Bodhicitta of undivided emptiness and compassion: Difference between revisions

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dkon mchog 'byung gnas - 1) 1 of the {phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas} the buddhas of the ten directions; 2) the Ratnakara Sutra, Jewel Mine Sutra; 3) emptiness and compassion snying rje dang stong nyid [IW]
[[dkon mchog 'byung gnas]] - 1) 1 of the {[[phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas]]} the [[buddhas of the ten directions]]; 2) the Ratnakara Sutra, Jewel Mine Sutra; 3) emptiness and compassion [[snying rje dang stong nyid]] [IW]

stong nyid snying rje dbyer med byang chub kyi sems - Bodhichitta of undivided emptiness and compassion [RY]
[[stong nyid snying rje dbyer med byang chub kyi sems]] - [[Bodhichitta]] of undivided emptiness and compassion [RY]

stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug - unity of emptiness and compassion; the unification of emptiness and compassion [RY]
[[stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug]] - unity of emptiness and compassion; the unification of emptiness and compassion [RY]

stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug - the unity of emptiness and compassion [IW]
[[stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug]] - the unity of emptiness and compassion [IW]

stong nyid snying rje'i snying po can - the essence of emptiness and compassion, the essential emptiness-compassion, emptiness having the nature of compassion [IW]
[[stong nyid snying rje'i snying po can]] - the essence of emptiness and compassion, the essential emptiness-compassion, emptiness having the nature of compassion [IW]

stong nyid snying rje'i lta ba - the view of emptiness and compassion/ empty compassion [IW]
[[stong nyid snying rje'i lta ba]] - the view of emptiness and compassion/ empty compassion [IW]

stong snying rje zung 'jug - the unity of emptiness and compassion [RY]
[[stong snying rje zung 'jug]] - the unity of emptiness and compassion [RY]

rdor sems - 1) Abbr. of {rdo rje sems dpa'}; Vajra-being. 2) vajra being; as synonym for sugata essence. Vajra-being is the unity of emptiness and compassion and the inseparability of emptiness and bliss [RY]
[[rdor sems]] - 1) Abbr. of {[[rdo rje sems dpa']]}; Vajra-being. 2) vajra being; as synonym for [[sugata essence]]. Vajra-being is the unity of emptiness and compassion and the inseparability of [[emptiness]] and [[bliss]] [RY]

nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje - the inner teacher who is emptiness and compassion [RY]
[[nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje]] - the inner teacher who is emptiness and compassion [RY]

nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje - the inner teacher's emptiness and compassion [IW]
[[nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje]] - the inner teacher's emptiness and compassion [IW]
[[Category: Key Terms]] [[Category: Mahayana]] [[Category: Sutra]] [[Category: Vajrayana]] [[Category: Teachings]] [[Category: Dzogchen]]

Revision as of 20:52, 12 March 2006

dkon mchog 'byung gnas - 1) 1 of the {phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas} the buddhas of the ten directions; 2) the Ratnakara Sutra, Jewel Mine Sutra; 3) emptiness and compassion snying rje dang stong nyid [IW]

stong nyid snying rje dbyer med byang chub kyi sems - Bodhichitta of undivided emptiness and compassion [RY]

stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug - unity of emptiness and compassion; the unification of emptiness and compassion [RY]

stong nyid snying rje zung 'jug - the unity of emptiness and compassion [IW]

stong nyid snying rje'i snying po can - the essence of emptiness and compassion, the essential emptiness-compassion, emptiness having the nature of compassion [IW]

stong nyid snying rje'i lta ba - the view of emptiness and compassion/ empty compassion [IW]

stong snying rje zung 'jug - the unity of emptiness and compassion [RY]

rdor sems - 1) Abbr. of {rdo rje sems dpa'}; Vajra-being. 2) vajra being; as synonym for sugata essence. Vajra-being is the unity of emptiness and compassion and the inseparability of emptiness and bliss [RY]

nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje - the inner teacher who is emptiness and compassion [RY]

nang gi yongs 'dzin stong nyid snying rje - the inner teacher's emptiness and compassion [IW]