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mass, accumulation, host, horde, collection, feast [R], ganachakra [IW]
mass, accumulation, host, horde, collection, feast [R], ganachakra [IW]
*[[Feast Offering]] [GD]

1) Dwangs snyigs 'byed pa'i don du go ba'i 'tshag pa'i skul tshig 2. //1) Phung po'am lus po,//ru tshogs,//sde tshogs,//'das pa'i lo tshogs de gnyis bkod,//thob nor rim par brtsegs pa'i tshogs; 2) rnal 'byor pa dag gis bza' btung gi rdzas rnams bde stong gi ngo bor byin gyis brlabs nas rgyal ba'i dkyil 'khor la mchod cing tshim pa drug ldan gyi ngang du rol ba'i rdzas; 3) dge ba'i las 1) accumulation/ community [sangha]/ collection/ gathering, [feast] gathering, assembly, group. 2) to gather, assemble, collect.; 3) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass. 4) a collection of merit, totality, accumulation. 5) swarm [of bees.] 6) equipment. 7) prerequisites, conditions... [tse] [IW]
1) Dwangs snyigs 'byed pa'i don du go ba'i 'tshag pa'i skul tshig 2. //1) Phung po'am lus po,//ru tshogs,//sde tshogs,//'das pa'i lo tshogs de gnyis bkod,//thob nor rim par brtsegs pa'i tshogs; 2) rnal 'byor pa dag gis bza' btung gi rdzas rnams bde stong gi ngo bor byin gyis brlabs nas rgyal ba'i dkyil 'khor la mchod cing tshim pa drug ldan gyi ngang du rol ba'i rdzas; 3) dge ba'i las 1) accumulation/ community [sangha]/ collection/ gathering, [feast] gathering, assembly, group. 2) to gather, assemble, collect.; 3) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass. 4) a collection of merit, totality, accumulation. 5) swarm [of bees.] 6) equipment. 7) prerequisites, conditions... [tse] [IW]

Revision as of 11:51, 4 October 2006

totality, group-patterns, functional cognitions, patterns, acquisitions, offerings, prerequisites (merits and knowledge), assemble, unite, SA 'tshogs pa, aggregates, collections, mass, accumulation, host, feast, band, bunch, fleet, gang, group, herd, swarm, assemblage, mass, accumulation, multitude, feast offering, past of 'tshogs, tantric offering feast, are present [JV]

totality. 1) accumulation / community [sangha] / collection / gathering, [feast] gathering, assembly, group. 2) to gather, assemble, collect. 3) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass. 4) a collection of merit, totality, accumulation. 5) swarm [of bees.] 6) equipment. 7) prerequisites, conditions. alt. imp. of 'tshag pa; collective offering; hosts [RY]

mass, accumulation, host, horde, collection, feast ['od zer gyi tsogs a mass of light rays. bsod nams ye shes tsogs gnyis the two accumulations, merit and wisdom] [IW]

mass, accumulation, host, horde, collection, feast [R], ganachakra [IW]

1) Dwangs snyigs 'byed pa'i don du go ba'i 'tshag pa'i skul tshig 2. //1) Phung po'am lus po,//ru tshogs,//sde tshogs,//'das pa'i lo tshogs de gnyis bkod,//thob nor rim par brtsegs pa'i tshogs; 2) rnal 'byor pa dag gis bza' btung gi rdzas rnams bde stong gi ngo bor byin gyis brlabs nas rgyal ba'i dkyil 'khor la mchod cing tshim pa drug ldan gyi ngang du rol ba'i rdzas; 3) dge ba'i las 1) accumulation/ community [sangha]/ collection/ gathering, [feast] gathering, assembly, group. 2) to gather, assemble, collect.; 3) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass. 4) a collection of merit, totality, accumulation. 5) swarm [of bees.] 6) equipment. 7) prerequisites, conditions... [tse] [IW]

multitude/ gathering/ host; isc. legions [of protectors], hordes [of demons] [RB]

1) dwangs snyigs 'byed pa! [sense 'tshag!]; 2) Phung po [heap, skandhas], lus po [body] [ru tshogs,//sde tshogs,//'das pa'i lo tshogs de gnyis bkod,//thob nor rim par brtsegs pa'i tshogs]; 2) feast gathering/ offering, ganachakra [rnal 'byor pa dag gis bza' btung gi rdzas rnams bde stong gi ngo bor byin gyis brlabs nas rgyal ba'i dkyil 'khor la mchod cing tshim pa drug ldan gyi ngang du rol ba'i rdzas]; 3) dge ba'i las; 4) [community/ sangha] collection/ gathering/ assembly/ meeting /accumulation/ group; 5) gather, assemble, collect, meet (6) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass (7) a collection of merit, totality, accumulation (8) swarm [of bees.] (9) equipment (10) prerequisites, conditions (12) meal, dinner [p 'tshogs] [IW]

1) dwangs snyigs 'byed pa!; 2) feast gathering/ offering, ganachakra; 3) accumulation/ collection [of good karma]/ merit]; 4) [community/ sangha] collection/ gathering/ assembly/ meeting /accumulation/ group; 5) gather, assemble, collect, meet; 6) multitude, hosts, crowds, mass; 7) totality; 8) swarm [of bees]; 9) equipment; 10) prerequisites, conditions; 12) meal, dinner [p 'tshogs] [IW]

Feast or gathering; means to bring many things together (mang po 'dzom bde ba) [RY]

communal ritual performance [RY]

accumulation. Provisions for the path. See 'two accumulations.' [RY]

[bsangs sbyang] byin gyis brlab pa la thugs gtad par zhu - "Please direct your mind on the consecration, purification and blessing of the feast" [RY]

totality, group-patterns, functional cognitions, patterns, acquisitions, offerings, prerequisites (merits and knowledge), assemble, unite, SA 'tshogs pa, aggregates, collections, mass, accumulation, host, feast, band, bunch, fleet, gang, group, herd, swarm, assemblage, mass, accumulation, multitude, feast offering, past of 'tshogs, tantric offering feast, are present, clusters, aggregation [JV]