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klu grub - Nagarjuna. An Indian master of philosophy and a tantric siddha. One of the Eight Vidyadharas; receiver of the tantras of Lotus Speech such as Supreme Steed Display. He is said to have taken birth in the southern part of India around four hundred years after the Buddha's nirvana. Having received ordination at Nalanda Monastery, he later acted as preceptor for the monks. He knew alchemy, stayed alive for six hundred years and transformed ordinary materials into gold in order to sustain the sangha. At Bodhgaya he erected pillars and stone walls to protect the Bodhi Tree and constructed 108 stupas. From the realm of the nagas he brought back the extensive Prajnaparamita scriptures. He was the life pillar for the Mahayana, but specifically he was a major exponent of the Unexcelled Vehicle of Vajrayana. Having attained realization of Hayagriva, he transmitted the lineage to Padmasambhava [RY]
[['du 'dzi'i skyon nyi shu]] - Twenty defects of bustle. The Sutra Requested by Superior Intention says: "[[Maitreya]], there are twenty defects of bustle. What are these twenty? Maitreya, they are not to have controlled one's body, not to have controlled one's speech, not to have controlled one's mind, to have great desire, to have great hatred, to have great dullness, to be tainted by mundane conversation, to have completely strayed away from supramundane conversation, to associate with people who do not respect the Dharma, to have fully cast away the Dharma, to consequently be harmed by the maras, to associate with people who are careless, to be careless oneself, to be dominated by conception ([[rtog pa]]) and discernment ([[dpyod pa]]), to completely stray away from great learning, to fail to achieve [[shamatha and vipashyana]], to fail quickly to become brahmacharin, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Buddha, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Dharma, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Sangha. Maitreya, these twenty should be understood as the defects of taking delight in bustle. A bodhisattva after having applied examination will take delight in solitude and never become completely saddened." [RY]  

klu sgrub - expounder of the madhyamika school, Nagarjuna (also in Guhyasamaja tradition transmitted by mahasiddha Saraha) [JV]

klu'i blo - {klu'i byang chub}, Nagabodhi [prasangika philosopher) disciple of nagarjuna and holder of his tantric lineage, {klu'i blo} siddha of mahamudra] [IW]

bka' brgyud - Kagyü. The lineage of teachings brought to Tibet by Lord Marpa, received from the dharmakaya buddha Vajradhara by the Indian siddha Tilopa, Saraha, and others. Transmitted by Naropa and Maitripa to the Tibetan translator Marpa, the lineage was passed on to Milarepa, Gampopa, Karmapa and others. The main emphasis is on the path of means which is the Six doctrines of Naropa, and the path of liberation which is the Mahamudra instructions of Maitripa [RY]

khyung po rnal 'byor - Khyungpo Naljor. (1002-1064). A Tibetan master who brought teachings back from India that were later known as the Shangpa Kagyü. Disciple of the female siddha Niguma [RY]

mkhas grub - 1) scholar-adept, learned and accomplished, siddhas and panditas, realized master, accomplished scholar, learned and saintly, master practitioner. 2) One of Tzongkhapa's two main students (1385-1438) [RY]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Tantra]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]
mkhas grub - learned and accomplished/ saintly scholar-adept, siddhas and pa its, realized master, accomplished scholar, master practitioner, 1 of [IW]
mkhas grub - scholar, buddhist scholar who being learned has attained perfection, siddhas and pandits, learned and realized ones, scholars and realized masters, learned scholars and accomplished practitioners [JV]
'khor los bsgyur ba - sovereign; ex {grub thob kyi 'khor los bsgyur ba} the sovereign of siddhas [RY]
geg pa rdo rje - Acharya Lilavajra. One of the Indian mahasiddhas [RY]
geg pa rdo rje - Acharya lilavajra [Indian mahasiddha] [IW]
grub brgyud - Siddha Lineage, siddhaparampara [JV]
grub chen - mahasiddha [yogin who has attained supreme siddhi] [IW]
grub chen - mahasiddha, great accomplished one, saint, great hermits, great master, great accomplishment [IW]
grub chen - mahasiddha, great accomplished one, saint, great hermits, great master, great accomplishment [type of extensive group practice, 1 of {bsnyen grub yan lag bzhi} [IW]
grub chen - great saint, mahasiddha, realization, siddhas [JV]
grub chen - 1) mahasiddha, great accomplished one, saint, great hermits, great master. 2) Great Accomplishment [type of extensive group practice]. 3) One of {bsnyen grub yan lag bzhi} [RY]
grub chen - Mahasiddha. 'Great perfected one', realized Tantric practitioner [RY]
grub chen brgyad - 8 great siddhas/ siddhis [= {dpal rgyi rig 'dzin brgyad} ; 1) slop dpon hum ka ra}. 2) {slop dpon klu sgrub snying po}. 3) {slop dpon 'jam dpal bshes bnyen}. 4) {slop dpon}. dhanasmtri. 5) {slop dpon}. prabhahasti. 6) {slop dpon}. vimalamitra. 7) {slop dpon}. shintamgarbha. 8}. {slop dpon}. guhyatsandra- or the eight siddhis / atttainments: celestial land, sword, pill, swift feet, vase, yaksha, elixir, and eye lotion] [IW]
grub chen brgyad - 8 great siddhas/ siddhis [IW]
grub chen brgyad cu - eighty mahasiddhas [RY]
grub chen brgyad bcu - eighty mahasiddhas [RY]
grub chen chos kyi rdo rje - Drubchen Chökyi Dorje (15th century), one of the six "siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra" tradition [RY]
grub chen chos kyi rdo rje - Drubchen Chökyi Dorje (fifteenth century); one of the six siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra [RY]
grub chen dril bu zhabs - mahasiddha Ghantapada [RY]
grub mchog - 1) supreme siddha/ accomplished one. Syn {grub chen}. 2) supreme attainment. Syn {mchog gi dngos grub}; 1) supreme siddha / accomplished one. Syn {grub chen}. 2) supreme attainment. Syn {mchog gi dngos grub} [RY]
grub mchog ma - female mahasiddha [RY]
grub mchog ma - siddha yogini [IW]
grub rje - mahasiddha [JV]
grub brnyed - siddha, accomplished one, miraculous powers [IW]
grub brnyed - 1) siddha, accomplished one. 2) miraculous powers [RY]
grub brnyes - siddha [tantric yogin having attined any of the 8 siddhis dngos grub brgyad etc.] [IW]
grub brnyes - siddha [IW]
grub rtags - signs of accomplishment; mark / sign of accomplishment, sign of a siddha, miracle, miraculous signs [RY]
grub rtags - signs of realization mark of a siddha [JV]
grub rtags - mark of accomplishment, sign of a siddha/ siddhi, miracle, miraculous signs [IW]
grub thob - siddha/ accomplished master/ master of spiritual attainment [RB]
grub thob - siddha, saint, a great yogin, siddhi, realized being, adept [JV]
grub thob - siddha, master of spiritual accomplishment; accomplished master / one / saint, [successful tantric adept]; adept [RY]
grub thob - siddha, accomplished master, saint [IW]
grub thob - siddha [possessing special realization on the path, having gained the supreme and ordinary siddhis mchog dang thun mong gi dngos grub] [IW]
grub thob kar ma gling pa - the siddha Karma Lingpa [RY]
grub thob kar ma tshe dbang rig 'dzin - the siddha karma Tsewang Rigdzin [RY]
grub thob kyi 'khor los bsgyur ba - the sovereign of siddhas [RY]
grub thob skyes chen - siddhas and great beings [RY]
grub thob khyung po rnal 'byor - the siddha khyung po [IW]
grub thob khyung po rnal 'byor - the siddha Khyungpo naljor [IW]
grub thob khyung po rnal 'byor - the siddha Khyungpo naljor [founder of {shangs pa bka' brgyud} [IW]
grub thob khyung po rnal 'byor - the siddha khyung po [shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi tradition founder] [IW]
grub thob khyung po rnal 'byor - the siddha Khyungpo Naljor, founder of {shangs pa bka' brgyud} Syn {mkhas grub khyung po rnal 'byor} [RY]
grub thob brgyad bcu - Eighty mahasiddhas [RY]
grub thob brgyad bcu bzhi - 84 siddhas [IW]
grub thob brgyad bcu bzhi - eighty-four Accomplished Masters / siddhas [RY]
grub thob brgyud cu rtsa bzhi - biographical account of the lives of the eighty four Buddhist mahasiddhas [RY]
grub thob chen - mahasiddhas [JV]
grub thob chen po - Mahasiddha [RY]
grub thob chen po - mahasiddha [JV]
grub thob chen po - mighty siddha [RY]
grub thob chen po gco lnga - the 53 great siddhas [IW]
grub thob chen po bco lnga - 15 great siddhas [RY]
grub thob thugs tig - the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha [the chief mind treasure of jamyang khyentse wangpo focused on the teachings of the mahasiddha tangtong gyalpo; see also {thang stong rgyal po} [IW]
grub thob thugs tig - the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha, the chief mind treasure of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo focused on the teachings of the mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo, See also {thang stong rgyal po}; the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha; the chief mind treasure of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo focused on the teachings of the mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo; See also {thang stong rgyal po; {grub thob thugs thig} the Heart Essence of the Great Siddha; the chief mind treasure of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo focused on the teachings of the mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalpo; See also {thang stong rgyal po} [RY]
grub mtha' - tenet system; school; scholastic sectarianism; philosophical system; system of philosophy, philosophical tenets, [siddhanta], philosophical concepts; Def: {kun mkhyen rong ston chen pos/ grub mtha'i don ni/ blang dor gyi don la rnam par dpyod pa zhugs pa'i gang zag rang rang gi 'dod pas yongs su dpyad pa'i don yin la/ sgra don ni/ rang rang gi lugs kyi lung rigs kyis grub pa de las phar nam yang 'gro sa med pa'i don la bshad do} 1) theory, tenet, philosophical system / school / tradition, school of thought, doctrine, school of teaching, "established view / conclusion." philosophical system. 2) authoritative treatise. established conclusion / tenet / theory / philosophy [RY]
grub mtha' - doctrine, siddhanta [way of grasping outsider and buddhist dharma traditions' individual views; from one's own mental viewpoint ground, path, and fruition etc. having been established by texts and reasoning the doctrinal tradicion resolves its establishment] [IW]
grub mtha' - philosophical systems, religion, philosophical tenets, Siddhantas, established conclusion, opinion, theory, resolution for liberation from miseries, determination for obtaining nirvana, dogma, tenet, system of tenets, system of philosophy, philosophical tenets, siddhanta, philosophical treatises, philosophical position [JV]
grub mtha' bzhi'i rnam gzhag - comparative siddhanta of the Buddhist schools [RY]
grub mtha' bzhi'i lugs - the philosophical positions (siddhanta) of the four major schools of Buddhism [RY]
grub mtha' so so'i bzhed tshul gzhung gsal bar ston pa chos 'byung grub mtha' chen po bstan pa'i sgron me - a detailed survey of comparative siddhanta in the context of Mahayana Buddhism and in particular the rnying ma pa tradition of Tibet; by {rog ban de shes rab 'od} [RY]
grub pa - a siddha [RY]
grub pa - exist, have existence, make ready, complete, perfect, achieve existing, accomplished, established, proven accomplished one, siddha, states, establishment, siddhi, accomplishment, attainment {las grub pa}. = be made of, constituted of, composed/ formed, produced from [IW]
grub pa - {grub pa, grub pa, 'grub pa} intr. v.; 1) to exist, have existence, existing. {rang bzhin gyis grub pa} naturally existent. 2) accomplished, also an accomplished one, a siddha. 3) v. pf. of {'grub pa} 4) states. 5) established / proven, establishment. {las grub pa} be made of, constituted of, composed / formed, produced from. 6) siddhi, accomplishment, attainment, mastery; success. Syn {dngos grub} 7) made ready, complete, perfect, to achieve; (.r-)grub-pa - established (as.) [RY]
grub pa chen po brgyad - the eight major siddhis / siddhas [RY]
grub pa thob - attain siddhi, siddha [IW]
grub pa thob ka rma tshe dbang rig 'dzin - the siddha karma tshewang rigdzin [IW]
grub pa thob kar ma tshe dbang rig 'dzin - the siddha Karma Tsewang Rigdzin [RY]
grub pa thob pa - mahasiddha [JV]
grub pa'i skye po - a siddha, accomplished person [RY]
grub pa'i 'khor los bsgyur pa - siddha, cakravartin [IW]
grub pa'i 'khor los bsgyur pa - siddha chakravartins [RY]
grub pa'i mtha' rnam par bshad pa'i mdzod - an introduction to the comparative siddhanta of the spiritual traditions of India, Buddhist and non Buddhist; by {dbus pa blo gsal} [RY]
grub pa'i gnas mchog - supreme place of siddhas [JV]
grub pa'i spyod pa - conduct of a siddha [RY]
grub pa'i dbang phyug - mighty siddhas {rgya gar 'phags pa'i yul gyi grub pa'i dbang phyug} the mighty siddhas of India [RY]
grub pa'i dbang phyug - the sovereign of siddhas, lord of accomplished ones [RY]
grub pa'i dbang phyug - the lord of siddhas [RY]
grub pa'i dbang phyug - lord of siddhas [RY]
grub pa'i mdzad spyod la nges pa med pa - the actions of siddhas are incomprehensible [RY]
grub dbang - lord of siddhas; great siddha [RY]
grub dbang - lord of siddhas [JV]
grub dbang - lord of siddhas; {grub pa'i dbang phyug}; lord of siddhas. Abbr. of {grub pa'i dbang phyug} [RY]
mgar grub chen - {mgar grub chen} [TT siddha master, emanation of nagarjuna head of a drigung kagyu monastery at nagchukha north of lhasa] [IW]
rgyal ba dben sa pa blo bzang don grub - Gyalwa Wensapa Lobsang Döndrub (1504-66); one of the six siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra [RY]
rgyal ba dben sa pa blo bzang don grub - 1504-66 - Wensapa Lobzang Döndrub, one of the six "siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra" tradition [RY]
sgrub thob - siddha, accomplished one [RY]
sgrub pa - 1) siddha, accomplished master GD; 2) affirm [information about an object]; 2) accomplish, application, practice, defilement, attainment, accomplishment; 3) engagement; 4) perform[ing] [deeds], carry out; 5) strive for, realization; 6) acquire; 7) proof, progress; 8) positive phenomenon; 9) entails the prayer that the deity's blessings will descend, transforming the mundane body, speech, and mind into the three syllables of indestructible reality, attainment GD; 10) complete, finish, [Tse] [phyi sgrub bla ma'i rnal 'byor - outer guru yoga practice -1 (Tha dad pa bsgrubs pa, bsgrub pa, sgrubs,, 1 do; 2) buy; 3) make; 4) prove, establish; 5) examine, take an accounting of; 6) practice dharma; 7) Bden bzhi mi rtag sogs bcu drug gi nang gses shig ste sems phyin ci log spangs te phyin ci ma log par sbyor ba [IW]
nges pa med pa - incomprehensible {grub pa'i mdzad spyod la nges pa med pa} the actions of siddhas are incomprehensible [RY]
dngos grub ril bu - pills made from siddhas [IW]
rnga sgra - sound of the drum, epithet of buddha amogha siddha [JV]
snga 'gyur pan grub - pandit-siddha attire of the early translation school [IW]
snga 'gyur pan grub - the scholars and siddhas of the Early Translations [RY]
snga 'gyur pan grub kyi chas - the panditas-siddha attire of the early translation school [RY]
snga 'gyur pan grub kyi chas - the pandits-siddha attire of the early translation school [IW]
gcod - Chö. Literally 'cutting.' A system of practices based on Prajnaparamita and set down by the Indian siddha Phadampa Sangye and the Tibetan female teacher Machig Labdrön for the purpose of cutting through the four Maras and ego-clinging. One of the Eight Practice Lineages of Buddhism in Tibet [RY]
chu bo ri - {chu bo ri} mt [one of the {bod kyi ri chen bzhi}, snow mt in gong dkar rdzong, ri ldebs su 108 springs and khyad chos mang po yod par, once by the mahasiddha {thang stong rgyal po} ri gsham gyi gtsang chur building an iron bridge, called lcags zam chu bo ri, and the monastery there founded lcags zam dgon pa] [IW]
'jam dpal rgya mtsho - 1356-1428 - Jampal Gyatso, one of the six "siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra" [RY]
'jam dpal rgya mtsho - Jampal Gyatso (1356-1428); one of the six siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra [RY]
nya lto pa - 1) fisherman; 2) Indian mahasiddha Luyipa [IW]
ti phu pa - Tiphupa [Indian mahasiddha, said to be reincarnation of MArpa's son Dharmadode [IW]
ti phu pa - {ti phu pa} [Indian mahasiddha; ti phu gsang sngags kyi sdong po] [IW]
til li pa - Tilopa 988-1069. Indian mahasiddha, the guru of Naropa and father of the Kagyü lineage [RY]
te phu pa - Tiphupa [following life of Marpa's son dharma dode as Indian mahasiddha] [IW]
rta mgrin grub thob - Hayagriva siddha. Same as Gyalwa Chog-yang [RY]
rta mgrin grub thob - Hayagriva siddha {rgyal ba mchog dbyangs} [IW]
rta mgrin grub thob - Hayagriva siddha [IW]
rta mgrin grub thob - Hayagriva siddha. Syn {rgyal ba mchog dbyangs} [RY]
tha snyad du grub pa - [vjavaharasiddha] conventional status [RY]
thang stong rgyal po - 1361-1485 - Tangtong Gyalpo, a Tibetan siddha [RY]
thabs shes grub pa - Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge. Composed by the Indian siddha Yanlag Mepey Dorje, (yan lag med pa'i rdo rje), himself a disciple of Mahasukha Natha (dgon po bde ba chen po) [RY]
dur khrod du gnas pa'i rnal 'byor grub thob brgyad - the 8 charnel ground dwelling siddha-yogins CHN [IW]
do ha - the spontaneous spiritual songs of the Indian mahasiddhas and other accomplished masters [RY]
do ha skor gsum - Doha Khorsum; the three mains "songs of realization" told by the Mahasiddha Saraha. The Doha for the King, the Doha for the Queen, and the Doha for the Subjects [RY]
do ha mdzod - SK collection of siddhas's experiential songs, Doha-kosha [IW]
do ha gsum - the three collections of dohas [Songs by the Indian mahasiddha saraha, rgyal po do ha dang, blon po do ha, dmangs do ha bcas gsum, or also do ha mdzod, rgyal po do ha, btzun mo do ha. las dang po Saraha'i gsung yin la phyi ma gnyis are by the bal po aa sas so But"n teaches] [IW]
don kun grub pa - accomplish or fulfill all objects, one who has done all, early name of shakyamuni, Sarvarthasiddha [JV]
don grub - siddhartha, amoghasiddhi, aim found, established, SA don yod grub pa, a name of buddha, in whom there is the fulfillment of every purpose, name of a magic spell, assemblage, common personal name, be achieved [JV]
dril bu pa - Drilbupa or Vajraghantapada, one of the eighty-four Mahasiddhas of India [RY]
dril bu pa - Ganthapada [a mahasiddha] [IW]
dril bu zhabs lugs - the system of the mahasiddha Ghantapada [RY]
bde mchog l'u yi pa - Luyipa tradition of Chakrasamvara [mahasiddha] [IW]
mda' 'joms - 1) Sarah [mahasiddha arrowmaker and abbot of nalanda who taught Naropa); 2) herb, medicinal root [= {dur byid sman} [IW]
na kha thub chen thar pa'i rgyal mtshan - mahasiddha thar pa'i rgyal mtshan of na kha D [IW]
na ro pa - middle 11th century - Naropa, an Indian siddha and teacher of Marpa [RY]
na ro pa - Naropa 1016-1100. The great mahasiddha of India, chief disciple of Tilopa and the guru of Marpa in the Kagyü Lineage. See Rain of Wisdom, Shambhala Publications [RY]
nag po pa - Nagpopa [an Indian mahasiddha] [RY]
nag po pa - Nagpopa [Indian mahasiddha] [IW]
nag po spyod pa - a mahasiddha [JV]
nag po spyod pa - Krishnacharya, a mahasiddha [RY]
pan grub - siddha pandit [IW]
pan grub - pandita and siddha [IW]
paN grub - panditas and siddhas, accomplished scholar [RY]
pha dam pa - Phadampa. An Indian mahasiddha who brought the Shije (zhi byed) teachings to Tibet [RY]
pha dam pa sangs - The Indian mahasiddha who introduced the zhi byed tradition into tibet, main master of ma gcig lab sgron [JV]
pha dam pa sangs rgyas - Phadampa Sangye A great Indian siddha who visited Tibet five times, the last time in 1098, where he taught the Shije system. His chief Tibetan disciple was the yogini Machik Labdrön [RY]
phan grub - 1) panditas and siddhas. 2) accomplished scholar [RY]
phan grub - 1) pandits and siddhas; 2) accomplished scholar [IW]
phaN grub - pandits and siddhas, accomplished scholar [IW]
'phags pa'i yul - {'phags pa'i yul gyi dbang phyug} India's siddhas [RY]
ba so ba chos kyi rgyal mtshan - 1402-73 - Basowa Chökyi Gyaltsen, one of the six siddhas of the "Ganden Mahamudra" [RY]
ba so ba chos kyi rgyal mtshan - Basowa Chökyi Gyaltsen (1409-73); one of the six siddhas of the Ganden Mahamudra [RY]
bi ra pa - Virupa [sakya lineage master, indian mahasiddha.] [IW]
bi ru pa - Virupa [sakya lineage master, indian mahasiddha] [IW]
bir wa pa - Virupa [Sakya lineage master, indian mahasiddha.] [IW]
bod kyi grub chen brgyad - the 8 great siddhas of Tibet [IW]
brul gtor - torma protecting against mishandling of religious funds [oral instruction of the siddha dbon ston skyer sgang pa] [IW]
bla mas smras pa gang gi snying zhugs pa - lag pa'i mthil du gnas pa'i gter mthong 'dra - The master's words, having entered your heart, Are like seeing a treasure in the palm of your hand. By Saraha;the Indian mahasiddha [RY]
dbang phyug - {'phags pa'i yul gyi dbang phyug} India's siddhas [RY]
'brug pa bka' brgyud - Drukpa kagyu school [kagyu lineage of the mahasiddha Ling Repa and, rgya Repa of Tsang among which are divisions of upper, middle and lower. the middle 'brug is rgya Repa's kyi dbon lineage, the lower 'brug Lo Repa, the upper 'brug lineage arose from rgod tshang pa, the 'brug dharma lineage arose where rgya Repa planted a meteoric iron phurba and what ultimately was the well known Druk monastery was established it was all the lineage holders root seat ]. Drukpa kagyu school [IW]
ma gcig grub pa'i rgyal mo - Sole Mother Queen of the Siddhas, a female Indian siddha and one of Rechungpa's teachers [RY]
mar pa lo tsa ba chos kyi blo gros - Marpa Lotsawa; Chökyi Lodrö 1012-1097. Born in Lhodrak, in southern Tibet, he first studied with Drogmi Lotsawa then traveled to India three times to meet his root teacher the mahasiddha pandita Naropa, as well as his other gurus, Jnanagarbha, Kukkuripa and Maitripa [RY]
mi tra dzo gi - Mitra Yogi. A siddha from India who received teachings from Chenrezig who appeared to him. The transmission of his "Six Vajra Yogas" is still alive and can be found in Volume 16 (Ma) of the gdams ngag mdzod of Jamgön Kongtrül ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas, 1813-1899) [RY]
mi thub zla ba - Invincible Moon, one of the mahasiddhas [RY]
mi thub zla ba - the mahasiddha Invincible moon [IW]
me long rdo rje - 1243-1303 - Melong Dorje, an eminent siddha of the Nyingma lineage [RY]
gtsang pa rgya ras - Tsangpa Gyarey (1161-1211). Early master in the Drukpa Kagyü lineage, also known as Yeshe Dorje (ye shes rdo rje). Chief disciple of Lingje Repa and founder of Druk Gönpa after which Drukpa Kagyü got its name. It was during his time that a saying appeared, "Half the people are Drukpa, half the Drukpa are mendicant beggars, and half the mendicants are siddhas." [RY]
mdzad spyod - behavior {grub pa'i mdzad spyod la nges pa med pa} the actions of siddhas are incomprehensible [RY]
zhi ba lha - Shantideva; (685-763) one of the eighty-four mahasiddhas of India. He composed the famous Bodhicaryavatara (byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa, T 3871), Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Activity [RY]
zhi ba lha - 685-763 - Shantideva, the great Indian siddha, author of the Bodhicharya Avatara [RY]
zhi ba lha - Shantideva, one of the eighty-four mahasiddha of India. He composed the famous Bodhicharya Avatara (byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa), "Engaging in the Bodhichitta's Deeds", and the Shiksa Samucchaya (bslab pa kun las btus pa), the "Collected Precepts" two major texts describing the ideal and practice of a bodhisattva [RY]
zhi byed - Shijey. Pacifying, one of the Eight Practice Lineages brought to Tibet by Phadampa Sangye, a siddha who visited Tibet several times around the 12th century [RY]
zla grags - Candrakirti (7th century Madhyamaka also in Guhyasamaja tradition transmitted by mahasiddha Saraha) [JV]
rig 'dzin gter bton gnyis - two vidyadhara treasure revealers, The two vidyadhara treasure revealers and siddha kings are Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, alias Padma Ösel Do-Ngak Lingpa, and [Chokgyur Lingpa] Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa. These two are like father and son.  [RY]
reb gong grub thob brgyad - eight siddhas of Rekong [RY]
lwa ba pa - mahasiddha Lavapa [IW]
lang lab byang chub rdo rje - 13th cent - Langlap Changchup Dorje, a siddha of Vajra Kilaya [RY]
lU yi ba - Luyipa [mahasiddha] [IW]
lu hi pa - Luhipa [mahasiddha] [IW]
sha kya thub pa - gautama shakyamuni, siddhartha of kapilavastu, Sage of the Shakyas [JV]
sha kya shrI - Shakya Shri. A Tibetan mahasiddha of the 19th century belong chiefly to the Drukpa Kagyü lineage [RY]
sa ra ha - Saraha. One of the mahasiddhas of India and a master in the Mahamudra lineage. See 'The Royal Songs of Saraha,' Shambhala Publications [RY]
sangs rgyas dngos grub - siddha/ accomplishment/ real establishment {bden par grub par 'dod pa} of buddhahood [IW]
se nya ba - probably tibetanized form of siddha, buddhist monk, mendicant [JV]
sen da ba - probably tibetanized form of siddha, buddhist monk, mendicant [JV]
sen dha pa - probably tibetanized form of siddha, buddhist monk, mendicant [JV]
gsung - 1) speech, words, say, speak, utter, tell [h]; 2) buddha's teachings; 3) buddha dharma; 4) [h] particle; 5) writings of the siddha forefathers; 6) communication, symphony, sound the voice [IW]
gsung - voice; (enlightened) speech; speech. buddha-speech. sound the voice, communication, symphony, noun. writings [of the siddha forefathers], (h) for speech, verb. say, speak, utter, uttered [all your words are] {legs par gsung ba} well-uttered; command; 1) noun. writings [of the siddha forefathers], (h) for speech. 2) verb. say, speak, utter, uttered [all your words are]. sound the voice, communication, symphony, buddha speech. {legs par gsung ba} well-uttered [RY]
lha dang grub pas gang ba'i gnas - home of gods and siddhas [RY]
grub chen kar ma pa kshi - the great siddha Karma Pakshi; the second Karmapa [RY]
kar ma pa kshi - Karma Pakshi. (1204-1283). The second in the line of Karmapa incarnations and is regarded as the first recognized Tibetan tulku. The name Pakshi is Mongolian for 'master,' a title he became renowned under after being given a high religious position by the Mongolian emperor. Among his disciples is the great siddha Orgyenpa Rinchen Pal (1230-1309) [RY]
grub chen kar ma pa kshi - the great siddha Karma Pakshi; the second Karmapa [RY]
kar ma pa kshi - Karma Pakshi. (1204-1283). The second in the line of Karmapa incarnations and is regarded as the first recognized Tibetan tulku. The name Pakshi is Mongolian for 'master,' a title he became renowned under after being given a high religious position by the Mongolian emperor. Among his disciples is the great siddha Orgyenpa Rinchen Pal (1230-1309) [RY]

Revision as of 15:32, 14 March 2006

'du 'dzi'i skyon nyi shu - Twenty defects of bustle. The Sutra Requested by Superior Intention says: "Maitreya, there are twenty defects of bustle. What are these twenty? Maitreya, they are not to have controlled one's body, not to have controlled one's speech, not to have controlled one's mind, to have great desire, to have great hatred, to have great dullness, to be tainted by mundane conversation, to have completely strayed away from supramundane conversation, to associate with people who do not respect the Dharma, to have fully cast away the Dharma, to consequently be harmed by the maras, to associate with people who are careless, to be careless oneself, to be dominated by conception (rtog pa) and discernment (dpyod pa), to completely stray away from great learning, to fail to achieve shamatha and vipashyana, to fail quickly to become brahmacharin, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Buddha, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Dharma, to completely stray away from rejoicing in the Sangha. Maitreya, these twenty should be understood as the defects of taking delight in bustle. A bodhisattva after having applied examination will take delight in solitude and never become completely saddened." [RY]