aspect of the nature of the mind. [MR]

Skt. jñāna. 1) deep wisdom, penetrating wisdom, intuitive wisdom, mystic wisdom, primal wisdom, primordial wisdom, original wisdom, timeless wisdom, pristine wisdom, wisdom; 2) deep gnosis, penetrating gnosis, intuitive gnosis, mystic gnosis, primal gnosis, primordial gnosis, original gnosis, timeless gnosis, pristine gnosis, gnosis; 3) deep wakefulness, penetrating wakefulness, intuitive wakefulness, mystic wakefulness, primal wakefulness, primordial wakefulness, original wakefulness, timeless wakefulness, pristine wakefulness, wakefulness; 4) deep awareness, penetrating awareness, intuitive awareness, mystic awareness, primal awareness, primordial awareness, original awareness, timeless awareness, pristine awareness, awareness; 5) deep knowing, penetrating knowing, intuitive knowing, mystic knowing, primal knowing, primordial knowing, original knowing, timeless knowing, pristine knowing, knowing; 6) deep knowledge, penetrating knowledge, intuitive knowledge, mystic knowledge, primal knowledge, primordial knowledge, original knowledge, timeless knowledge, pristine knowledge, knowledge. The most appropriate English translation mostly depends on the vehicle, namely, Hinayāna, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna or Atiyoga/Mahāmudrā, as each vehicle has a somewhat different connotation for jñāna. Erick Tsiknopoulos