Rigdzin Thukchok Dorje: Difference between revisions

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m (redirect to 4th_Jamgon_Kongtrul)
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#redirect [[4th_Jamgon_Kongtrul]]
<noinclude><span class=TibUni16>[[རིག་འཛིན་ཐུགས་མཆོག་རྡོ་རྗེ།]]</span></noinclude><br>
<noinclude>[[rig 'dzin thugs mchog rdo rje]]</noinclude><br>
===Short biography===
:'''From The Termas of Thugchog Dorje:'''
''Because of the five neurotic poisons, the obsessions, animosities, strife, arguments, and miseries of beings will blaze like an inferno. As the ten good qualities are discarded, negativity will rage like a storm. Wholesome behaviour will be neglected, while perverse practices will be promulgated. In this degenerate age the Protectors will vanish as demonic beings assume power. People will inhale tobacco smoke, and the spatial-veins of discriminative wisdom will become blocked, whilst agitation and distorted emotions become intensified. The central channel will be obstructed and the clarity of awareness will die. Exhaustion of energy will cause agitation around the world. Religious artifacts, the objects of veneration, will deteriorate; perverted ideologies and false religions will spread. The Protectors will turn aside and look only towards Mount Méru. Foreigners will invade Tibet, and Tibetans will be forced to stray in the border lands. Doctrines of Illusion will spread and the world will become a dimension of hell.''
===Literary Works===
===Main Teachers===
*[[Raton Terton Tobden Dorje]]
*[[Drubchen Kunzang Rangdrol]]
*[[Choje Lingpa]]<br>
===Main Students===
*[[Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa]]
*[[Thekchen Lingpa]]<br>
===Main Lineages===
*[[Nyingma Kama]]<br>
===Alternate Names & Spellings===
*[[Kyidrong Chodze Thukchok Dorje]] ([[skyid grong chos mdzad thugs mchog rdo rje]])
*[[Terton Rigdzin Thukchok Dorje]] ([[gter ston rig 'dzin thugs mchog rdo rje]])
*[[Terchen Hung-nak Drodul]] ([[gter chen hUM nag 'gro 'dul]])<br>
===Other Resources===
===Internal Links===
===External Links===
*[http://www.tbrc.org/kb/tbrc-detail.xq;jsessionid=16022DB9F3EEB8190890E6803857683A?RID=P682 The TBRC Link]<br>
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Revision as of 17:21, 10 July 2009